How to configure WebMethods Tool client with Integration Server option in SOAtest 9.9 or 9.10 ?
We want to access some package and service which is developed in WebMethod.We are trying to access the Package and the particular Service with Host,User,Password details ,but we the particular Package and Service getting listed. We added wm-isclient.jar file in system properties path ,but still unable to see the package…
Connecting to PSTSec via SSL
Configuring an SSL connection between CTP and PSTSec In CTP we can point to PSTSec to configure users as described in this topic Integrating CTP with LDAP/AD. In this discussion we indicate that you can configure these settings by navigating to the Security Configuration Menu From here you can connect to a the PSTSec…
Integrating CTP with LDAP/AD
Everybody who uses CTP should have a unique log in. This allows administrators to define permissions on specific resources as defined in this topic What are my permissions in CTP. Additionally this allows users to fully take advantage of their own unique workspace. The challenge with this is that if you have a large…
Logging LDAP/AD in CTP
CTP integrates with LDAP/AD through a module called PSTSec. In order to obtain logging information when configuring integration you need to enable some things in PSTSec. The logging for PSTSec is controlled by the XML file located under “pstsec/WEB-INF/log_config.xml”. This file provides the following instructions for…
How to validate non-numeric field is ASC or DESC?
Hi All, type: REST API, method: GET 1)My JSON response contains list of documents, In which I have filename field (non-numeric). I can send a parameter in request to get all the documents sorted ASC or DESC on filename. I want to read the filename in response and check the order is ASC or DESC. 2) same way I also want to…
Resolving OutOfMemoryError: Java Heap Space or GC Overhead
Description: When running a Parasoft Test based product, you may see the error: "java.lang.OutOfMemoryError: Java heap space". or "An internal error occurred during: "Building workspace". GC overhead limit exceeded" Cause: This error occurs when Java runs out of memory. Resolution: To resolve this issue, you have two…
Before you ask a question
Guidelines about posting questionsIf you are using Insure++ and are running into some problem, please make sure you provide the following information at the beginning or end of your post: OS Architecture (x86, x64, etc.) Compiler Insure++ version If the problem is a compile/link time problem, include your compile/link…
how to check response field is sorted asc or desc
Hi All, type: REST API, method: GET My JSON response contains list of documents, In which I have file size field. I can send a parameter in request to get all the documents sorted ASC or DESC on filesize. I want to read the file size in response and check the order is ASC or DESC. Thanks in advance. regards, Neil
How to Extract/Validate Dynamic Webpage Elements
Parasoft: How to Extract/Validate Dynamic Webpage Elements Description: In some applications, we may come across dynamic elements whose ids/xPaths change every time the web page reloads. This can become challenging to extract/validate such elements. Below are a few techniques used to handle dynamic elements. Solution:…
C/C++test Data Flow Analysis Performance Debugging Log
To get information about how long it takes to process each file and how long it takes to do each of the Data Flow (Bug Detective) analysis phase, set up the following flags in the Parasoft > Preferences > Technical Support > Advanced options (make sure Advanced options are enabled): CPPTEST_TIME_STATISTICS_PER_FILE=true…
Updating a soavirt.war deployment with a Windows Batch script
This is a simple script that will allow us to update a soavirt.war based deployment when a new WAR is released SET SOAVIRT_LOCATION=C:\parasoft\SOAVIRTSET UPDATE_FOLDER=c:\parasoft\update\soavirtBackupsSET WAR_LOCATION=C:\parasoft\warsSET WORKSPACE_LOCATION=C:\parasoft\SOAVIRTworkspaceSET…
Using System and Environment Variables in your scripts
You can use system/ environment variables in your scripts. Here is a simple example from com.parasoft.api import *from java.lang import Systemdef systemVariables (input, context): #This is for Windows Application.showMessage("COMPUTERNAME = " + str(System.getenv("COMPUTERNAME"))) #This is for Linux…
Problem executing soatestcli.exe from the Command-line.
Problem executing soatestcli.exe from the Command-line. I am trying to execute our test suite from the commande line. However, the soatestcli execution always hangs forever on the "Refreshing workspace" step. C:\Program Files (x86)\Parasoft\SOAtest\9.1>soatestcli.exe -data "C:\Users\{Me}\parasoft\workspace" -resource…
Web Functional Workflow for the latest version of Chrome / Firefox
Parasoft: Web Functional Workflow for the latest version of Chrome / Firefox Description: The latest version of SOAtest 9.10.0 comes prepackaged with Selenium-Version: 2.53.1. Currently, there is no version of Selenium (non-Marionette) Firefox driver that fully supports Firefox48 and higher. This is not a limitation of the…
Creating a Virtual Asset from traffic
Parasoft Virtualize is a powerful tool that allows users to create virtual endpoints for clientside applications to test against. When creating these virtual endpoints, it is useful to be able to do so via traffic files. The steps on creating these files are detailed in the post here. Step 1: In order to create your asset,…
What are message proxies and how are they used?
When getting started with Virtualize, it is often a good idea to get ahold of some traffic going from your client to your service so that you have a better understanding of the transport between the two. The best way to do this when using Virtualize is by using a message proxy. * The first thing you will want to do when…
"Error: CERT_HAS_EXPIRED" error message within DTP Server
This issue was encountered while working with DTP Server version 5.1.2 If the following message appears in the Node.exe screen on start up: Error getting project list from DTP: localhost { [Error: CERT_HAS_EXPIRED] cause: { [Error: CERT_HAS_EXPIRED] request: { domain: null, _events: [Object], _maxListeners: 10, options:…
Filtering violations with PIE that are marked "Do Not Show" in DTP
When you mark a violation in DTP as "Do Not Show", this tells DTP to not show the violation in DTP's Widgets, reports, or in the Prioritization View. The DTP Engines will still report the violations for DTP reports to hide it from you and will publish the results as reoccurring violations. When using PIE to perform logic…
PIE Engine log reporting GLIBC_2.14 not found error
After performing the installation of PIE on your Linux machine, you may see in the engine.log file from the PIE Administration this output: [Error: /lib64/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.14' not found (required by…
Example of Executing SOAtest From CLI
soatestcli.exe -data \workspace -localsettings \localsettings -resource /ProjectName/TestFileName.tst -config "builtin://Demo Configuration" Here is a brief breakdown about what the above command line options mean: -data : the path to your SOAtest workspace -localsettings: path of the file that contains needed config…
Configuring SOAtest to Email Reports
Steps: 1) Navigate to Parasoft > Preferences > Reports: Set Reports to whatever xml, html… etc. 2) Navigate to Parasoft> Preferences> Reports>E-mail Notifications: Send Manager Reports to "youremail@parasoft.com". 3) Navigate to Parasoft > Preferences > E-mail: Set the SMTP host name to your company's SMPT server host…
Resolving 500-Internal Server Error during Validate for Loadtest
Parasoft: 500 - Internal Server Error during Validate for Loadtest Description: During Web functional troubleshooting, it is important to pay close attention to the request/response headers. This is especially the case when we receive a 500 - internal server error when performing “Validate for Load Test”. Aside from…
Defining and utilizing performance profiles
Hey everyone! When designing a virtual service, users will often want to make sure that the virtual service will respond in a similar fashion to the live service that it is trying to mock. In order to do this to the fullest extent, we have the ability to create performance profiles. What are performance profiles?…
explanation of Uniform and Poisson Randomization in Loadtest
This article will outline what the difference is between Poisson and Uniform Randomization in Loadtest. It will also show an example where a user might see an issue maintaining a specific Hits Per Minute when randomization is in use. Randomization In Loadtest In LoadTest, there is an option below the "Controlled Parameter"…
Using Virtualize with SSL
Basic Concepts of Virtualize SSL There are two roles that Virtualize can play: 1. When Virtualize receives messages from an Application Under Test (AUT), it functions as the server in the SSL model. 2. When Virtualize is acting as a proxy, it function as the client in the SSL model These two roles require different…
Clean Parasoft Registry for dotTEST Visual Studio Plugin
When installing a new version of Parasoft on Visual Studio, it is recommended to remove the old version with the uninstaller since we can only have one version of Parasoft on Visual Studio. However, if the uninstallation is completed but when installing a new version of Parasoft, a error message displays that "Cannot…
Load Test distribution models and you!
Hey everyone! When running performance tests against services, it may be necessary to run a number of different distribution scenarios against the service in order to make sure that it is robust. Here, we will look at the different hit distribution strategies and when they will be used. Steady load This distribution type…
creating useful performance tests lies in leveraging an existing SLA for the Application under test
When we are conceptualizing and developing performance tests we must be aware of SLAs or service Level Agreements. The Service level agreement is a specification of a Application Under Test (AUT). Essentially the SLA specifies that that application under test needs to comply with certain performance standards. These are…
How to change the severity of a static analysis rule
Changing the severity of a static analysis rule: * Open the Test Configuration window from Parasoft > Test Configurations * Select any Test Configurations in the right-hand pane, and go to the Static > Rule Tree tab. Find the id of the rule you want to edit. The id is at the end of the string in the square brackets -- the…
Clean Parasoft Registry for dotTEST Visual Studio
When installing a new version of Parasoft on Visual Studio, it is recommended to remove the old version with the uninstaller since we can only have one version of Parasoft on Visual Studio. However, if the uninstallation is completed but when installing a new version of Parasoft, a error message displays that "Cannot…
Importing Excel files Into a Repository
Parasoft: Importing Excel Files Into a Repository Description: To import data from an Excel Spreadsheet into a data repository, we will need to use the Data Repository Tool. The Data Repository tool specifies what data to import, how to structure it, and what repository data source should include the imported data. The…
Cannot Find Help or Rule Documentation in Visual Studio 2012 and Above
Reason: By default, Visual Studio 2012 opens all help documentation in a web browser, which does not recognize the Parasoft documentation. The Parasoft documentation must be opened through the Visual Studio Help Viewer. Solution: To configure Visual Studio 2012 to use the Help Viewer instead of a Browser, go to the menu…
List of supported NUnit and MSUnit API
Support for NUnit and MSUnit are based on which API is supported, not which version of NUnit and MSUnit is supported. Please see the NUnitTests.pdf and the MSUnitTests.pdf files, located under the help folder of the dotTEST installation directory, to see a list of supported an unsupported API for your version of dotTEST,…
How to install multiple versions of Parasoft into Visual Studio
Prior to perform following action, please make sure to uninstall all Parasoft plugins for Visual Studio. Performing the Installation * Double-Click on our installer. * Proceed with the normal installation steps until it asks where to install Parasoft Test. * On the Select Destination Location page, locate the "Advance"…
How to Import a TST File into a SOATest Instance
Importing Tst’s in the SOAtest UI Method 1) Drag and drop a TST file into a project folder into the Navigator View. Method 2) In the UI navigate to File > Open File. Choose your TST click open, then Click the button titled: Import “testname.tst” Importing Tst’s in SOAtestcli (headless) If you would like to import a TST…
Variables that can be used in session tags for dotTEST v10.0.X
Here is a list of variables that can be used in the localsettings file for the session.tag parameter: A common use case for the env_var variables is when they are used to get the name of the solution to be used in the session.tag. Here is an example for the previous scenario in the localsettings.properties file:
Upgrading Process for DTP
Upgrading from a Previous Version of DTP (5.x to 5.y) Before upgrading from previous versions of Development Testing Platform, make sure you read the following sections in the DTP Server User's Guide below for more information and make sure all necessary adjustments have been made before proceeding with the upgrade: •…
Enabling the Import Data button to import users from LDAP/AD
After configuring the User Administration for LDAP/AD, it is required for the users to log into DTP Server so DTP Server can import the user into the User Administration Database. The "Import Data" button was disabled to prevent importing a mass amount of users into DTP Server that are not supposed to have access to DTP…
Clean Parasoft Registry for C++test Visual Studio Plugin
When installing a new version of C++test on Visual Studio, it is recommended to remove the old version with the uninstaller since we can only have one version of C++test on Visual Studio. However, if the uninstallation is completed but when installing a new version of C++test, a error message displays that "Cannot install…
When a user follows a shared dashboard, all filters and date range options are read-only
As you can see from the screenshot below, users cannot edit the filters of a shared dashboard. This is expected behavior by design. Users can only subscribe to a dashboard with the original author's settings and cannot change those settings. If a user wants to change any settings, the user needs to duplicate the dashboard.…
"Error: CERT_HAS_EXPIRED" error message within DTP Server
This issue was encountered while working with DTP Server version 5.1.2 If the following message appears in the Node.exe screen on start up: Error getting project list from DTP: localhost { [Error: CERT_HAS_EXPIRED] cause: { [Error: CERT_HAS_EXPIRED] request: { domain: null, _events: [Object], _maxListeners: 10, options:…
When attempting to generate C++ stubs, especially safe stubs, C++test attempts to compile user hea
Check to make sure the user has not redefined assert.h. In the cases that triggered this article the user had their own version of assert.h and the safe stubs build included that file rather than the standard C library file. The user version contained C++ code that the C compiler could not build causing a compiler fail.…
How to determine if an environment is supported by C/C++test
The post below assumes all the software and hardware requirements for host machine (where C/C++test is installed) on are met, which is a prerequisite for all testing with C/C++test. Please see the "Installation and Licensing" page in the C/C++test Help documentation for the detailed requirements. The information you will…
Unrecognized command line option "-m32"
This message occurs because C/C++test will implicitly change the compilation line to add the "-m32" compiler option for some compilers. This is generally not an issue, however sometimes the user is using a compiler that does not support this "-m32" option (This usually means that an "unsupported" compiler is being used.…
Permissions Insure++ Needs to Run on Linux
If multiple users are sharing an installation of Insure++ on a single machine, they will need group permissions to fully use Insure++. Permission issues may show up in the form of license errors or access errors. If any users are experiencing insufficient permissions issues, please make sure they have the following…
Could not create the Java Virtual Machine
If you receive a start-up error when starting a Parasoft Test tool with the error message: "Error: Could not create the Java Virtual Machine. Error: A fatal exception has occured. Program will exit." followed by another message popup (see images in solution), this may mean there is not enough continuous memory to allocate…
Producing a Leak Summary from Insure++
This post explains how to force Insure++ to produce a Leak Summary from an application that is terminating before it is closed properly. If you find Insure was not able to close properly and provide a leak summary report of the executed instrumented code, we can force the tool to produce a leak summary report. This will…
What are my permissions in CTP?
Hi everyone! Some users of CTP may notice that they do not have permission to take certain actions in their browser. Here is a short explanation of the three access roles in CTP and what they mean for you. System System is the most basic of the user permissions within CTP. This permission allows a user to create, modify,…
How to un-lock a workspace after a force-close
Description: Parasoft-Test based products (such as SOAtest, Jtest, or Virtualize) are shipped as Eclipse plugins. When Eclipse starts, it opens a workspace - locking it so that other Eclipse instances cannot use the same workspace at the same time. When Eclipse shuts down, this workspace is then un-locked. Cause: When one…
How to remove Built-in test configuration after the installation is completed
In rare cases, an organization would like to standardize into few selected test configurations and would not like to show all available built-in test configurations from Parasoft solutions such as C/C++test and Jtest. This is not recommended to remove any built-in test configuration and this process must run again as a…