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SSL peer ShutDown incorretly

Posts: 1,664 ✭✭
SSL peer ShutDown incorretly
Hi Iam getting SSL peer shut down incorrectly when i am executing SOA test. Any help is appreciated.
Could you elaborate on the situation you're facing? I'm assuming your test scenario requires SSL Authentication. Is it one way or two way SSL? Is the test failing? If so what's the error message? Please provide as much information as possible.
Hi Iam getting SSL peer shut down incorrectly when i am executing SOA test. Any help is appreciated.
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Could you elaborate on the situation you're facing? I'm assuming your test scenario requires SSL Authentication. Is it one way or two way SSL? Is the test failing? If so what's the error message? Please provide as much information as possible.
Hi Iam getting SSL peer shut down incorrectly when i am executing SOA test. Any help is appreciated.
Hi Truong,
Thanks for the reply. My problem finally got resolved. I was posting an XML to https://www.someurl.com where i shoud have posted to http://www.someurl.com using soapclient.0