cpptesttrace --cpptesttraceTraceCommand setting
My build command, under Windows, use several different compilers toolchains (gcc, ARM, Microsoft VS), building several different components at once. I would like to collect traced commands only from particular compiler toolchain using cpptesttrace tool.
The cpptesttrace trace/collect data from all toolchains (predefined internally) in generated .bdf file, if run without any modifying options.
The --cpptesttraceTraceCommand option should help to define only particular traced commands/tools. For example if run on Windows command line (example from batch script):
cpptesttrace.exe --cpptesttraceTraceCommand=armcc\.exe$ ninja %*
collect only all armcc compiler usage, executed during ninja run, in generated .bdf file.
What is the syntax for define more that one tool using --cpptesttraceTraceCommand option, on Windows commandline? I need to trace armcc and armlink together. The hints on help message are not so clear. I have tested several combinations using | ' " () \ characters but without success. The experiments with setting environment variable CPPTEST_SCAN_TRACE_COMMAND fails in the similar way.
Hello Skarb can you please use the following:
--cpptesttraceTraceCommand="(armcc.exe|armlink.exe)"How to trace multiple executables with --cpptesttraceTraceCommand
- where each exe can be a regular expressions