Python Scripting to format data
Hey guys, I got this script for doing a format, but I get an error that I can't reconcile. The error states that The Method Takes only one Argument. I've looked for the ValueMap function in the API docs but can't find it. Does anything look out of the ordinary for this script? CODEdef formatPhoneNumber(input, context): #…
Traffic Shaping Question in LoadTest Tools
Hey guys. Is there a way to apply the global Hits/sec or Num of Users traffice schedulintg to individual test cases? Running test cases within test suites (folders) concurrently is a good thing, but i want to be able to ensure that each test case I run executes for either the time allotted or the number of requests…
Write File tool for written record of tests
Hey guys I've been experimenting with the write file tool to keep a record of requests as a data export strategy. It's just easier to upload request/response data to my issue tracking software from an already written file instead of mme being a human database. Finding the test in my test suite clicking the traffice viewer,…
Question about coverage metric scc and mc/dc
I think when simple condition coverage(scc) reaches 100%, then the mc/dc will also be 100%, is this correct? if this is not true, does anyone have some code snapshots to illustrate? thanks.
Suppression messages
How can I get a listing of all the suppression messages for a particular project's analysis? I can display the list of suppression messages, but I can find a way to generate a report. I can't even copy/paste the messages into another Windows program. Are these suppression messages stored in a file somewhere?
Hi, I've tired to parameterize (for instance player_names) using the table form under "add new data source" by adding in different names. However when I tired running the path, apparantly only the first name was created in the website. Will be glad if anyone can clarify me on this. Thanks !
Business Data Testing
Business Data TestingHi, I was wondering if there was a way of specifying exact return values from a webservice, to determine whether the test failed or passed. For example, there is a webservice which performs a calculation on an integer (it squares the input value), and I want to have a Test Case where I set the input…
jtestcli with team config
I am trying to use jtestcli with a config that use team like this: D: \Jtest7.5>jtestcli -config "team://My Team Code Rules" -nobuild -showdetails -report "D:\Jtest7.5\reports\report.xml" -data "D:\code\src" jtestcli: Version 7.5.43 -- Copyright © 2003-2005 Parasoft Corporation jtestcli: Bad configuration URL: team://My…
Jtest and Rational Test Manager
Does Jtest have an integration to Rational Test Manager? Thanks
standards supported by web KingHi , i just want to findout whether webking is supporting updated IBM Standards. because i found few differences while testing in WebKing and manual testing. Please let me know if you have any answer for this. Thanks and Regards, padmasri
Latest patch
Cant download latest patchTried to download the latest patch but the link is broken This is what it's trying to goto... http://webking.parasoft.com/sp/aaa-sp-webking-5-1.jar Thanks
Test paths in a Test Suite
Question, how to.Greetings We are trying to use Test Suites to apply a login Test Path once and a Load oriented Test Path many times (we want to stress a pecific function of the system, not the login). The problem is that we only find tools to add to the Test Suite, ?How do we add the Test Paths? Daniel Sol, ITWeb
counting web pages in a given site
hi to all , i want a program for counting number of web pages present in a given site for example : number of pages in google etc in java pls try to analyse this and send the program to my id ie p.padmaja2k1@gmail.com thank u all bye bye
Strange variable and pointer values in debugger with Insure++
In running an insure built executable under the debugger when examining things like READ_UNINIT_MEM errors that insure has reported you may notice '0xdeadbeef' Or '0xefbeadde' (depending on whether you're on a big endian or a little endian machine) in hex the registers This is part of how insure checks for things that are…
Controlling the Content-ID of an attachment
Hi all, My web-service requires the attachment ID to be specified as a parameter inside the SOAP envelope, for defining the different actions to be taken on each attachment. For this I need to be able to define the content-id of a specific attachment, or get the content-ID, and use it as a parameter inside the request. Is…
How to run LoadTest from command prompt?
how to run load tests from cmd prompt?Hi, I am trying to run the Load tests from the command line. (a) created load_script.txt file under the installed directory of SOA Test 4.1 (ie, C:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOA Test\4.1) ( project file (testing.tst) is located at D: \Testing_IIDK-WS\WSDL-Demo folder © I would like to…
Test organization - Testing http and https
Testing http and httpsCan I have a single project file (*.tst) for testing http and https protocols? Or, is it recommnded to have separate files for testing these protocols? Thanks, bmcuser
Can we generate reports for failed test cases?
can we generate reports for failed tc's?I have WSDL Tests , Unit Tests and Load tests in one project (test.tst) file. When I run the Tests , (1) is it possible to generate reports only for failed test cases ? (and not for all the tests cases). Thanks, bmcuser
Writable DataSource has regression control issue
Hey guys. With the help of Greaham we created a test which used a set-up soap client test to create a bunch of values in a writable data source which I then used as an input source for subsequent standard soap client tests. when I attempt to create multiple regression controls via the writable data source,soa test only…
How do I change the rule description in RuleWizard
Change rule description in RuleWizardRight click in the rule area not on any of the elements and select Properties. This will bring up a window from which you can edit the rule description, severity, ID, author, language (C or C++), and the heading.
Checking Links in an InfoCenter
How to deal with eclipse-based material?Would like to use WebKing for finding broken links in an eclipse-based InfoCenter. The IC content files are typically stored as a "plugin", which consists of a) 1 zip file (containing any number of htmls etc. ), b) an xml file (containing the table of contents). The InfoCenter gets…
How to parameterize an excel worksheet ?
Hihi, is there anyone who can help me with this problem which i encountered recently with webking : i'm trying to parameterize the excel worksheet which i've saved as "loginname" for example and under the "Test" on the left panel, after right clicking on it and choosing add data source, i keyed in the name as loginname and…
Scripting Example for SystemTime
Does any one have an example how to script or retrieve systemtime with JYTHON in SOA Test 4.1? -LeapTester
Scripting - random 11 digit number
I have a test for one operation which has one input parameter and it takes 11 digit number. Can you please provide me a testscript which generates any random 11 digit number for input field. Thanks LeapTester
webking 5.1
new error --- nothing in documentseeing new regression error ---- any ideas? ./ChangeExpiredPassword.do -- Post no protocol: ./ChangeExpiredPassword.do thanks
Parameterized not working with Form DropDowns
I have a form that has dropdowns for day month and year but when I try to use parameterized data, the form doesnt submit it. I've tried the 3 interpretation options (Attribute, Display, array indices) but the parameterized data will not be read or posted. Fixed, User Defined, and indexed all work (I tried putting these…
Changing Server location within the same project
Follow these steps to change server location without recreating the project again:Select the Project tabSelect the domain node (the second node in the tree)Make sure the Source tab is selected on the right panelChange the domain in the Web server textbox under this tabRefresh the project
webking 5.1
need new license for webking 5.1??Installed webking 5.1 , I have webking 5.0 licenses on a license server. Unable to connect to license server , do I need new licenses for webking 5.1 . I have updated license server code but do not see webking 5.1 listed thanks James
Integrating a Text Editor with WebKing
Integrating a Text Editor with WebKing The selected text editor is used to edit any CSS, HTML, JavaScript, or ASCII file (unless you specify a different editor for one of these types of files). To integrate a text editor: 1. Open the Preferences panel by clicking the Customize Preferences toolbar button or choosing File>…
Can WebKing Integrate with WebSphere Studio
Application Developer or Eclipse?Integrating with WebSphere Studio Application Developer or Eclipse This topic describes how to integrate WebKing with IBM WebSphere Studio Application Developer 5.0 or 5.1, or Eclipse 2.0 or 2.1. To integrate WebKing and WebSphere Studio or Eclipse: 1. If you have not already done so, close…
Does WebKing support HTAs?
About WebKing support for Hypertext AppsDoes WebKing support Microsoft Hypertext Applications? Webking can access HTAs correctly and run static tests on HTA files. Although WebKing will not be able to record actions taken on the HTA, if the HTA generates http traffic (such as opens a webpage, etc.), WebKing can record…
Receiving "Warning: unable to instrument ..." during compilation
If during compilation you get a message, similar to: Warning: unable to instrument "leakscop.c" (3), compiling original source code
Technical support is available at http://www.parasoft.com/insure_instrumentation_failure This message means that this source file will not be instrumented. The cause could be any of:* A…
WebBox- a web interface to control and run WebKing
tests.Control and run WebKing tests through a Web browser Interface WebBox is a web interface to control and run WebKing tests. It starts a Tomcat Web server on the machine that runs WebBox and the control interface can is accessible to other machines within the network. Advantages of using WebBox: 1. WebBox control is…
How to parameterize a path URL (not a form)
using a datasourceThe following are the steps to make a direct request to a url, and parameterize that URL with values from a datasource. Note, these steps assume you have already added a datasource to your project. 1) Create a path that leads up to the point where you would like to make a direct request to a parameterized…
How do I specify WebKing's max memory manually?
You can specify the amount of memory WebKing uses with the following techniques: Using a shortcut 1) Create a shortcut of webking.exe 2) Right-click the shortcut and select Properties 3) In the target add -J-mx###m, where ### is the amount of memory you would like WebKing to use So, for example, your target might now look…
Jtest Report Options - What are they?
After running a test using Jest 6, and I press the "Report" button, there is a Report options button. It is looking for a .properties file. I could not locate the description of this file in the online JTest 6 Help documentation and assume differences from a configuration.properties file. Question: What is the content of…
How to ignore dynamic elements such as dates and
sessionID during path creation.When recording a functionality test using a browser, there are three options: 1. Create and Auto-configure Functionality Tests 2. Create Functionality tests 3. Record Only If you choose the first option, it will record the version that the user browsed through. Then it will go through that…
How to run WebKing in commandline mode
Webking can be run from the command line with an argument of ?-cmd? following the wk.exe in command line. For example, go to command prompt under windows. Then go to the directory which webking was installed. Then type ?wk.exe ?cmd?, that will force webking to execute in command line mode. With command line, one can use…
Why can I only have 1000 Virtual Users?
When the amount of users rises over a certain limit, the performance of the computer, and all the runs, begins to dimish greatly. WebKing gets around this problem by distributing the load over several computers on the network. WebKing can be run as a Load Test Server on several machines. With these Load Test Servers,…
Why are popups not being recorded?
WebKing uses Internet Explorer while recording paths. If Internet Explorer has popup blocker turned on, then the popups will not happen in the browser while you are recording, and WebKing will not record them to replay later. The same thing will also happen if your browser has a toolbar installed that has a popup blocker…
How do I use paths while Load Testing?
* 1. Right-click on the "Virtual User Profiles" folder in the Load Testing window and click "New Profile" * 2. Select the "Name" textbox at the top of the profile window and change to name to something descriptive. * 3. In the New Profile select the button "Fixed Path". A new tab should appear with a list of the paths in…
How do I download the latest WebKing updates.
How to Update WebKing Between Releases WebKing updates are organized into Service Packs. Service Pack Downloads and Instructions are available from WebKing Resources Page. Be sure your version of WebKing coressponds to correct the Service Pack. If you have any questions about Service Packs please email WebKing Support at:…
Understanding Load Test Report Terms
The following are terms used in load test reporting Requests: The number of total number of requests for each page. Successful hits: The number of successful hits. WebKing defines successful hits as hits that resulted in an HTTP status code below 400; it defines unsuccessful hits as hits that resulted in an HTTP status…
Getting summaries from programs that don't exit
If you have a program that runs perpetually i.e client/server application daemon, service or something similar to any of these. You will typically not get a summary from insure because insure does not create the summaries until after exit has been called. There are couple of things that can be done about this 1. you can…
How to know my server crashed during load test
There are several cues from the load test reports that could indicate a server crash during load test. One is if the histogram shows positive number of requests for only a fraction of the set period, which could mean that the server went down after the shown period. Another place to look at is the Check Link report. That…
About SIGSEGV segmentation fault
seg fault when compiling with insureWhen running my program it gives a segmentation fault if it is compiled with insure, but if not compiled with insure, it doesn't. The only change between the Insure build and the non-Insure build is the word "insure" before the g++ statement. If it's a genuine seg fault scenario, can you…
Getting an assertion failure when instrumenting takes a large amount of memory
The application I am instrumenting allocates large amounts of memory, so much that it exceeds the default 256M heap limit imposed by AIX 5's libc, so I have to compile the application with -Wl,-bmaxdata:0x80000000. When running under insure, the program runs for a while and allocates approx 168M before it crashes with the…
* How to return valid xml to an xml databank from JS
Using a Javascript method, how do I return valid XML to a chained XML Data Bank? Attempting to return a string value from Javascript results in: Tool "XML Data Bank" did not accept output from method "Method" Can this be done within the JavaScript method AND/OR in the UI through a chained tool? Python allows the use of:…
Insra redirection to another machine
We are using insure-compiled binaries on various embedded products (real target x86 machines and simulated targets using User-Mode Linux). Insure works fine using stdout or a file as argument to insure++.reportfile. The target machines does not have any xserver, so its not possible to run insra on the target. Is it…
new base project url same regressionI have a project setup (http://xxx.xxxx.com) now with regression tests and test setup. I now have a new project to test with the only difference is the base URL (http://yyy.yyyy.com) all regression and test are the same. Is there a way migrate my test to the new URL with out starting…