SOATest-Can we define environments at project level?
Our team is trying to work in SOATest and checking in our SOATest files into IBM RTC (Rational Team Concert). We are working on different tst files under the same project. But the challenge is we use the same Environment so I was wondering if there is a way to define Environments at the Project level instead of Test Suite…
Testing REST (GET) service that needs Excel and Database data sources
Hi, I have a REST (GET) service that I am trying to test. This REST service needs a value that I have to obtain by running a query from my database. Example of service: https://${HOST}/RESTServices/api/test/${TEST_ID} So I would need to query to get that ${TEST_ID}. I know this can be easily done by using a database data…
SOATest: Use of datasource column names in the XPath editor
I have the below JSON response where I need to assert the statusCode for a particular name and this name is getting fetched from the 'name' column in the excel sheet used as a datasource. JSON response: [ { "clientTypeCode": "IP", "statusCode": "PEND", "statusName": "Pending Approval", "id": 0, "name": "test1" }, {…
Creating a Data Source for a request that contains an array
I have a request that contains an array of account numbers that differs on every request (so it will not always be two account numbers sent), how to i store these values in a excel data source and set up the correlation? Here is the sample request: { "accounts" : [ { "accountNumber" : "55555" }, { "accountNumber" : "66666"…
How to compare SOATest files in Eclipse
We have been using Eclipse to checkin and maintain our SOATest projects and files in IBM RTC. We are facing merge conflicts when more than one person is working on the same .tst file and if we are trying to accept someone's changes. Is there an editor where we can compare the SOATest files ? Because the inbuilt Compare…
How to extract fields from response message and write to file?
Hi. I am executing some tests which require a report to be generated at the end. My test request messages are XML and are parameterized using an Excel input datasource. I'm wondering if SOATest has the following capabilities: * Save request and response messages for each test scenario into a separate file, one for request,…
How to get the report details - test case pass fail count in a script/extension tool
Need to write a custom report so that the results are reported in the consolidated report dashboard . How to retrieve the values for Parasoft SOA test
Shared Map across pva's
I have a requirement to share the data between two pva's. * The first pva responder will generate response. I have to keep/share the data generated in the response * The second pva responder has to access the data generated by the first pva for its response If i m using File I/O facing caching problem. If i would like to…
Iterate the datasource values
I have requirment to read a column - all the rows of an excel data source and send in my response. How to iterate over all the rows and fetch the value in the excel data source. Pl. help
No. Of PVA's in the virtualize Server
Dear All- Is there any limitation on the no. of virtual services(pva's) that should be deployed in the virtualize server/license ?
How to get the report details - test case pass fail count in a script/extension tool
Need to write a custom report so that the results are reported in the consolidated report dashboard . How to retrieve the values for Parasoft SOA test
Where can I find the Advanced "How to Videos"?
I have watched the three simple videos that you get when you get in the confirmation email. But I need to learn more advanced stuff like parameterizing the service etc... Does anyone know where I can find those videos?
calling web service simply shows Test Failed and nothing in "Response" tab
I am fairly new to SoATest and followed the instructions from tutorials. I am using literal xml with full xml request. When I submit the request, all I see is "Test Failed" in the console and nothing in traffic object--> traffic viewer--> response tab. Similar request works fine in SOAPUI
Traffic Viewer does not show the SOAP Response
After successful execution, I see the SOAP Request in the Traffic Viewer but I don't see the corresponding SOAP Response. (SOAtest 9.9 version). For the same SOAP Request, I get the SOAP Response in SOAPSonar tool (We are trying to migrate from SOAPSonar to Parasoft). Can you help me figure out why I don’t see the SOAP…
cpptesttrace --cpptesttraceTraceCommand setting
My build command, under Windows, use several different compilers toolchains (gcc, ARM, Microsoft VS), building several different components at once. I would like to collect traced commands only from particular compiler toolchain using cpptesttrace tool. The cpptesttrace trace/collect data from all toolchains (predefined…
which version of JSON schema is supported
which version of JSON schema is supported
How to read JSON response with JYTHON script.
Hello, I am trying to read JSON response via JYTHON script. h def assertresponse(input, context): value = String(input) #value = input.scannedDate() Application.showMessage(value) The above script will read complete response. 1)I want to know how I can read individual field in response and load the value into a variable.…
Virtualize - How to find my current hits/day
In the new service of parasoft, i like the virtualize community edition, but i dont know how to calculate the 11k hits limit per day, please i like that will explain me with more detail
Virtualize Community Edition
With the release of Virtualize Community Edition below are some frequently asked questions: Please refer to this video for exact instructions on how to obtain and validate your license https://fast.wistia.com/embed/iframe/8c9iur4w0r FAQs * Did not receive a download link * Check your spam folder for email with download…
Parameterization of SOAtest Tests
Hi, I am new to SOA Testing as well as the SOATest tool and hence may be asking a basic question but needed immediate help.I have to run a bunch of tests which are xmls being sent over http.The tool that I am using within SOA Test is 'Messaging Service' which would sent and receive pure xmls. Now , is there a process…
Workspace and project path from script
I need to access files saved to my workspace from Groovy script. How can I get the path to my workspace and project?
Copying files and directories in test setup
I'm a complete dummy in Java. I have service for which I need to setup a file directory structure in the test setup. I thought of using Groovy scripts to copy the files rather than creating batch files. It seems to be an easy task with Apache FileUtils but I can’t figure out how to use it in my Extension script. I tried to…
How to get and set environment variables
Hi, I'm new to SOATest and finding it very difficult to get started. Please could someone help me get and set environment variables using Javascript. Thanks
SOAtest 9.0---> WIN32COM.CLIENT
No module found for WIN32COM ERRORHi all, I am currently writing a Jython code where i am needing WINCOM32 Extensible Package .I am dispatching Excel using this. from win32com.client import Dispatch But when i am running the code , it says the above WIN32COM module is not found. Solution we used but not Successfull: We…
Cannot start process. Executable not found.
Hi, When I run a c++ test with Parasoft (static analysis), I always get the following message: "C++test analysis errors in MyTest/MyTest/Source Files/MyTest.cxx 1. C/C++ code checker: general failure. Error: Cannot start process. Executable not found." Does any of the members know what may be wrong? Thank You.
Help in loading JAVA classes
Hi, I had written a code to apply XSLt on a given XML to convert it to HTML format, in JAVA window of Parasoft Soatest. Then I added the extention tool to one of my teststep in SAOtest window. I chose the scripting language as JAVA, I mentioned the class and added the class path to system properties tab but I was unable to…
Jython - ImportError: No module named base64
I am trying to use Jython script but I get this error " ImportError: No module named base64". How do I fix it in Parasoft? Thanks!
LOAD Test report not loading after load testing completes
I have SOAP API Test that i am putting load on. Metrics don't load after load tests completes and having to force a stop thereby losing all the metrics. This has been very consistent today. Any help will be appreciated.
Reference the project location in Extension Tool
Hi, I would like to get the SOAtest Project Location in an Extension Tool so that I can reference this location to open a file on the system.
How to change data source values in xml-request before sending?
In SOATest I have a SOAP-test that takes its values from a data source (an Excel-file). How can I change specific values in the request based on values from the data source? Example: The field "CustomerID" needs to have either a random UUID-value or a specific UUID-value. In the Excel-file the field value is set to "Auto"…
How to encode a string to base64
I have a POST request with a string in a body which should be in base64 format. Is it possible to do it from Parasoft? Thanks!
I am getting the response which is same as request in traffic viewer after running atest
Hi I am running one booking service . Request is passing through parasoft , but surprisingly after running in the response section it showing the request sent . Can you please help me
Static report
Why are my files getting skipped and not checked while testing with the rules? [Static Coding standards 1/21 Skipped:21 Failed Runs:0 Violations found: 0 Number of Rules violated:0]
How to test the rest service using web service proxy URL in ParaSoft Load Test
When i test the webservice(Proxy URL) through SOA test, it was successfull. But when i start with tst file in Load test it's getting fail.
Weird issue with SOATest data source: closing on save
I have a data source tab in the SOATest project. I have 2 lines in it. Now I want to add a new line to the data source. So I open data source edit and add new line. When I click save, it closes the data source tab. and then I cant find it in the test case explorer, I have to restart the SOATest. and still the new data is…
Loop through files in a directory with POST http request for each file
I have the following scenario I need to write automation with SOAtest: I have an http POST request with an image in the body of that request and I have a directory with 1000+ files. I need to run POST request with an image in the body for each file in that directory. Please help. Thanks, Irina
Validate response against input file which contians data sets for a column
Need to validate the REST API output with an input Excel file where it has few columns and one column is a data set itself. Ex: COL1, COL2, COL3 ABC, XYZ, DFGH, JKJ FDS, ADS
matching an endpoint with a proxy or virtual asset
I think the easiest way to match an endpoint with a proxy or virtual asset would be to open a browser and hit the server with no endpoint. For instance if I were hitting my server to see the enabled virtual assets or enabled proxies I would use http://localhost:9080/ and that would list the enabled virtual assets and…
checking the %CPU utilization of your server
The linux command to list the tasks, memory and %CPU is: top If your processes are started by a service account (parasoft). I think you should be able to limit the list to process started by a user by using: top –u parasoft
Value or xml assertion on response message containing escaped XML
Hello, I am testing a web service where the response looks like the following: Within the element XMLOutput is well-formed XML in escaped character format. I would like to do XML Assertion on the escaped XML, but I am unable to because XPATH does not work on escaped XML. The question is: how can I perform XML assertion on…
Script to capture JSON elements in Excel
Hi Team, I have a situation where i have to fetch the values from JSON response and write those in excel in different predefined columns. I have created JSON data bank and captured the required values. Then i add an extension tool to fetch the data bank values , but now not able to write those values in excel . Need help !…
Start SOAtest as a windows service
In some cases it is useful to start SOAtest automatically or as part of a recovery process. Virtualize and CTP are web applications and can be run as a tomcat service. at this time SOAtest needs to be started manually. In this post I will demonstrate how to launch SOAtestas a windows service Install SOAtest as a Windows…
Launch DataRepository as a service on Windows
In some cases it is useful to start your Virtualize infrastructure automatically or as part of a recovery process. Virtualize and CTP are web applications and can be run as a tomcat service. DataRepositoryServer needs to be started manually. In this post I will demonstrate how to launch DataRepository as a windows service…
Patch method not in drop down I have Put and Post only
I noticed in the method drop down in resources there is no Patch method. Is there a way to do a Patch ?
Dynamically generating response schema and data on the fly
Choice type parameterizaton is not supported currently in SOA/Virt but there is a way that you can work around this. You can dynamically build request/response structure (Schema) and data using a data source. Define the Data Source Here is an example of a datasource where I am defining the name of a choice Element and…
Generating a Log (Technical Support Archive) to Troubleshoot Errors/Failures
Parasoft: Generating a Log (Technical Support Archive) to troubleshoot Failures/Errors Description: Initially, if a user is experiencing unexpected behavior such as build failures, warnings, or errors, the user should look over the console output, the Quality Task notifications, or the Error view to determine the reason…
How to Find the Selenium Version that ships with SOAtest
Parasoft: How to find the Selenium Version that ships with SOAtest Description: It can be helpful to know what version of Selenium is shipped with SOAtest when there are browser/playback complications during testing. This can help us determine whether or not the prepackaged Selenium version is supported by a particular…
Creating a Rule for C code
A rule to identify this violation has to be created. "Every file shall have a file header. It should basically detail about information contained in that file in a specific format". Can we try adding a simple python method to do this? or is there a specific node method to be followed. For a template refer attachment
Unable to start Development Testing Platform due to "PST_HOME is not set."
If you are seeing the following output: This occurs because when Development Testing Platform is installed it creates a hidden file in the User's Home directory called ".pstrc_${HOSTNAME}" which stores two environment variables needed for Development Testing Platform to start the services. Some probable causes of this…
How to configure WebMethods Tool client with Integration Server option in SOAtest 9.9 or 9.10 ?
We want to access some package and service which is developed in WebMethod.We are trying to access the Package and the particular Service with Host,User,Password details ,but we the particular Package and Service getting listed. We added wm-isclient.jar file in system properties path ,but still unable to see the package…