soatestcli unable to execute .tst that has selenium and dependent modules.
I have created one tst in soatest which invokes selenium and some other dependent jars. If executing through SOAtest everything is working fine but if trying to execute through soatestcli getting errors saying "selenium apis and parasoft apis are missing or not found." Note:I am invoking soatestcli thorugh remote pc via…
Extracting redirectHtml from JSON response and opening the page in a browser
I have a test case that spans from Rest client to web browser. My first test is a REST client output of which I need to pass to the browser. JSON response from the Rest client contains an element with html content. So e.g { "RedirectHTML": "…….”}. This is the html I need to open from a browser in order to perform some…
Accessing JSON data bank from Jython
How to access element from JSON data bank via jython, manipulate it (remove special characters from the string) and save it back to the data bank.
Virtualize Proxy Query Parameter
I have a proxy that is calling a service endpoint with a parameter. I get an error as it creates the "?" to %3F. (No listener for endpoint: /at%3Froute=first). How can I pass in a query parameter from my proxy? Endpoint url that I am calling from proxy is http://host:port/at?route=first. Also I tried setting a variable as…
Deep Analysis
When deep analysis is enabled the bug detective findings don't show up in the result as they do in 'standard' analysis. Is that to expected?
Does the License Server ONLY installation requires database install?
Once DTP is installed - can I simply switch to License Server skipping the DB configuration part? I have been using DTP with Embedded DB for quite sometime on my laptop and forgot the answer to this question :)
How are authors/users defined in DTP server with regards to violations?
In the most common case, we will see the Subversion username as the Author/Assigned To for our projects hosted on Subversion repositories. However, in some cases, we noticed inconsistencies - sometimes full names are used instead of Subversion usernames. For example, instead of "bphung", the auto-completed username would…
thorough & deep scans analysis activity status
Is there any way to verify activity during deep & through scans (watchdog report)? The app tends to sit at 43% for extended periods of time. The console gives a bit of feedback but there can be long stretches before any status is provided. I currently have a thorough scan that has been running nearly 24hrs that ‘appears’…
How to Send PDF file in a request field using Parasoft SOA test tool
Hello, I am trying to send a PDF file in one of the request field(fileContent). tool : Parasoft SOA test 9.9 { "fileMetadata" : "sfdsf", "fileName" : "dsdfsd", "fileContent" : "" } note that I am not just sending PDF file in the req, I also have to send some more fields along with the PDF file in the req. it;s just in one…
SOA Test integration with hp extream batch compare tool
I would like to know whether we can integrate soa test with with batch compare tool?
Error preprocessing file while static analysis
Hi, I`m new to the cpptest tool. My object is to handle static analysis in our project. cpptest is implemented on our linux machine. But when I execute it with cpptestcli with specific properties, error is occurred: [C++test] [xpusch_denc0_cmn.c] Error preprocessing file…
Can you use a template file to remember correlation criteria?
I created a .pva from recorded traffic (Generate parameterized) and it asks me to put in the request correlation for a few of the responders. Is there a way to use the template file to remember the correlation so I do not have to do it manually if I want to recreate the asset in the future? It sounds like this is…
JSON - Details from Body
Hi, I would like to extract some values from a JSON payload using JSON Databank. I was able to use a sample request and was able to extract Xpath with no errors. However when i send a request from SOA the same template used for JSON Databank i am getting an error. below is the sample request i am sending. I am trying to…
Pricing for "Web Automated Testing"
Hi Guys, I am busy comparing web automated testing tools. I have TestComplete, Parasoft and Selenium. Could you please advise me on how much the licensing for Parasoft would be on an annual Basis? I will be doing mobile and web based testing for my company.
Moved: Pricing for "Web Automated Testing"
This discussion has been moved.
Setting Environment variables and supply arguments
Hi, I am currently using the cpptest plugin v9.5 for Eclipse Luna on a RHEL 7.2 environment. My c++ application requires some command line arguments to be supplied, as well as me setting an environment variable for loading of shared libraries. Where do I set them? In addition, somehow it is unable to find and read the test…
Virtualize JSON Responder - GET. How to Get Details?
Hi Everyone, I need to create a responder to accomodate a GET Rest request sample below: GET /path/{safsadfsadgsadfgsaf}/status HTTP/1.1Accept: application/jsonUser-Agent: ApplicationName/1.0 (env=test; user=testername)X-Request-ID: 123124asdfasdfasdf1124 How do i get the detail that's between {}? as this is changing every…
Parameterizing an Excel Spreadsheet Data Source name
I want to parameterize the File Path of an ExcelSheet in DataSource. In Parasoft help option I found below options but in these options I didn't find the way to parameterize the name of .xls file. Can you please help me with it. Specify the path to the Excel file in the File Path field. You can use the following variables:…
Visual Studio 2015 Support
Visual Studio 2015 supportIs there any roadmap for supporting visual Studio 2015?
switch between endpoints
i have an Endpoint virtualized, but i would like to know if possible switch between endpoint virtualized and real through parasoft, could be with a different header
How to start scripting in soa tool
Can u pls help me with basics to start writing script in soa tool.how to get browser in script & how to pass paramter values
Some test scripts are being Skipped
I am trying to check out the scripts from SVN and run all the scripts from command line. But not all the scripts are running. Some scripts are skipped from the execution. I dont know why.. I didnt do any changes to the scripts or configuration. Anybody does know the reason why some scripts are being skipped???
How to programmatically deploy a stub
Hello, I have an SoaTest with a stub simulator that I should deploy on Soa Server each time I want to run the Test. So I want to know, is there any solution to automate the deployment of the stub on the Soa Server with a jython script or java class ? Thanks,
how to translate the windows python script to linux version
Hello Getting the import module error while i run the script in linux, below are the import statements from soaptest.api import * from com.parasoft.api import * from java.lang import * from java.text import * from java.util import * from java.io import * These works fine in windows, however in linux its failing:…
Custom Assertion in Jython
Hello, looking for a sample script that can read environment variable and compare it to the JSON response value. Also, please point me to the scripting documentation to use with SOATest, if any. Thanks!
Importing from DevTest
Is there a means of being able to import scripts from DevTest to SOAtest. Primarily looking to reuse scripts/migrate from DevTest 8.5.
Need to run the SOATest test scripts from Jenkins on Linux server
Can anyone help me to provide the code to run Parasoft SOATest test scripts from Jenkins where the Jenkins installed on Linux server
Compare a set of elements of the JSON response to the standard set of elements
I have a JSON reponse with 152 currency codes fields. I need to compare the whole set of currency codes in the response with the standard set of codes. The issue is the currency codes in the JSON response are dynamic and they do not have a order, if they would have I would have added a string comparison and mapped to my…
can someone tell how to validate(assertion of) the databanked value 0.28545 when we are getting .28545 in the response.
Setup problems
I have just started to test C++ coding standarts with using parasoft. When I open Hello World C++ project and try to test it, parasoft gives me setup problems. Hello World C++ project is a main example but this doesn't work correctly when I try to test this project. Error : C++test analysis errors in…
Rulewizard Help
I want to check if the first line in a file is a comment or something similar. Which node specifies the exact line number in parasoft rule wizard?. Line node's expression gives the number of occurrences is what I understand, Ex: $$>=3 means the node prior to line node has less or equal to three occurences I need to know…
SOATest Branching
How to branch SOAtest .tst files? I see we can convert this to xml but haven't see more threads on how folks use parasoft SOAtest in CI Automation implementation. SCM - Stash or gitHub
Error during parsing file
com.parasoft.xtest.standards.api.cpp.CppCodingStandardsFileChecker$CppCodingStandardsFailedException: Coding Standards checker: error during parsing file. at com.parasoft.xtest.standards.api.cpp.CppCodingStandardsFileChecker.runRules(CppCodingStandardsFileChecker.java:280) at…
CPPTEST_ACCESS_VIOLATION reported when test trys to read from data source
what could be the possible causes of this exception? the data source is there, column names are matching.
cross join on data sources
Hello, I get the fact that data sources operate based on row numbers but I would find it useful to define data on 2 data sources and operate on the cross join of them. For example Data source 1 A1 A2 A3 Data source 2 B1 B2 B3 I would like to operate on A1 B1 A1 B2 A1 B3 A2 B1 ... A3 B2 A3 B3 Is there any way to achieve…
How do I start up a headless Virtualize server?
Hey everyone! Often in organizations, users will want to be able to spread the work that they have done with others, allowing progress to be shared. Virtualize is no exception to this rule, as there will be many times across a team where users will want to be able to access the same virtual endpoint as opposed to the real…
How to run a test multiple times
How to run a test multiple times1. How to run a test multiple times? 2. I need to run two tests multiple times in a test suite, which has other tests as well. Other tests need to run only once. But the two tests alone has to run multiple ttimes. where do I configure?
To run a test multiple number of times depending on the count condition.
I have a scenario in which I have 3-4 tests.I have used a global variable "count" at scenario level and initially I have set its value as 1. From the SOAP Response of the test I get the exact value of count which I need to set, for Ex: count = 16. I have few more tests in the same scenario. Now I want to run the complete…
Iterate Test based on increment of Global Variable
How we can iterate a test once the value of global variable is getting changed.
Windows Communication Foundation FAQCommon questions: 1.) What is a binding? In WCF, a binding describes the transport, security, and message encoding for a web service's endpoint. The SOAP Client needs to know the endpoint's binding in order to communicate with the endpoint. The SOAP Client can determine the endpoint's…
Blue screen occurring after Windows Creator update (Virtualize)
Be aware that several users are reporting issues when upgrading windows 10 with the "Creator update." These errors can take many forms but the most common of which is a blue screen. This seems to be an operating system issue that causes bad interactions with the underlying drivers. At this time the resolution is to roll…
Blue screen occurring after Windows Creator update (SOAtest)
Be aware that several users are reporting issues when upgrading windows 10 with the "Creator update." These errors can take many forms but the most common of which is a blue screen. This seems to be an operating system issue that causes bad interactions with the underlying drivers. At this time the resolution is to roll…
Reporting in parasoft
Is there a way I can have 2 reports generated in one run , I need one small report with passed failed count in the email attached from Jenkins and a details report which has all the details. I run the test through CLI command.
Command Line Script
I have a project that has 3 tests underneath it that I want to run using command line in a batch file. I want to run all three of the tests on one command line script. Do I run the command three times, one for each .tst file or can I run it at the project level? When I open the SOATest 9.10 GUI I am able to run it at…
SOAtest CLI command - unable to run the particular test
Command used "C:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOAtest\9.9\soatestcli.exe" -runtest "C:\Users\xxxx\parasoft\workspace\DailyRxxxx\abc.tst" -config "C:\Users\xxxx\parasoft\workspace\DailyRxxxx\Example Configuration.properties" Earlier the same command used to run properly but now I face issue and get below message INFO: Scope not…
Customize the HTML report
Is it possible to customize the HTML report generated after execute the scripts from command line? like change the heading of report (usually its displays as "FUNCTIONAL TESTS"), remove the task by author table. Can anyone provide me some solutions?
Adding message to the reports
For Failed test , context.report command is used to show the particular message . Is there a way to show the message for the success test as well . Can we show the application.showmessage on the report generated. Need to show the message added in extension tool for the passed script with success message and the custom…
how can I validate the field name? in parasoft SOA test
Hello, i want to add an assertion to check the field name is returned as per schema. para soft SOA test 9.9 e.g: "status" : { "serverStatusCode" : "401", "severity" : "ERROR", if I want to check field name "severity" is returned as expected. we have standard assertions to validate the field values , But to add check point…
message Proxie SSL
hi, I'm trying to create a message Proxis, the problem is that the server that I need to connect use an SSL certificate, so I'm trying to put in the section security, but the problem is that I have only the certFile (.cert) and keyFile (.PEM), how can i setup the keystore or the trustore for my proxy to have a…
How to Verify Date Time difference in Parasoft
I want to verify the difference between two dates in Parasoft. My responce looks like below: <TodaysDate>06/28/2017 14:02:06</TodaysDate><FutureDate>08/28/2017 16:18:55</FutureDate> Along with the Date in my response Time is also displayed but I want only the date Difference.