thorough & deep scans analysis activity status

Is there any way to verify activity during deep & through scans (watchdog report)?
The app tends to sit at 43% for extended periods of time. The console gives a bit of feedback but there can be long stretches before any status is provided.
I currently have a thorough scan that has been running nearly 24hrs that ‘appears’ to be chewing 11% of the available core resources.
The Static Analysis (177 rules) has been at 43% for over 12 hours and 'console' is showing:
Code Analysis (CWE Baseline 10.3 (thorough)) done - files checked: 1,626
Reporting Parasoft C/C++ Code Analyzer results...
Code Duplication: parser with 3 active rule(s) is enabled.
Reporting Parasoft Code Duplication Parser results...
License: Feature "Automation" status: This feature is not available in current license.
License: Feature "DTP Publish" status: This feature is not available in current license.
License: Feature "Desktop Command Line" status: This feature is not available in current license.
License: Feature "Automation" status: This feature is not available in current license.
License: Feature "DTP Publish" status: This feature is not available in current license.
License: Feature "Desktop Command Line" status: This feature is not available in current license.
The last 3 lines where delivered sometime during the night.
Note: This is running on the Code Composer 6 with Parasoft plugin
Please check out this post and apply the profile flags:
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thx - Andrey - was watching the log's but there isn't much activity.. i will make recommend mod's for next time. guilty of 'RTFM'