[WEBINAR] Introducing the new C/C++test Desktop (10.3.2) - what’s new and migration how-to
With the latest release of Parasoft’s suite of development testing tools, we’re introducing the C/C++test 10.x Desktop for C and C++ developers. The new desktop takes all the powerful test creation capabilities from the 9.x platform and combines it with the upgraded static analysis engine and advanced analytics of the new…
Retrieval date format
Is there a way to validate the retrieval date format: yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssZ – Ex. 2017-06-26T01:00:
How can I use an XPATH with a parameterized value in a rest call
I have a GET that stores values in a Datasource using an XML Databank I then want to extract a value from my next GET based on value in the Datasource. For example, say in the first GET, I store 2 for the number of widgets in the Datasource. Then the next GET has another XML Databank that extracts one part for each widget…
Can we make a DTP project "public" without having to manually add a team or individual user?
In our desired environment, anyone with an LDAP account should be allowed to view the reports in a DTP project. We understand that there may be some security implications with this approach, but we also do not want to manually upkeep custom team/LDAP groups anytime there is a new user.
I want to copy the logs from the browser and save it in a .txt file.
I am trying to save the logs content from the browser in a single variable but I am unable to do it as the logs content is very large and complete logs are not getting saved in a single variable. Can someone please help me over it. Thank you
How to read xml data from the server Logs present on central repository
The log files are generated on the central repository and we want to extract the relevant logs by differentiating it using the unique reference number. How can it be achieved, can anyone please help us over it.
Integrating Parasoft C++ test tool to ARM DS-5 Development Studio IDE..?
****Hi, I have integrated c++ test tool to DS-5 IDE by using parasoft plugins and Imported the ARM example project (startup_Cortex-A9_AC5) in parasoft c++ test tool. Later I run the static analysis, it works fine. Then Generated Test cases but while running the unit testing for generated test cases getting error message "…
Parasoft announces the release of C/C++test, Jtest, dotTEST 10.3.2 and Parasoft DTP 5.3.2
This release provides numerous enhancements to improve the efficiency of the SDLC by focusing on building a solid test pyramid, managing the risk of change, and reducing the burden of compliance. See some of the specifics of the new release below or read more about it on our blog. BUILDING A SOLID TEST PYRAMID: *…
Is there a way to get the URL to a published DTP report immediately after running cpptestcli?
We are looking to make this information easily available to the user either straight from a bench command-line execution or after a Jenkins run is complete (automated e-mail or similar messaging system). Currently, a user has to manually log into DTP and navigate to the reports themselves to view this report.
Moved: Is there a way to get the URL to a published DTP report immediately after running cpptestcli?
This discussion has been moved.
Is there a way to specify a default assignee of a DTP violation?
Currently, we noticed assignees are either: * the author of a source change (when connected to SCM) * the user who published the DTP report (when not connected to SCM) Is there a way that we can specify some other designated user as an assignee upon publishing a report to DTP?
Enable view traffic option in localsettings.properties file
Can anyone please tell me how to configure the view traffic option localsettings.properties file. I know how to do it in GUI. but i have to update in localsettings.properties when execute the script from command line. And also disable API coverage option.
Is there a way to add users to a team by associated e-mail address instead of login name?
Given that we cannot make a DTP project public to all users, we may have to consider an alternative approach like managing a user group that contains all users that we will have to manually upkeep whenever there is an addition/removal. In our current testing, we found the search functionality only works if you know parts…
Need Example and help to record soap with attachment
Hi Team, The Customer needs to virtualize a SOAP request with .png attachments. Content type is "application/xop+xml" and it’s returning few .png files. As of now when they record it, it’s taking those responses at not readable format so application is not able to decode it. I could see the Can we achieve the above…
DB tool with extension tool
I am very new to SoaTest and was having difficulty utilizing the extension tool with the DB tool. I was wanting to access the results of a db tool query within the extension tool but was having difficulty doing so. The input object just shows "text" where if i attach the extension tool to a soap response, I will recieve…
Extract data source value using javascript
I need to extract value of datasource column using Javascript and combine it with other values. I see some examples of Jython in the forum. Can't we achieve this using Javascript in SOATest?
How to install Virtualize Community Edition
Hi everyone, I am making this forum post to help out new users install Virtualize Community Edition on Windows, Linux, or Mac. Windows (UI installation): * After downloading the installer linked from the initial email, execute the exe by double-clicking on the .exe file. * Click run on the popup that appears. * Choose your…
Pymongo in soatest
how to add the pymongo in soa test. and from where can i download the pymongo jar file for jython?
Is there a way to write in writable datasource using script
Like we can fetch the values using getValues method , can we set the values in writable datasource . Let me know the feasible option to write in datasource by script. Since I need to manipulate the list of values and later store it , I have to write script for it.
C++test skips files
Hi, I imported the ATM project example, then I right-click "ATM.cxx", Parasoft>Test using Parasoft Recommended Rules. But the file is skipped. How can I get it to scan the file? I'm using C++test 9.6. Thanks
How to Change the java versions 1.7 in parasoft soatest 9.10?
I have certain jar files to be loaded into "Parasoft Preferences > System Property" which requires JAVA "1.7" but SOATest 9.10 have "1.8"... so i need to downgrade Java to 1.7... so i can submit a claims. Any suggestion?
How to Change the java versions in parasoft soatest 9.9?
I am running my soatest 9.9 version with java 1.7. Now i have a requirement to run the java code (written in 1.8) using my soatest 9.9. I am getting problems with some or other versioning. What are the steps to follow to successfully change the java versions with out messing up things. Thanks in advance, Sravanthi
Invoke multiple services and consolidate output
I have two steps requirement to be part of single test suite 1) Invoke different operations from several webservices, extract few elements' output from each service 2) Consolidate output of all operations into one source. I want to know how to implement #2, please share you thoughts. Thanks for help.
'Persist as relative path' attribute is not available for Reference environment and Extention Tool.
I am using Parasoft using Rest API. I need to uncheck 'Persist as relative path' in Reference Environment and Extention Tool while createing tst file. I am not seeing any relative attribute for 'Persist as relative path' in order to uncheck. Kindly Response.
Import Tests issue
For some reason when I try to import tests from one workspace into another workspace the tests do not work. It gives an erroneous "Connection Error Timeout" when trying to read from disk. I tried importing "Existing, File, etc" to no avail. If I go back to old workspace it works fine. Is there some special little thing I…
How to Get the Execution Status of TestSuite TCs??
Hi Guys, I am looking for script or anything else which can help me to identify no of TCs got pass or failed. Though I can achieve this functionality using extension tool and executions options but looking for direct script which can return me status true or false.
cpptest warning report format
I need to create "text based" warning report from cpptest analysis. Is this possible? it seems that other formats are supported (e.g PDF and XML) , but not text. Any idea?
Tutorial integration of GIT and SOATest
Is there a tutorial on how to integrate GIT and SOAtest. how to compare the local and the remote. a video or a step by step would greatly appreciate.
DBTool/Database datasource using environment variables
Hi, I am trying to set DBTool and Database using the variable name define in the Environment component but unsuccessful. Here are the steps I have tried: * New Test * Add 2 Environment component and Set it DEV and the other QA * in the the DEV Environment component a variable name : DB_CONNECTION * set the variable to…
How to Read from or Write to a File Using Extension Designer
Extension Designer removed the file node from the product as it poses as a security risk. It has the capability to read any file on the machine and overwrite that file. This forum exists to allow the user to add this node in cases where the reward outweighs the risks. Attached is an artifact that can be used to add the…
Some test scripts are being Skipped
I am trying to check out the scripts from SVN and run all the scripts from command line. But not all the scripts are running. Some scripts are skipped from the execution. I dont know why.. I didnt do any changes to the scripts or configuration. Anybody does know the reason why some scripts are being skipped???
Capturing Current system date
How to Capture Current date (MM/dd/yyyy) and store it in DataBank.
testname match is not selecting the matching file
soatestcli -data "C:\Parasoft\Workspace" -resource "Policy\Scripts\ActionPolicy" -config "user://Example Configuration" -testName match: "sanity" -report "Report_Sanity.html" I have used above command to run the test script whatever matching "sanity" with test name. But its run all the files in the resources path…
How to verify part of a Big XML Response in Parasoft
I am trying to verify all the Event details in following XML where date is 01/06/2002. I don't want to use the normal value assertion as it needs me to create around 170 assertions. The response looks like below: <Body> <WorkResponse> <Name>ABC</Name> <ORG>XYZ</ORG> <Event> <Action>Transfer</Action> <Status>Dopen</Status>…
CPPTest for Visual Studio 2015 Update 3
Hello all, I would like to know if Parasoft’s CPPTest plugin works for Visual Studio 2015 Update 3. I tried running the static test but encountered setup problems pointing to errors in some of the include files in VS2015 such as xtr1common, xstddef and type_traits.
Creating a Default Dashboard for New DTP Users
Requires: DTP Enterprise Pack. Within DTP, a default dashboard is created for users who logs in for the first time. You are able to modify the default dashboard by modifying the default.json file under the guidance in: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/DTP532/Defining+New+Dashboard+Templates The attached DTP Template…
DB Call returns "None" in write file
Team, I have test suite which has test "DB Tool" . It reads values from abc.txt file. Here is query - SELECT CUST_ID || CUST_CD || CUSTNAME FROM xx.table_table WHERE CUST_ID = '${PQR}' AND CUST_CD = '580'; While abc.txt file contains PQR values. while generating file I am getting "None" also in file Which I do not want.…
Difference between Junit and Jtest10.x(UTA)
What is the difference between Junit and UTA(jtest10.x). In jtest 10.x and 9.x, can we pass inputs to test cases by using database?
Environment aware datasources
Hello, I'm working with simple csv or excel file datasources and I want to be able to use different paths (\${environment_name}\source.csv) or settings depending on the environment I'm current using in the project/test, however environment values like ${name} are not being recognized. I do see some remarks on the help…
How to Assert Service Response Values against a Database
How to Assert Service Response Values against a Database Description: The following workflow will demonstrate a method to validate the data from a Service Response against the data stored in a Database. I will be using the database and Service Response from our Parabank 2.0 Application as an example. If you wish to learn…
REST API: Patch Operation "application/json-patch+json" is not support using RAML
I recently installed Parasoft 9.5 and got an error in my Patch operation. all my Patch tests cannot be opened anymore. after multiple trial and error, I have edit the raml and change "application/json-patch+json" to "application/json" and add in header the Content-Type="application/json-patch+json" and it works.. I would…
Question about match more than one row from DB2 table with Rest webservice response
Is there any option in SOAtest to match more than one row from DB2 table with webservice response ( I have put multiple assertions to achieve this , but the problem I would see is if DB2 returned rows increased in future) i was able to match one row from DB2 table with rest service response - Current scenario – Number of…
How to Convert HTML to XML in SOAtest.
Hi Guys, Struggling to convert HTML to XML in SOAtest. Though I tried using XML Transformer with selecting mime type text/html but unable to convert. Any help would be appreciated. :smile:
Explicitly Passing any Test in SOAtest.
Hi Guys, As we have ****Context.Report()**** method to explicitly fail any scenario.Do we have any method to get it Passed or Success explicitly.
how to create Excel files from Data extracted from tests
My use case is generate excel file from data extracted from tests like DB Tool or Extension tool. Can someone help?
How to skip test cases in jython extension tool?
I have scenario where based upon response received i want to skip subsequent test cases . This i want to do from jython ext tool. is there any possibility ?
Using the results of writeable Datasources in REST request payloads
I am storing part of a result of a rest query in a writeable datasource. In the XML databank, I am extracting the parent (/:elementList/element[]/coordinate[1]/child::node() ) and storing the 6 children in a datasource column ("coord"). In a subsequent rest request, I want to use the values from the datasource column.…
connection timeout
I am trying to call a rest service with basic auth and expect a response back. However I am not getting the response as it says DataSource : connection timed out. I do not get a response back. I increased the timeout to no avail. If i run it in postman it works great and is fast. Both is run on the same machine (laptop).…
How to Query Parabank Database
If you're looking to query and validate result sets from a relational database, you can use Parabank (a demo application built into SOAtest) to demonstrate the concept. These instructions assume that you've already deployed Parabank. For instructions on how to do that, see the section called "Setting Up ParaBank" in the…
How do I use a Database Data Source?
1) Right-click the root Project tree node. 2) Choose Add Data Source from the shortcut menu. 3) (Optional) Change the data source label in the Name field of the Data Source panel. 4) Choose Database from the Type box. Specify the following Database Configuration parameters: * Driver: Type the path to the appropriate…