Response -> XML Validator errors...what to do?
Good Day, I am working on a test that regularly fails a chained step "Response SOAP Envelope -> XML Validator". Here are the details of the step: simple add method with a large record chained output to Response SOAP Envelope -> Added Or Validated Correctly chained output to Response SOAP Envelope -> XML Validator chained…
Logging soap response during LoadTest errors
Is there a way to log soap responses on error during load test? We are currently running load tests and some of our responses fail validation. It would be really helpful to be able to look at these specific responses during load test. How can we do this? Thanks Shaharyar Khan
Scenario or Suite?
How Do I Choose?How does one select to add a test scenario as opposed to adding a test suite? I have groups that appear completely random! Thank you!
Extreme Load testing
There may be times when the responses received for a load test may be in the region on 15MB, just due to the test you are running. Because of the Java heap size limitation on Windows, this may restrict the number of virtual users that can be used for this load test before an out of memory error occurs. There are several…
C++Test Rule for indentation
Checking indentation level for public/protected/private & switch cHi all, Does anybody have a C++Test rule to check the indentation level of public/protected/private keywords and switch cases? Our coding standard requires these to be in the following form: CODEclass MyClass { public: int foo(int x); protected: private: int…
Stepped process doesn't result in HTML 4.01 transitional compliant
How come when I follow the stepped process advocated by ParaSoft, after remediating anything called out, I still don't end up with a page that is compliant with the DOCTYPE specified at the top of my page? From an accessibility testing perspective, I need my pages to validate against the DTD specified, and yet there is no…
Test Suite Variables
hi, In order to use a test variable that I've defined in my Seenario do I always have to create a method and bind an XML Databank to it in order to use that variable in an assertion? I created a stirng test variable that I'd like to use in my test in a Reqular Expression assertion..... Robert
File parsing in a stress environment
I am doing a bunch of HTTP tests and trying to get SOA working as a pure HTTP client. I want to run my .tst file in multiuser scenario. Here is the description of what I am trying to test. When a HTTP request receives the response , I want to examine the response for some pre-defined patterns. Let us say that my approach…
Local pathnames in the .parasoft file.
Sharing projects and test assets through source control requires checking in a .parasoft file (if present) among others, but sometimes it contains local pathnames. For a number of technical reasons, when updating that .parasoft file, C++test will dump all (internally registered) properties (with their default values, which…
Response time is not appeared in graph at the running LoadTest
Response time is not appeared in grah at the running loadHi, I would like to measure min. max. and avarage response time for my positive test. These three time are setting in the ProjectConfiguration tab at the Monitors/Windows/localhost. When I started my load test running with one or more virtual users, SOAtest does not…
Assert on an attribute from compressed XML response
Hello, My service is a SOAP Service which takes REST request in attachment and returns REST response in attachment. The returned response is a CompressedXML. Now, I wanted to use assertors to assert on attributes returned in that response. How do I configure that? The assertors (String compare, Value, occurance) doesn't…
Webking - RAD integration
Last time I heard about Webking-RAD integration was that it will be available by end of this year. Any idea when it will be available? Basically I want to run webking from the RAD.
Does WebKing support Modal Windows?
About WebKing support for Modal WindowsAbout WebKing support for Modal Windows WebKing can be used to perform tests on paths that include Modal Windows, the only limitation that WebKing has is that the recording of the path through the browser does not pick up what happens in the modal windows. So for functional tests that…
Parsing comment with RuleWizard
Hi, One of our organizational rules state that the file name shall be included in a Doxygen style comment, like the following: /** * @file filename.ext * * file_description */ I have created the rule to verify everything until the name of the file, however I wasn't able to check if the added filename.ext in Doxygen comment…
Auto Populating and Parameterizing Elements with Data Source Values
How to auto populate fields with parameterized fieldsUnder SOAtest 5.5.2 it is possible to automatically populate fields with datasource values, based on the datasource column names. This feature now allows you to specify what shold happen when items are NILable, or if there are multiple instances of that field. Please…
Getting name of current scenario that method tool is running in
I need the ability to get the name of the test suite/scenario that the current method tool is running in. For example Say I have a setup test that starts a timer for a scenario and stores it in the context. I then have a tear down test for that scenario that gets the timer from the context and returns the total…
XML Compare and Style Sheets
Style sheets being used?Hi, If I create a XSLT to sort my responses, does the XML Compare utilize the Style sheet? Robert
Validations for response traffic in SOAP attachment
Hello, My application/service uses REST and SOAP where REST request is sent as SOAP attachment and REST response is received as an attachment. I wanted to add validations/method that performs verifications on that REST response which comes as SOAP attachment. Also, I would like to extract some fields from that attachment…
Using Dates & Times
Hi, I'm having some difficulty using a Method to provide input to a Reqest via a Form XML window. I'm using the getTime() funciton that was posted on your forum as well as using examples from other folks: **** Code **** from java.util import * from java.text import * def getTime(): # Get an instance of the calendar…
How to use the conditional assertion namely IF... ELSE in SOAtest?
Dear Sir, In output XML, choose SOAP envelop -> XML Assertor. Now, for this, select compound Assertions. It has AND. OR & Conditional assertions. Choose conditional assertion. Then, add String & Numeric assertions. Then, group them under Conditional assertion. Now, Conditional assertion has IF and THEN. But, i need to have…
WebKing Root Cetificate
Webking errorHi does anybody know what this error means "The WebKing root Certificate authority is not installed" Only one user is getting this error and happens on any pc that she signs into. It then reoccurs if any users uses that pc. Any ideas???
Customizing WebKing to check specific link errors
Hi - I can't seem to find this question in the FAQs (it might be there, I just can't find it). I created a test page and put intentional errors in it. I need to run a check that looks for src="//www. I selected tools > customize > check links and added Contains: src="//www but when I run my check it doesn't find the error.…
Controlling Scenario with a loopQuick question: I’d like to have a loop that controls how many times a Scenario runs. I need to do something like this: While notDone Test 1: IntA Baseline test Test 2: IntB Baseline test Compare XML – Compare results from test 1 & 2 and sets notDone = false when XML’s match While end The…
wk.exe browser session termination
We are using wk.exe to automate web app testing. Our web app uses a session cookie, which ends the session when the browser is closed. We would like one test/project to login to the web app and not close that browser session. Additional tests/projects need to run in the logged-in browser session. This works with the GUI,…
XML Assertor / Method Assertion
Is there any documentation on the XML Assertor / Method Assertion? I have an environment variable that contains a string like "M8015S12345". The XML returned from my web service returns two elements <MODEL>8015</MODEL> and <SERIAL>12345</SERIAL>. I need to find a way to compare the first numerical part of my variable to…
Test Delay vs. Maximum number of loops
Interesting dilemma. I have a test scenario that calls a service located on two different servers. The service generates keys in numerical order. Each test should call the service 100 times. The follow-on test (on the alternate server) should not start until the previous 100 calls have completed. If the testing were done…
How do I create a path for functional tests involving modal windows?
Hi, we just started using WebKing and I'm having problems with testing a modal window (choose file dialog) in our java web application. WebKing does not record the actions in this modal window nor does it detect the window. Could you please outline for me the steps I have to perform to create the path that would allow me…
Rational Application Developer - Webking Integration
We are using Rational Application Developer as our IDE, which is Eclipse based and we use Webking separately to do Accessibility testing. Is it possible to integrate Webking into Rational Application Developer, so the webking takes care of the acceesibility testing as projects are developed. I see the webking has option to…
Choosing Accessibility Rules
Question regarding choosing of test rulesHello All, I am new to WebKing, so my question may be naive. I was wondering if there was any way to select which accessibility rules are tested. I would like to eliminate some of the more minor infractions while testing. Thanks, Frank DiPalermo
Excel sheet problem
Dear SOATest Support Team, I have a problem with the excel datasource. I'm trying to set a little bit large excel file, and SoaTest can't read it. I enclose the file could you check it? Thank You. Best Regards, Norbert
Parameterized XPath values?
Hi, Is there a way in SOATest 5.5.2, SP4 to use parameterized XPath values in XML Data Bank, XMLTransformer etc. tools? It did not worked for me, but maybe my syntax was wrong (I used the usual $[VARIABLE_NAME] pattern) Andras
Error Message when Running WS-I Interoperability
Hi, I am new to SOATest. I upload a WSDL and created the recommended 4 WSDL tests. I got this error message on the 3rd test - Test 3: WS-I Interoperability The reference to entity "WSDLs" must end with the ';' delimiter. Is there a reference guide on how these error messages are generated? The Developer has no idea what…
Search Tool vs Validation
1. What is the difference between a Search Tool and Validation? An example as to where I'm having an issue is when testing a certain page to load. I am looking for a certain Status to appear on the page. Could I use both and what is the preferred method? 2. Can a Search Tool be applied to a particular Test within a…
XPath and price filter
Hi all, There is any way to insert an price filter (like "/bookstore/book[price>35]/price") in the XPAth above? /*[local-name(.)="Envelope" and namespace-uri(.)="http://.../"] /*[local-name(.)="Body" and namespace-uri(.)="http://.../"] /*[local-name(.)="response" and namespace-uri(.)="http://..."] /*[local-name(.)="price"…
VS 2005 SP 1 prevents insdevenv from working
Visual Studio 2005 Service Pack 1 contains a bug that prevents any add-ins from loading for command line builds. This bug will prevent insdevenv.bat from instrumenting such builds. The problem is documented by Microsoft: http://support.microsoft.com/kb/934517 To get insdevenv.bat working, you can either: (a) uninstall…
JAR file and Method tool problem
Hi all, I'm having a strange problem with my jar files and the Method tool. After put the class name into Project Configuration, the "Method" list became blank, and I not able to select any class method. I tryed to compile the classes with many different encodings, but didnt got any progress. Thanks, Douglas.
Importing the random package in python 2.5
Group I am trying to import and use the Random module within Python and am having a hard time getting SOATest to properly use the python method that I have defined. The code is as follows CODE from com.parasoft.api import * from soaptest.api import * from java.util import * from java.lang import * from random import * def…
Reporting questions
Several report questionsHi I have some reporting questions: 1) How can we automatically create a report with every run. Is very tedious to have do this manually by right clicking on the window. 2) How can I give the report a unique name. Username and timestamp will be ideal. 3) How can we make a test not show up in the…
How do I access a XML data bank from a script
Can you give me some sample code for accessing a previously populated XML data bank in a script. Thanks.
object repository
Hi, How to add objects to object repository through programatically and graphically.
SOAtest Logging?
hi, is there a way to switch logging on in SOAtest? It would be helpful to create a detailed log file of the activity of the tools. We are trying to see whats going on with a JMS callback tool. thanks, Jonathan
Error opening Test script
java.io.EOFExceptionHi, I was working on a script on Friday and made some changes-->Saved it. But, today, I am not able to open that script/.tst file. When I try to open, I am seeing error: "java.io.EOFException" in the message window. However, I am able to open and modify other scripts and re-open them without any…
Stub Settings
is it possible to setup a response using the 'if request matches' setting, so that it responds if it does NOT match?
Using SOATest APIs
Looking for an additional testing requirement that we could service just by using Axis (or similar) but if SOATest makes it easier for us with a nice API – I.e. use SOATest APIs as a Façade [GoF Design Patterns]. If SOATest had an API (not the applicaiton automation UI), that simplified the Axis subsystem so that we could…
Issue With Java Class /JAR
I have added a JAR File being used by one of colleagues to my System Properties. When trying to use one of the Classes I am getting a Class not Found in Classpath Error (See Attachment). This class in working on my colleagues machine. Test and JAR also attached
Auto Populating parametized attributes
We're using the populate to map large (and small) tests. I've not been able to find an Xpath that will auto-populate an attribute. e.g. We have an element to ship: <MyDt myattr="true">2008-03-11</MyDt> After a populate with the following fields: Record/MyDt/myattr Record/MyDtXL Record/MyDt The test will populate as…
Silent Install
Does SOAtest support silent install? I got the setup installing silently with commandline switches as far as distributing the binaries, but at the last step it asks whether to install the SOAtest Service. This dialog seems external to the Innosetup exe so I wasn't sure how to get around this dialog.
Null value causes "column is not a valid date"
This may be more of an XML question, but... We have a non-required complexType element within a request message which takes data of type Date with an attribute which takes 'true' or 'false' as a value. As far as our service is concerned, we can pass the equivalent of: CODE<MyDt MyAttr="true"/> However, SOAtest is giving me…
Report naming issue using command line
Hello- I have run across an issue that a couple of previous posters have but, have yet to run across a resolution. I am using the command line feature to run all of our tests in a batch process and have an issue when using %d for reporting - it is printing literal 'd' instead of the date: so, my report is d_ReportName.html…
DB calls
writing to a data sourceI have a sql insert that works fine. I need to capture into a data source the IDENTITY of the entry, to be used later in a test. i need to do this roughly 12 times. What is the best type of data source to do this? $[Ident: MSG_ID] = SELECT SCOPE_IDENTITY() Doesn't work. Can I use more than one data…