Function templates
Hello, I am having difficulty matching code patterns involving function templates using the rule wizard. It seems that context a(b) does not work when "a" is function template. Here is the template: template <typename object> void ptr_remove(const object*& to_remove) { if(to_remove != NULL) delete to_remove; to_remove =…
Test Suite Reference
I noticed the menu option File->Add Test->Test Suite->Import. What is the best way to use this? Can test suites imported by reference be used to share method tool scripts without making extra copies of them in the new project? Mark
Dynamic data - scripting and auto
Is there a way to control the automatic generation of data for a field in a test case? How exactly does the "Auto" option work? I would like to randomize the end of a string example: user101, user205, user500 ... I don't want to list them manually in a table ... Also, I have a field which I would like to auto generate, but…
Relative Path and External Tool
Persist as relative path optionIs there a way to make the external tool a relative path? If not, can that be added in?
HTTP Get and Post requests with SOAtest
HTTP Get and Post requests with SOA TestJust wondering, If we can send HTTP Get/Post requests with SOA Test and receive the response back ? Or SOA test works only with SOAP requests ?
Could not make connection error - Call Back URL
Hi Cpark, 1) I have just started learning SOATest. I went thru the client testing topic on Tutorial and when i tried running emulated client, i got the following error 'Could not make connection: Connection timed out: connect:. What does it mean? How to get rid of this problem. 2) What is an call back url? As i am a newbie…
help me
about webkingI want to know. how i can use asp or jsp make webking auto read url and report a file with *Txt about error. thank everyone. My English is not good.
Reading parameters form a file
Reading parameters form a fileMy requirement is to execute test suites against multile EndPoints with different SOAP headers. Can SOA Test read "EndPoint" or "WSDL URI" or "SOAP Headers" form a flat-file ?
search and replace
Hi, The search and replace function seems not working for the target directory in the return value under the traffic object created via method. The result is no occurance found. Here is structure: test suite (name) response --> xml data bank traffic object --> traffic viewer traffic object -->(function name) return value…
Unable to open TCM Files
Unable to open TCM FilesI am running WebKing version 5.5 (Build date July 07, 2006). I have two problems currently. The first is I uploaded a rules file to our TCM server. Now I can not find any place in the tool to select the rules file. The online help states: Users of TCM can open WebKing projects, rules, and rules sets…
WebKing Accessibility Testing In a Group
WebKing Accessibility Testing In a GroupWe would like to use WebKing for accessibility testing for our group. We currently use JTest against any new files being checked into source control. We would like to do the same thing with WebKing for all modified JSP files being checked in. With JTest we can define the rules etc.…
READ_DANGLING in C++ destructor
I have seen that several times I will receive a READ_DANGLING inside of a destructor while accessing class member variables. Is Insure++ marking the memory as deallocated as soon as it hits operator delete() but prior to the actual destructor call?
Unexpected paths?
Unexpected paths?What, by definition, are 'unexpected paths' ? From what I can tell, the manual does not say. I am speculating that, in the case of an if () {} else {} construct, the 'if' path is the 'expected' one and the 'else' path is the unexpected one. Is this the case? If so, where does this terminology come from?
C++ Test Data Source Generation Issue
C++ Test Data Source Generation IssueWhat headings do I need to use in a CSV file to enable setting of Buffer[0], Buffer[1], etc. for the following function: unsigned char CalculateChecksum(unsigned char *Buffer,unsigned char Length).
HTML report's graphics from command line
how to?Greetings We have been using the command line invocation of Load Tests for some time, and the HTML reports are very useful, yet they seem to have a limitation. When in GUI you view a HTML report the graphics to generate appear in an intermediate form, where you choose how many graphs to include and what parameters…
HTML report's graphics from command line
how to?Greetings We have been using the command line invocation of Load Tests for some time, and the HTML reports are very useful, yet they seem to have a limitation. When in GUI you view a HTML report the graphics to generate appear in an intermediate form, where you choose hoy many graphs to include and what parameters…
Test Flow Logic Question
Hey guys I have a test case which I use 3 calls to succeed. 2 calls to obtain information and store certain output in an XML Databank and the third is the service under test. The service under test has a datasource of accounts which it rifles through. What I need to do is create a test flow which forces the Service Under…
Total Response Time in Reports
Question on this parameterGreetings We have been looking for some information on the Help and documentation wothout luck, the question is: ?What does Total Response Time represents? (or how is it caculated). We thought it shuld be the sum of the Response times for the elements of a page, and in static elements it seem ok…
Regarding Parasoft BPEL Engine & WS-security
Hi All, I am new to the Parasoft ,so I want to ask one very basic question, I am using JWSDP 2.0.Actually I like to invoke couple of secure services running on seperate server.These services are using WS-security.So I am just wondering whether Parasoft BPEL Maestro Engine can use JWSDP,as our secure services are using…
Conformance Report
I am trying to figure out how to share a WSDL ws-i conformance report but it seems that the XSL files and other links in the report are hardcoded for my machine. Is there a way to send the report to someone or to download it as a unit with the XSL and links as relative paths to the report itself?
Parameterizing within collections?
is parameterizing a word?Hey folks - first post here... go easy on me... I'm in the process of setting up my first set of parameterized tests in SOATest, using the SOAP Client in Form XML mode/view. My question pertains to stuffing data into an element within a collection - primarily, how is it accomplished and persisted…
Simple JavaScript scripting example - Random Number
I have tried to make a JS-script, but I find it difficult, ref. FAQ Question 15 (p.414) in the User's Guide. 1) Is the description of this FAQ Question updated according to version 4.5 of SOAtest? I have problems to understand the explanation. 2) Is it possible to make a small example in JavaScript (there are few examples…
Reports - Test count without execution
Is there a way to acquire a count of the individual tests in a specified directory (not test files or suites, but tests inside the suites)? This is for planning purposes so we can estimate effort required to update the tests based on infrastructure/architecture updates. Richard
Support for Sun Studio 11 with Insure++
Insure for Sun Studio 11Could you please let me know if your latest version of the insure++ works with sun studio 11 (Solaris 2.8)
Scripting input field data
Hi there, I would like to know if it is possible to add codes to dynamically define the value of an input field. For example, if I need to perform a boundary test for a date field that allows to be post dated up to 90 days. Instead of inputting a fixed date, and that cannot be regression tested in the future (as the date…
Change XML format for SOAP messages
Is there a way to change how the XML for a soap message is created? For example, is there a way to change what namespaces are assigned to elements? I know this can be done in Literal View, or Form XML, or even scripted XML, but I am hoping there is a more global method. When I use Form Input and add a header for…
Questions about Ignoring
Few questions regarding the ignore feature. 1) How would I ignore something that webking hasn't seen a difference in yet, for example a date? Right now I have to wait and test every day, month and year before webking will see a difference and allow me to ignore them. Here's the html code, notice that the snippet…
What is endpoint of a client (from SOAtest)
If you look into the right habd GUI of any client in SOAtest project, we will see the endpoint with radio button option "Default", "CUstom" and "UDDI service key". whenever new client created in SOAtest the endpoint is same as url specified to create client. Could you provide more details on this how I can use this feature…
Can you save a project's URLs to a csv file?
Saving project URLs to csv fileI just want to simply create a csv file from a projects URLs...is this possible? I know that once you run a test and you right click on the results window, you can save to a csv but I want a way to capture the complete list of URLs in a csv.
Penetration Testing
Webking and Penetration TestingHow could one go about using Webking to perform penetration testing? With the new regulations requiring penetration testing on all sites that transact using Visa or Mastercard by June 30, I'd like to know how to go about using Webking to do it for me. Thanks! PJM
Error while checking industry webstandards
Unknown attribute in BODY: oncontextmenuhi, i am trying to test my application coding for industry standards complience. i got an error saying "Unknown attribute in BODY: oncontextmenu". but, i want this feature to be there in my screens. how can i get this done. Is there any other alternate method to achive this in html…
Command Line Load Test
How to run it this way.Greetings We are trying to run some Virtual User Load Test in the command line mode, the test already works well in the grphic mode, but when we try to call it from the command line it doesn't do a thing. the script we are using is: echotime open .\Agenda\Agenda.wkj #refresh echotime loadtest -report…
Python Scripting to format data
Hey guys, I got this script for doing a format, but I get an error that I can't reconcile. The error states that The Method Takes only one Argument. I've looked for the ValueMap function in the API docs but can't find it. Does anything look out of the ordinary for this script? CODEdef formatPhoneNumber(input, context): #…
Traffic Shaping Question in LoadTest Tools
Hey guys. Is there a way to apply the global Hits/sec or Num of Users traffice schedulintg to individual test cases? Running test cases within test suites (folders) concurrently is a good thing, but i want to be able to ensure that each test case I run executes for either the time allotted or the number of requests…
Write File tool for written record of tests
Hey guys I've been experimenting with the write file tool to keep a record of requests as a data export strategy. It's just easier to upload request/response data to my issue tracking software from an already written file instead of mme being a human database. Finding the test in my test suite clicking the traffice viewer,…
Question about coverage metric scc and mc/dc
I think when simple condition coverage(scc) reaches 100%, then the mc/dc will also be 100%, is this correct? if this is not true, does anyone have some code snapshots to illustrate? thanks.
Suppression messages
How can I get a listing of all the suppression messages for a particular project's analysis? I can display the list of suppression messages, but I can find a way to generate a report. I can't even copy/paste the messages into another Windows program. Are these suppression messages stored in a file somewhere?
Hi, I've tired to parameterize (for instance player_names) using the table form under "add new data source" by adding in different names. However when I tired running the path, apparantly only the first name was created in the website. Will be glad if anyone can clarify me on this. Thanks !
Business Data Testing
Business Data TestingHi, I was wondering if there was a way of specifying exact return values from a webservice, to determine whether the test failed or passed. For example, there is a webservice which performs a calculation on an integer (it squares the input value), and I want to have a Test Case where I set the input…
jtestcli with team config
I am trying to use jtestcli with a config that use team like this: D: \Jtest7.5>jtestcli -config "team://My Team Code Rules" -nobuild -showdetails -report "D:\Jtest7.5\reports\report.xml" -data "D:\code\src" jtestcli: Version 7.5.43 -- Copyright © 2003-2005 Parasoft Corporation jtestcli: Bad configuration URL: team://My…
Jtest and Rational Test Manager
Does Jtest have an integration to Rational Test Manager? Thanks
standards supported by web KingHi , i just want to findout whether webking is supporting updated IBM Standards. because i found few differences while testing in WebKing and manual testing. Please let me know if you have any answer for this. Thanks and Regards, padmasri
Latest patch
Cant download latest patchTried to download the latest patch but the link is broken This is what it's trying to goto... http://webking.parasoft.com/sp/aaa-sp-webking-5-1.jar Thanks
Test paths in a Test Suite
Question, how to.Greetings We are trying to use Test Suites to apply a login Test Path once and a Load oriented Test Path many times (we want to stress a pecific function of the system, not the login). The problem is that we only find tools to add to the Test Suite, ?How do we add the Test Paths? Daniel Sol, ITWeb
counting web pages in a given site
hi to all , i want a program for counting number of web pages present in a given site for example : number of pages in google etc in java pls try to analyse this and send the program to my id ie p.padmaja2k1@gmail.com thank u all bye bye
Strange variable and pointer values in debugger with Insure++
In running an insure built executable under the debugger when examining things like READ_UNINIT_MEM errors that insure has reported you may notice '0xdeadbeef' Or '0xefbeadde' (depending on whether you're on a big endian or a little endian machine) in hex the registers This is part of how insure checks for things that are…
Controlling the Content-ID of an attachment
Hi all, My web-service requires the attachment ID to be specified as a parameter inside the SOAP envelope, for defining the different actions to be taken on each attachment. For this I need to be able to define the content-id of a specific attachment, or get the content-ID, and use it as a parameter inside the request. Is…
How to run LoadTest from command prompt?
how to run load tests from cmd prompt?Hi, I am trying to run the Load tests from the command line. (a) created load_script.txt file under the installed directory of SOA Test 4.1 (ie, C:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOA Test\4.1) ( project file (testing.tst) is located at D: \Testing_IIDK-WS\WSDL-Demo folder © I would like to…
Test organization - Testing http and https
Testing http and httpsCan I have a single project file (*.tst) for testing http and https protocols? Or, is it recommnded to have separate files for testing these protocols? Thanks, bmcuser
Can we generate reports for failed test cases?
can we generate reports for failed tc's?I have WSDL Tests , Unit Tests and Load tests in one project (test.tst) file. When I run the Tests , (1) is it possible to generate reports only for failed test cases ? (and not for all the tests cases). Thanks, bmcuser