Using the results of writeable Datasources in REST request payloads
I am storing part of a result of a rest query in a writeable datasource. In the XML databank, I am extracting the parent (/:elementList/element[]/coordinate[1]/child::node() ) and storing the 6 children in a datasource column ("coord"). In a subsequent rest request, I want to use the values from the datasource column. However, the rest request's payload is structured like:
In the rest request payload view, using Form XML, when I select the parameterized option for the value and select the drop down, of course, just the datasource column is available. Is there a way to specify the column name and then the row?
Best Answer
No, you cannot specify a row number when configuring a parameterized value.
Rather than creating one XPath that matches on the 6 child nodes - which results in all values getting written into the same column - I would try creating a unique XPath for each child that then will result in each value getting written into a separate column. Then you will be able to parameterize each child of your next request with a different column.5
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Where f, r, s, c, ro, t are children of coordinate.0