How to save information from a looping Scenario into a CSV
A helpful tool to store information from a test scenario execution is to use the Write Tool. However, once the test loops, it may be difficult to save that data in an organized way. Using this set up, you will be able to save all the information in a CSV file, which could then even be used in future tests. First thing you…
LoadTest metrics question
Hello, In a Load Test report, there are tables for Request Time ms, Response Time ms and Ping time ms. Is the Ping time supposed to be the combined measurement of Request and Response? If yes, I'm not seeing the values = that equation. If no, what is the relation, if any? Thanks, Dan
Where can I find the Jtest users guide?
The Jtest user's guide can be accessed from 2 locations: 1.) From Jtest/Eclipse UI. From the top menu bar, select "Help > Help Contents", and the jtest users guide will be available from "Contents" pane on the left-hand-side. 2.) From the installation directory of Jtest: <PARASOFT_INSTALL_DIR>/Jtest/9.1/manuals/
Why are unused sockets created during load test?
It happens several times during the test that the tool connects to the server but never sends anything in the socket.
Add reference to Global DB Tool?
I am facing issues while adding a Reference to DB Tool. I am not able to add output to the "Reference to DB Tool". Here are the steps: 1. Created a DB Tool under Global Tool. 2. added xml data bank to this DB tool. 3. Created a new test and added reference of this DB Tool - now i am not able to see Traffic and xml data…
Adding multiple Responses to stub client
while adding multiple responses to stub client, I see that I can add only one element as part of the input. Are there any ways where i can add multiple responses for multiple elements. Thanks, Ash...
How can I deliberately send 'bad' XML
I'm developing a suite of tests against an Enterprise interface. As part of the tests, I need to deliberately send a mal-formed XML message, say one that is missing a ">" on a tag. I'm using SOATest version 9.0. How can a make SOATest send such a badly formed message?
LoadTest report - missing percentile values
Hi, I am using parasoft 9.0 version. When I run a load test, the report doesn't show the percentile values. All the values show up as 0. Is there any option that need check while creating the test ? Thanks
Problem in parameterisation of assertion
Hi, I am using the store wsdl for my project. (http://soatest.parasoft.com/store-01.wsdl ) I was using the getItembyTitle operation where in you mention the itle an dyou get the details of the book. Initially, i gave title as Java and added a XML assertor to asset the id. For assertion I added an excel which contains id…
Install root certificate
Hi , Is it possible to install the SOAtest root certificate after installation of SOAtest . If yes please let me know how I can install that. Thanks
Access incoming request xml in stubs
Hello, We have the below requirement. We are using SOATest as the stub server environment. When a stub is invoked by the webservice client the stub should read a specific value in the request xml (SOAP message) and populate the response element with the request value. How can we implement this intellegence into the Stub?…
How to recover projects in Test Case Explorer after SOAtest crash
While updating test suppressions in a SOAtest project, SOAtest crashed and wiped out all of the projects that had been set up in Test Case Explorer. How do we recover those projects and the configurations that have been applied (e.g. suppressions)? Thanks
Using pfx certificates with Parasoft SOAtest
Adding pfx certificates to the Keystore to access HTTPS web servicesHi, I have a small issue in using pfx certificates with SOAtest. I am trying to test services against https endpoints. I have already followed the documentation about installing certificates and keytool import. But keytool accepts certificates of type…
Restoring License Server Configurations
Should License Server for some reason become corrupt or configured incorrectly beyond reasonable measure, and you have a backup of the License Server configuration files, you can restore License Server back to its original state. As a measure of precaution, please shut down all Concerto services before proceeding to…
Restoring Team Server Test Configurations
In those unlucky circumstances that things go badShould you find yourself with a test configuration stored in Team Server that's either gone missing, corrupt, or badly modified in some way, here's a few simple steps to get you back on your feet again: If you have the desired test configuration files already exported to…
LoadTest Report: Total Time Percentage Columns
If you run a Load Test with the "Record individual hits" option turned on, an additional table with percentiles ranging from 10% to 99% will appear in your Load Test Report and Statistics view. I'd like to explain what these numbers mean. Say we have the following numbers from a sample run: | 99% | 95% | 90% | 70% | 50% |…
Tip: Applying an Iteration Template
Save time adding common Tasks to a new IterationOften times when Project Planning future Iterations (Sprints), there will be a list of common Tasks that need to be added to that Iteration. To fast track the process of creating an Iteration with common Tasks, do the following: 1) Create your new Iteration that you are…
SOAP Response element extract
Hi, From the soap response , how do I extract the only required values and write it separate file . ex: my soap response contains <name> Puneeth </name> <SSN> 143333 </SSN> <age> 24 </age> so here I just want to fetch the ssn and write to output file , rather than writing all details . Thanks.
Queue configuration
Hi I have two source Queues A1 and A2. Also two target Queues B1 and B2. A message is taken from Queue A1 and delivered to Queue B1. At the same time i need the message to be taken from B1 and put into B2. How can i configure SOAtest to achive this step.? Kindly help me with the steps to achive the same Thanks in Advance…
Queues to FTP
Hi Is it possible to read the response from a Queue and put the message to an FTP source. Is there any jar file that could help me achive this Thanks in advance Aadith
MQ feed
Configuring MQsHi I have two MQ managers parameterised. I also have the put queue and the get queue. What i need to do is I want the put queue to be configured to the first MQ manager and the get queue to be configured to the second MQ manager. Is there any way to achive these using SOATest tool. Kindly help me out. Thanks…
How to extract URL from response of one test and launch that URL in a separate window
Launch URL from response in a browserI am trying to grab the data from <sURL> returned from one test and launch a browser with the URL data in SOAtest. The goal is to continue the web functional testing separately. Here's what I have tried so far: Add Output > SOAP Envelope > XML Data Bank > Add XPath Add Output > SOAP…
Question about leak_search [on|off] in .psrc configuration
Insure++ configurationHi We run insure++ for memory leak checking in the following environment: OS : Linux 2.4.21-4.ELsmp #1 SMP Compiler : gcc 3.4.6 Insure++ : 7.1.6 We are confused as to what the option leak_search is doing internally. Having looked at this post http://forums.parasoft.com/lofiversion/index.php/t130.html…
Environment/Global variable substitution into xpath
I have an environmental variable. How can i submit in xpath of an element. For example : Actual xpath is: //tr[td = 1000]/descendant::a[position()=1] Need something like: //tr[td =${CID}]/descendant::a[position()=1]
Environment Variables
How to add environment variables to an Extension Tool TestHi, I have an extension tool task that generates a random value. This random value is formed by a fix value + current date + randomvalue. The fix value is stored as an environment variable, that changes in any environment I would like to add this value to the code,…
Change of Style Architecute :- SOAP to REST
Hi all, I had a query that actually takes in to account change in implementation of Web Services using style architecture. In our current project , the Web Services are implemented using SOAP style architecture. But it may be the case in future when the style of architecture can be shifted to REST based style of…
Automate interaction with Windows dialogs/windows using AutoIt - not needed SOAtest 9.0 and higher
Plus IE modal/modeless dialogs (now handled natively)During recording and playback of functional tests in the browser, SOAtest can handle web applications that create multiple windows. During recording, SOAtest detects the window in which you perform an action (click, type, etc.). SOAtest stores the window information,…
Testing of Microsoft Foundation Services
Hi, I just wanted to know if Parasoft Soatest supports testing of Microsoft Foundation Services with WCF , WWF protocols and LInQs services. If so, where can I find a user manual or guide to do the same? Thanks in advance
Update data into write file through coding?
Hi, I have a scenario where in I have to get values from the response xml of my first operation and set them as input to my second operation. I was thinking of using a writable data source where in I could get the dynamic values and set it as input to second test. Can I use an extension tool to somehow write a code to…
Test File Size Growing
Test files growing without significant changesOne of our team members posted the following to our team forum: Increase in file size of the script.For instance,Cause_ServerTC.tst script's size was 58,260,864 bytes on December 2, 2010 11:56:11 AM I am in process of making all the "Constrain request to WSDL" checked and noted…
Looking for ways to improve SOAtest performance?
Are you looking for ways to improve the performance of SOAtest? Though the next release of SOAtest will have some performance improvements, I've compiled a "checklist" of things that you can do to improve the performance right off the bat (keeping in mind that the recommended system requirements are: At least 1 GB RAM per…
Verification using SOAP Response using external java class
Hi I have requirent where I have to use a SOAP Response parameter say id and use a external JAVA program which takes this id as a parameter and should return PASS or Fail if a SQL query passes using that id parameter . Not getting exactly how to pass a soap reponse value to a external Java Program. Standalone Java program…
Not able to execute Tests from Command prompt
Hi, I tried invoking the soatestcli from the cmd but kept getting the message Error: no license to execute soatestcli. I have the Parasoft Soatest Professional edition license. How can I use soatestcli and run my tests from the command prompt? Thanks A lot
Test Setting
Hi, My question is: Can i set the tests to run at a particular time of the day and a particular number of times? Can I change or customise the test setting ? Thanks a lot!
Stub deployment
Hi, I have created a stub which I will be using instead of the actual web service provider. I am trying to configure the stub to return a particular response, based on the value of a node attribute of the request. However, these conditions are not being evaluated and the stub returns None of the multiple responses XPath…
Parameterize jython for reuse
Hello, I have jython scripts to randomize words from a string as an input. I want to store these scripts, say, at the suite level and parameterize them to use in any .tst file in the suite. How may I do this? Thanks!
SOAtest 9.10 Tutorial - Connection timed out:connect
SOAtest 9.10 Tutorial - Connection timed out:connectI am new to SOAtest and started following the tutorial document to get some hands-on experience at work. However, the error "Connection timed out: connect" comes up when tests are executed. Could this be a firewall issue? Is there a workaround for it? Thanks.
Calling test steps using extension tool
Hi I have a number of rest client steps in my test suite. How do i use the extension tool to call these test steps. Also i want to send values from an external data source to the test step. How do i do it. Should i make any changes in the rest client steps to achive this. Thanks Aadith PS
to view traffic in the reports generated
Hi, I am using Parasoft SOAtest 9.1. As of now, when I generate reports,I can view the number of test cases passed, failed , executed etc. How can I view the request-response traffic in the reports? as in, how do I generate reports that include the request-response traffic? Kindly answer ASAP thanks a ton!
Using Java API calls from SOAtest
Hi, I am working on a project where we need to do some load testing against a third party Java SDK API. I know the method calls, which are just search executes and have some of the Java code to call these methods. However, I am not familar with how to use SOAtest to do some load testing against this third party product.…
Using Quality Center Field value for SOAtest script execution
SOATest 5.5.3 and QC APIHi I am using HP Quality Center10.0 for executing my Parasoft SOATest Script using the Javascript API of SOATest-QC. I wanted to use the value of a field in Quality Center Test Plan Details tab. Basically: I have added a field in Quality Center 10.0 Test Plan -->Details Tab. Field Name is…
Web Service Interface question
Hi, When using the Web Service Interface is there any way to override the active environment in the project? I'm executing SOATest scripts from HP Quality Center using the VAPI-XP interface. Thanks, Brian
Java.lang.OutOfMemory Error
I am getting "Java.lang.OutOfMemory Error" when I am trying to open the .tst file in SOATest 6.2 . My workspace has around 100 projects and inside each project there are 3-4 .tst files . so I feel it might be because of overload in the same workspace .. Please clarify and please suggest the best way to get it done Thanks .
Selecting the correct LoadTest executable
I want to do load test for my web service. I could see 3 options available, 1. Load Test 2. Load Test Server 3. Load Test Service I came to know that first option, Load Test , is uesd to create load tests and run teh same. But what are the other options do? When we need to do them? Can someone please explain this? Thanks…
Global Data Sources
Hi, I have a test cases structure where all my test cases share at least the 90% of the data sources, like Credentials, dates, and other data. Example - Test Suite -- Scenario A {set of Data sources} --- Test Case 1 --- Test Case 2 --- Test Case 3 -- Scenario B {set of Data sources} --- Test Case 1 --- Test Case 2 --- Test…
Easy way to change or set Environment in SOAtest 5.3.3
Hi I use a "standard" environment for all our web services. I reference this environment (.envs) in each service (.tst) and store the single file in source control. The envs file has multiple Environment elements in it for the various development(Dev), test(CERT1,CERT2,STAGE) and production(PROD) systems. I switch between…
Using LD_PRELOAD for a Java executable with Insure++
Hi, I am running insure++ for a java application. Because of the java executable that ignites my application isn't instrumented, i have to add to LD_PRELOAD insure specific libraries in order not to take runtime errors. My LD_PRELOAD looks like this:…
Info need about Stdout and Stdout
Hi , How can I use the stdout and stderr ? , I did not find any information regarding this in the user guide , pl let me know !. Thanks ..
How do I playback a right-click user action in SOAtest?
Hello Everyone, The purpose of this topic is to explain how playback support for a right-click user action can be integrated into web functional scenarios SOAtest. Here are the steps to follow... 1) With SOAtest closed, navigate to the following directories...…
gsoap header generation => wsdl mismatch
Hello, Below are 2 links to other people's issues. What they are experiencing is similar to what is going on for me. Especially the one with: error with several namespaces in the same apache server Re: error with several namespaces in the same apache server http://markmail.org/message/m64hid2mhi6c3h...v+state:results Re:…