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Match all request body elements from traffic txt file?

zizi Posts: 2
edited April 2017 in Virtualize

I recorded HTTP traffic using proxy, i can use the traffic file to create VA, but i want the responder correlation match all the request element from traffic request.(No more no less) How can i achieve this?


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0 admin

    Hi Zizi,

    We recommend not creating virtual assets that correlate on all data elements in the request. The main reason for this is reusability. By creating a virtual service that is rigidly locked to specific request structure and data tends to create a virtual service that cannot withstand change. What works today will probably not work tomorrow. This is because services, and more importantly data, change. By creating a virtual service that matches on key elements that the user has identified as association (correlation) points for the request response relationship you are increasing the chances of having a reusable service that can be leveraged across multiple teams. This service can often withstand simple version change. The service will also be able to easily take advantage of our data reuse functionality that allows you to iteratively update response structure and data as services change.

    Nevertheless, Parasoft has your back! If you want to create a simple mock that matches on the entirety of the request please take a look at our simple data mocking solutions in the Parasoft marketplace I think they're exactly what you need

    You can find a link here > Parasoft Simple Mocking Tool