Query Alternate Message Queue
Hi, we are trying to test an Websphere MQ Server with SOAtest 6. We are sending a message without synchronous response. However after succesfull processing of the message the backend system is putting a message on a different Channel/Queue which we are trying to read for our verification. Is it possible to query a message…
Running external Python
hi, I am trying to run external Python (2.5) in SOA 6.1. The script works fine from command line. I have added Python.Home to Window>Preferences > Scripting > Python > C:\Python25 When trying to run script from SOA, test looks inactive and reports a message "Test was not ready and did not run" Here is the python script:…
Diff tool file comparison
Hi! I'm encountering a problem when using the diff tool for file comparison, hope you can help me out! I have setup my test like this: 1. There is a file data source, each file contains a database query. The database tool component iterates through the data source. Each query results in one or more rows. The output of each…
Compiling and running a JUnit test case
From the Windows command lineFirst, you can generate a JUnit Java file for a test scenario by selecting the test scenario in WebKing and choosing Tools > Generate Unit Test Cases. (You can also generate a JUnit Java file when recording a test scenario.) To compile and run the JUnit class using Java, your classpath will…
x-gzip attachment
Hi, I need to send x-gzip attachment with SOAP client. I can only find "zip" among MIME types. I am not trying to decompress it, only send with a different MIME type, than default one. Is there a way to add x-gzip to SOA 6.1 ? Lech
Signature tests
Anyone know what I need to do to resolve this warning: Key store certificate alias and private key alias/password are required to run signature tests Earnie!
Not able to load WSDL URI in soatest
Hi all, I am using soatest 5.5.2.The problem i am facing is when i load any WSDL URI it is not loading at all and i am not getting any error.when i click on finish it is hanging there itself.I tried running it from command prompt it got an error.Please refer the attachment for the error message. I am using this WSDL…
Object Repository with ANT
Hi, I'm trying out using an Object Repository. I created an object and tried getting the value and printing it. When i run it with JTest, it works fine. But when I try to run it using ANT, I get a "jtest.NoSuchValueException: ". Is using the Object Repository possible with an ANT build? Thanks.
DB Tool output
Does the db tool output always come out as a string? I'm needing the value for a > numeric assertion, but it seems to only be seeing it as text content.
Retrieve output from external tool
If I were to use a command line external tool in SOAtest which writes its output to the DOS prompt, is there a way to capture this output (XML Data Bank, Writable Data Source, etc.) for use in a subsequent test within the same test suite? Currently, we use a similar tool that writes its output to a file and I then use some…
Coding problem with webking.api.browser2.WebBrowser
Performs next action without completely populating the textareaHi, I've recorded a path and generated JUnit testcases using WebKing. Now I'm modifying these JUnit testcases using the WebKing API. Problem Descripotion On my webpage there is a textarea and a Save button. My requirement is to populate this textarea with the…
javax.net.ssl.SSLHandshakeException: no cipher suites in common
Hi, I'm using WebKing 6.0.5 for generating simple JUnit test class that hits a URL with https protocol. e.g. https://localhost:8453/abc/xyz/home The Webking records the https URL and generates the following JUnit code. ------------------------------------JUnit Code Starts ------------------------------------------ import…
Is command line checklinks tool different from GUI?
Is there any reason why a check links test in the GUI would return results and a command line checklinks test wouldn't?* I open the WebKing GUI and be sure to save my Check Links tool preferences. (I assume V6.0 command line invocation still uses the <userid>.wkp preference file when it runs?) * From the WebKing GUI, I…
JMS message sending into a JMS queue
JMS message sending into a JMS queueHi, I would like to know that how can be sent an JMS message into a JMS queue. Because I did not find the appropriate tool in SOAtest. Has SOAtest abality to do this? Could you please send me a sample .tst in which have an example for JMS message sending? Thanks in advance Kevin
WCAG 2.0 Update
Hi Now that W3C have finalised WCAG 2.0, I wish to start testing using WCAG 2, but I have noticed that it could do with updating. Some of the references point to Success Criteria and Techniques that no longer exist. Is there an update rule set? Cheers Ylod
Response is not displayed in XML form
Hi All I am sending a request to get the item details from Database in the schema the item element is defined as string so when the request go to service for get item based on the input fields the service will get all items details from database when i am using Soapui to test i am getting right format, but with SOA test i…
How can we automate "Save Tree As Text"
In command line API, I have'nt found any command which allows to save Project Tree. Is it possible to do so by using scripting API (com.parasoft...) ? If Yes, which package / class can do it ? If No, how can I proceed to automate a Refresh + Save Tree As Text (I have to do it each month for 70 websites) ? Thanks in…
Problem Running SOA Test in Slave machines
Problem Running SOA Test in Slave machinesHi I am using the below mentined version of SOATest SOAtest Version: 5.5.3 (Build date: November 18, 2008) Service Pack Version: 1.0 Copyright © 2001-2008 Parasoft Corporation GRS enabled, Server enabled 1000 Virtual Users Java Version: 1.5.0_11 Although, the SOATest Service is…
Slave machine giving "Foreign SOAtest is busy" message
SOAtest Version: 5.5.3 (Build date: November 18, 2008) Copyright © 2001-2008 Parasoft Corporation GRS enabled, Server enabled 1000 Virtual Users Java Version: 1.5.0_11 I have slave machine defined for the load test with the same SOA test version of load server on Solaris 10 zone. It was working today morning and I was able…
Environment reference does not work on slave machines during LoadTest
SOAtest Version: 5.5.3 (Build date: November 18, 2008) Copyright © 2001-2008 Parasoft Corporation GRS enabled, Server enabled 1000 Virtual Users Java Version: 1.5.0_11 We are using environment file reference rather than importing environment in our tst project. When we run load tests on remote machines, we get error of…
Install WTP for SOAtest plugin version [Pre- 9.x]
Eclipse 3.4.1 You can install WTP either through the Eclipse Update Manager or through a zip file. You will need WTP version 3.0.3 To install WTP through the the Eclipse Update Manager: * From within Eclipse, click on "Help > Software Updates...". Open the "Available Software" tab in the form that appears. * Click on "Add…
How to get .jtest projects to generate elsewhere?
How to get .jtest projects to generateAfter running JTest for a specific project in Eclipse, the .jtest folder is created within my workspace. Is there anyway that I can direct it to generate the files somewhere else? I know that the results can be generated elsewhere, but how can I specify the path that I want the actual…
SOAtest Load Monitor
JMX MonitorWe are currently running java based web services and unfortunately we have not been able to configure our JMX monitor settings correctly. Can someone please let me know how I can add a JMX monitor to my load tests? Particularly what information would I need in order to correctly configure these settings? Thanks,…
Iterate inside an xml envelope
Hello All, I have the following xml file <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <SOAP-ENV:Envelope> <SOAP-ENV:Body> <Request> <UpdateReq> <Operator></Operator> <Data></Data> </UpdateReq> </Request> </SOAP-ENV:Body> </SOAP-ENV:Envelope> and the possible values for my tags are Operator = [Galleti, Diogo, Doudou, Jenna] Data…
Unable to generate security tests for Ajax applications
Hi, I've been trying to get WebKing (v6.0.5) to generate Security tests for an Ajax applications, but had no success so far. Here's an issue I encountered: When I tried creating an Ajax Test Suite (for http://maps.google.com/ for example), with both"Generate Functional Tests" and "Generate Security Tests" checked, right…
Data flow analysis
Does JTest supports DataFlow Analysis ? If yes how we can perform DataFlow analysis?
Providing weights to rows in a datasource
I have a test which is reading multiple rows from an excel sheet based data source. Is there anyway to enforce certain weightage for rows in the excel sheet during load test. For example, I would like to see row 1 from the excel picked up 50% more than row2 during load test. Is there anyone to enforce this? Thanks
How to validate the value in the database
Mentioning the scenarios, faced in our application : 1.The first step is to send a SOAP request to a particular server and getting the Response (here the input is an email id ) 2.Search User step to find whether the user exists ( this is another SOAP request sent to the server) 3.Then to validate the same we are connecting…
How is .TEST different than NUnit?
NUnit provides only a framework for execution of tests that the developer prepared manually. .TEST embraces and extends NUnit to provide automated test case generation. .TEST's execution engine also provides many other important features, such as coverage reporting, automatic error assignment and distribution, tracking of…
Can .TEST test GUI applications?
One of the important aspects of GUI applications is that they have event handlers. .TEST can generate NUnit test cases that have calls to the event handlers. The parameters for these handlers will be set to values that .TEST designs automatically. You may need to modify the parameters in some cases. .TEST ships with…
How does .TEST handle threads? Does it detect thread-related problems?
.TEST ships with some coding standards rules that help in making a multi-threaded program more robust. If you are running NUnit tests with a multi-threaded program, then .TEST handles exceptions thrown by threads other than the main test execution thread to the best extent possible and reports such violations as well.…
Can I test database connectivity with .TEST?
.TEST provides a powerful execution engine. You can use .TEST in the presence of code connecting to databases in different ways. If you prefer, you can connect directly to the database. If you do not want to connect to the database, then you can use the user level stubs feature that .TEST provides to run the tests in…
Are private methods tested as part of the unit testing?
By default, tests are not generate for private methods. However, this setting can be changed in the Test Configuration.
AJAX testing report problem on wrong page.
Me again, We have been creating flows of our eForms, which is in a portal and works very similar to Ajax, so by using the Ajax test suite, it enables us to carry out our accessibility testing. The problem we are having is that when the flow goes to the next page the errors found on that page are recorded against the…
Change global prereferences from command line
Scripted change of Global HTTP Authentication PropertiesHowdy folks, Please can anyone think of a way to change global preferences (specifically the Global HTTP Authentication Properties) via a script (i.e. non-interactively)? The sitution is: We have several related applications, each with its own SOATest suite (i.e.…
JMS Test via SOA
I am unable to set the call back tools for JMS testing. Is there any one can help me how to test JMS via SOA. Thanks in advance. -Shamim
SSL peer ShutDown incorretly
SSL peer ShutDown incorretlyHi Iam getting SSL peer shut down incorrectly when i am executing SOA test. Any help is appreciated.
Parallel execution
Hello, I have a big soa test project with 5 independent test suites. I have 5 machines (servers) that are sitting idle. One option is to set a common endpoint and send the requests to one machine. On the other hand it would be ideal if I could sent 1 test suite to every machine in order to finish the job in the 1/5th of…
Can we send HTML request using SOAtest
One of our services testing scenario includes a call being made to a website using HTML over HTTP. Is there anyway this can be done in SOATest tool? Here is our current product information. SOAtest Version: 5.5.3 (Build date: November 18, 2008) Copyright © 2001-2008 Parasoft Corporation GRS enabled, Server enabled 1000…
Connection to DB using script and verifying all the elements
Hi, Scenarios 1: I want to connect it to DB2 and verify all the response elements through python script. Can any one give me ideas how to do it.
How to create a new ISpell dictionary
to use with Spell ToolHow to create a new ISpell dictionary * Download the zip file attached with this post (ispell.zip) * Unzip the contents to C: This will unzip the source and built executables to C:\ispell * Add C:\ispell\bin\ to your PATH system variable * Get the respective languages .aff and .dic files. This link is…
METRIC.CBO why accepted range is less than 10 ?
Hi, Is there any documentation explain the rationale for choosing the acceptable range values for all Metrics ? The acceptable range for Metric "Coupling between Objects" METRIC.CBO is "less than 10", this seems to be too less in my opinion. The acceptable range for Metric "Fan Out" METRIC.FO is "less than 50" The two…
The request has an attached output, but it is no longer being requeste
How do you resolve this error message?The most usual case when you get that message is when you record a functional test scenario with the "Auto Generate Response Stubs" option turned on in the recording wizard. That option causes stubs to be created for all asynchronous requests seen while recording. The stubs get…
Testing an SOA project - 5 tips ...
The lynchpin of testing web services is the WSDL file. That is the ‘Web Service Definition Language’ file that details the operations available as a web service. Before getting into the usual functional testing it would be wise to set up tests for the following aspects of the WSDL file. 1/ Being written in XML, it has a…
Serial Number Generator
How to generate a series of positive integers?Howdy folks, I'm writing soatest-cases for a set-of-webservices which implement a "logical conversation". I need to pass a unique conversationId (as a soap-header parameter) with each service request. At the moment I'm just choosing a random number between 1 and 10,000,000 for…
Retry Soap Client request
Retrying a web-service request based on a value in the response.We have a requirement to wait an abitrary time for a web-service request to be processed. The scenario is: 1. a requestMap web-service places the request on the JMS queue * A map may take upto 10 minutes to produce. These large requests are queued, so that two…
Using a value from the request to check the response through Asserter
I am trying to verify that certain element in the response has the same text as another element in the corresponding request. Can you please help me understand how this can be done through XML Asserter?
A way to populate with a datasource with 200 fields
Hi folks, I am new to the tool and I have a project where the web service contains over 200 elements. I have the data in xls format for the request and created a data source linking to that file. However, I am wondering if there is a way to auto parametrize the 200 elements fields automatically without having to go in and…
JNDI Configuration HELP PLEASE
JNDI Authentication FailureGreetings... I am trying to use SOATest for it's load testing capabilities at a current client. The primary purpose is to validate the resiliance of a CAA configuration of MQ and ESB 7.6 I have setup a simple test, not using SOAP just Plain Old XML. My initial test will be with my installation of…
How Do I Use a Method Tool to Get Current Value of an Environment
Hi, How do I use a method tool to find out what's the current value for my variable HOST and change it based on a response from a server. For example, I have an Endpoint field http://${HOST}/service. When my SOAP Client hits this URL, the server tells me to go to a different HOST. I'd like to substitue the current HOST…