X-path going back to a different field in same payload
Hello, I want to apply an assertion on below fields only when the "name" : "woodGundyDeposit"... "categorization" : { "category" : "NON_REGISTERED_INVESTMENT", }, so i am going to name field .. But I want to know how to come back and assert on Category field.…
How to apply an x-path into an array.
below is the sample JSON response, I want to get the documentid whose "subcategory" : "Loans" only i tried below, didn't work out. //documents/documentId[subcategory="Loans"]/text() I want to apply a condition on subcategory field and retrieve only document id which satisfy the condition mentioned. { "documents" : [ {…
How Do I Load or Use A Provided WSDL Link?
I have been provided a WSDL link to try and get some experience with but I don't know how to load or access it in SOAtest. How do I load or use a provided WSDL link? At the moment I have only an empty SOAtest project. Regards, Bright
How Do You Create a VirtualAssets Project?
I am trying to add a WSDL file for the first time to a project as shown in the "Create a virtual asset from a WSDL service description" video at https://parasoft.com/support/service-virtualization-and-api-testing-how-to-videos/ and while they show how to add the WSDL file they don't show how to create the VirtualAssets…
Is it possible to create the script for Virtualize?
Hi, We are virtualizing the wsdl by recording the traffic and creating the .pva file. Is there any way we can automate the whole process of recording, creating the .pva file and send the request, change the xml values autoamtically. Thanks
How to fix java.lang.runtimeexception error initializing storage while launching SOAtest
Hi Team, We are receiving a error " java.lang.runtimeexception error initializing storage , An error has occurred. See log file null" while launching SOAtest. I didn't get any help from recent posts in Forum and its blocking the execution. kindly Suggest the solution for this
Ports: DTP Engine -> DTP
What is a complete list of ports that has to be opened between the Build Machine where Engine (or Desktop) is running and DTP Server by default? Default port for Data Collector is 8082 as far as I can tell. 8443 I assume should also be in the list. Having complete list for use cases: DTP : Engine / Desktop DTP : PIE would…
DTP Engine - custom folder for user rules
Is there a parameter that can override the default user rules directory? By default - it's here: [INSTALL_DIR]\rules\user\ What if I want to put my user rules under version control and map to some other directory?
I have a XML source pulled in from calling a .jar file. I need to loop thru that XML file based off xpath and send each one to a soap or rest service. How would I do that?
Changing the LoadTest Java Version
Edit: To incorporate benken_parasoft suggestion: To change the Parasoft Loadtest Java versions: * Execute Parasoft Loadtest with the "-ask" argument: * A menu will pop up with choices of different Java versions that can be detected and an option to point to a Java installation manually: * Selecting "Ok" will initialize…
How to create virtual asset for JMS services in parasoft virtualize
How to create virtual asset of JMS queue from request response pair in parasoft virtualize
JMS Monitoring
Could Not create JMS IntialContext Instance Hi, I am trying to monitor the JMS send and Receive messages in SOAtest 6.2 using Java Message Service option available in SOAtest. I am using ORACLE WEBLOGIC SERVER 10gR3. But When I am given the server details in SOAtest click on next it is showing error pop up saying "Could…
App Config Settings
Hi, I have a set of unit test created using microsoft visual studio unit test project. This set of tests are all able to pass successfully when i run it using the test explorer that comes with visual studio. I realised that all these test cases are also loaded automatically into parasoft's Test Case Explorer as well.…
Static Analysis Rule Maps - the difference between 9.x and 10.x and migration from 9.x and 10.x
Static Analysis Rule Maps - the difference between 9.x and 10.x and migration from 9.x and 10.x Rule maps functionality allows users to customize properties (such as category or severity) of static analysis rules. In addition, the rule map interface also allows you to upload custom rules. DTP 5.3.2 (Engines 10.3.2)…
Using variable preceded by backslash
I'm trying to assert on a xml tag that should contain a file path. I configure a String Comparison Assertion "Element must contain/Expected value/Fixed" with the following value: ${rootfolder}\${variablefolder}\filename.xml. This gives an error message like "should contain expected value:…
How to convert binary format bytes into PDF via parasoft tool.
Hello, I am using parasoft SOA test 9.9 . I want to know how to convert binary bytes to PDF format via Parasoft SOA test tool. Is there any Add-in or extension tool to convert binary bytes into PDF and view the same via browser.
DateTime Diff based on current time
Hi, Is there a simple way to use a DateTime Diff with Base Value == test execution time or current system time? Any kind of ${now} variable that exists???
UTA in support of Test Driven Development
Where can I find out more information on the use of the Unit Test Assistant and more specifically how it would be used in support of Test or Behavior driven development?
Maximize window and screenshot capabilities using Chrome 57 in SOAtest 9.10.1 and earlier
In Chrome 57 the ability to take screenshots or maximize a window when using the Selenium engine for playback is broken in SOAtest 9.10.1 and earlier due to an issue in ChromeDriver (see https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromedriver/issues/detail?id=1625). The ChromeDriver team fixed the issue in version 2.28 and the updated…
How to customize the return status for same responder?
I need to achieve following things. 1. 10% Calls should respond with HTTP 404 or HTTP 500 3. One of the services should get failures (HTTP 500) for 15-20 minutes and then it should pass (200 ok) for 15-20 minutes.
Grabbing and storing Details from a SQL Server
Hi Everyone, I have a few different scenarios. They do not happen at the same time a request comes in. * I just want to ask how can we grab some values from SQL server and use it to send to the xml response * How do i generate a time stamp in this format "2015-12-18T19:44:18.103" and store it on the SQL Server.
LDAP/Active Directory support
Can Parasoft Virtualize simulate an Active Directory (LDAP) connection (with an associated limited dataset, of course) so that an intermediate service under development could then access it?
Read and update data in CSV , doesnt pick the recent data
I have to consolidate the report data in csv format. After each test suite run I update the csv with the latest paremeter value and use this as a datasource to the next test step. However even if the csv is updated somehow it picks the old data present and uses in next test step. I have also tried deleting the old csv and…
Test Suite Reference - modifying and seeing/using the changes in the referencing test
When you modify the original test used as a Reference Test in another test suite, the changes will not immediately be visible in the referencing test suite and will not immediately be picked up when running the referencing test suite. For example, if I were to create a Logon test with username "john". I reference that…
Help with extracted data.
I am new to soatest. I am extracting data for other request. But sometime, my variable is not read in my request. how do i resolve it.
Test stops with message Setup Problem
Hi I am getting below errors while running a static analysis using cpptest. C/C++ code checker: error during parsing file (ignored - "Analyze files with parse errors" option is enabled). "/usr/include/c++/4.4.7/bits/cpp_type_traits.h", line 71: error: expected a ";" template This interface file is from tool and I don't…
Test execution: error linking test executable for Test unit for selected sources.
What is this error, what is the resolution for it? the error "Test execution: error linking test executable for Test unit for selected sources." comes while running the unit tests.cannot open output file C:\Aegis\Workspace.cpptest\Component_U\unit-data\current_tubf179707\Component_UTest.exe: Permission denied collect2: ld…
how to generate and populate localsettings.properties files
localsettings.properties files store important information regarding Parasoft tool's stored configurations as well as project parameters. A localsettings.properties file is required to utilize CLI integration, back up an installation, or transfer configurations from one installation to another. You will first need to to…
Custom Jython Responder Correlation
In V9.1x, has anyone been able to get a custom correlation to work that uses regex? Example below from java.util.regex import *from java.lang import * from com.parasoft.api import *def correlateOperation(context): requestHeadersStr = context.get(CorrelationScriptingHookConstants.HEADERS) # Map<String, String>…
we are trying to run jar file with a parameter which will generate data files and load into a folder. used to do with windows bat file but its not working in linux, so was trying to see if groovy or jython can help. Tried this but getting error in jython: from java.lang import * from java.io import * from soaptest.api…
Parasoft SOA test, I want to RUN the same .tst 100 times with out datasource
Hello, I want to RUN the same .tst 100 times with out data source. we press f9 to Run the test once , can we do it in any other way to RUN the same 100 times. if we use excel sheet, then yes , we can cope the same data to 100 rows and RUN all rows. but my requirement is i am not using excel sheet. tool : parasoft SOA test…
Using Custom Responder Correlation - Groovy
I am trying to read values from the request using Custom - Responder correlation and compare it with values from excel. How do I get a unique row from excel data source in the script?
I want to truncate first few numbers in 16 digit number using xpath(databank)
Hello, I am using data bank to retrieve a value to use in subsequent test. But I want to truncate the value and need only last 4 digits of 16 digit value. This is the x-path /root/card[1]/value[1]/text() This is the result of x-path. 4506446460519412 when I press evaluate x-path , i should only get last 4 digits "9412" can…
How to use the stash reposotiry/GIT -checkin /checkout with parasoft SOAtest
I have to create a different working folder , copy the workspace and then check in to stash/ git . Is there a way to directly commit the changes / pull from the repository using parasoft and GIT /Stash
Ideas/Suggestions - Dynamic Parameters
I have a requirement where responses should be very dynamic based on the request. Based on the incoming request elements , elements/array of elements in response should vary. I m trying to minimize the no of res ponders and manual data setup. Currently i m achieving this scenario by using xpath(function count/exists), Data…
SMTP Messaging client with file attachment
Hi! I was please to discover that it is really easy to send an email using a Messaging client tool. I want to test a workflow that is started when an email is received. Anybody knows if it is possible to add attachments to the email? Additional headers or ways to format the request??? Thanks!
Standard Process for Upgrading JTest Eclipse Plugin
Hi Parasoft. We recently received your advice on best practice for upgrading Parasoft Desktops / Eclipse plugins. We wanted to share this process on the Forum for other users/customers. Please will you review the process steps and comment if any amendments are needed. The requirement was: to upgrade the JTest Eclipse…
Parasoft Virtualize Community Edition - "How to" Webinar pt1 - 3/7/2017
Hi Everyone, Next week we are going to do a “How to” webinar for Parasoft Virtualize Community Edition. During this webinar, you will learn how to create and deploy the virtual assets presented during the Community Edition Launch Webinar previously done on 2/14/2017. · Setup your license and get the latest updates. ·…
Deploying services across multiple ports
Dear team , We have a default port where we are deploying the virtual services to the server. Each pva will differ by their base path. Is there any way visualize server can listen on multiple ports to deploy services with different ports.
how to get the iteration count and assertion details in report generated
I need the report in a format 1. I should be able to see all the assertions added in the script. Failed as well as Passed assertions. Currently report shows only failed assertion 2. The number of run the testscript ran .Passed and Fail count of the test script.( One test script has combination of 20 test data , in the…
After launching a bugdetective, I get a StackOverFlowError Each time I try to access the results ! And I have to restart eclipse to continue working ! Log file in attachment.
Starting Chrome in developer mode
Does anyone know if it is possible to start Chrome with developer tools open from SOAtest?
Resize Chrome Browser
Hi, I am new to Parasoft SOAtest. Is there a way to resize a Chrome Browser window after SOAtest has started the browser? I don't want to maximise the window, I want to reduce the window size. Tnx in advance for your help.
How can I run my test suite faster
I have validate the application after Deployment. We have 6 test pointing to 66 servers. Total Test 6X66 = 396 took 45 minutes with Concurrently option. We need to make it faster. After deployment, usually it runs slow on very first time, but is there any way to make it faster? Using SOA 9.7
Using SOA Test tool to get Healthcheck of servers
I was looking for a solution to create Test Suite to check servers. I have URL
When are you planning to adopt VS2017
Recommendations for Virtual Service Maintainance
Hi Team , What are the recommendations and options if the service is still in development phase and virtual service has to be continuously updated. Use case is parallel developement.
When are you planning to adopt VS2017?
Are you using JUnit 5?
Complete the Parasoft Java Spring survey ... and maybe win $100
Hi Everyone, We are currently performing a survey on Spring usage ... https://surveymonkey.com/r/parasoft-spring-user-survey This is going to help Parasoft better understand the components people are using within the Spring framework. There are 20 questions but don’t worry, they are quick … and all on one page! Please…