Parasoft support for VS 2017
Hi, Please find the below plugins we are using for our projects for VS 2013. We want to use for VS 2017 IDE. Is the support available? • For the C# plugin use: parasoft_dottest_10.1.1.exe • For the C++ plugin use: parasoft_cpptest_10.1.1_linux_x86_64.tar.gz
Patch for upgrading Concerto 4.9.x to DTP 5.3.3 with Oracle DB
When upgrading Concerto 4.9.x to DTP 5.3.3 using Oracle DB, GRS Database Updator 465 will fail without the attached patch. Please follow the directions below to apply the patch before starting DTP 5.3.3. Instructions to apply patch: 1. Shutdown Concerto 4.9.x. 2. Upgrade to DTP 5.3.3. 3. Before starting DTP, 1. Move the…
How to store request/response in Parasoft to a file through Groovy Script?
Need to store request/response of a testcase in a txt file at a location(path defined in data source) through groovy script.
Integration of parasoft soatest with pymongo
I have tried connecting to mongo db. using mongo db query tool, it is not working because of configurations from database, I would like to use pymongo to connect to mongo db. Please let me know the steps. Thanks in advance.
Is there a way to create projects in DTP automatically via an API?
I recall that we introduced the REST API to do that from curl.
Parameterizing option to send attribute as empty
Hi Team, I had a requirement where all the json values are parameterized. In which need an option to send the attributes based on the excel input. If excel input is empty, i don't required send that element. Regards Udaya
ClassCastException when using Event Monitor with IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Buss platform
I'm trying to create an Event Monitor test with the IBM WebSphere Enterprise Service Bus platform. I'm getting this error: java.lang.ClassCastException: com.sun.corba.se.impl.orb.ORBImpl cannot be cast to com.ibm.CORBA.iiop.ORB Under Preferences -> Java -> Installed JREs I added the IBM Websphere JRE and I have it checked.…
Is there a built-in method to measure runtime at file-level for Flow Analysis & CDD rules?
We were informed of a method called PSRC that we used to gather this data for Pattern-based rules, but we would like to know if there's also a built-in method for Flow Analysis & Code Duplication rules.
Running a test repeatedly
Hi, I am running a test and if it fails i want to go to the previous test and run the same test until it passes. Can someone let me know how to do it in Jython, if possible. Thanks Amit
Static code analysis for microchip mplabX project
I'm using parasoft 10.3, What are the steps for running static code analysis for unsupported compiler, i'm using XC8 compiler for 8bit micro controllers. I would like to perform only "MISRA C 2004" Static analysis but Parasoft tries to perform compilation. Users guide on page 48 says: Microchip Windows-hosted: MPLAB C…
Wait in soatest environment
Between my test case execution i want to insert some wait time. how can this be accomplished. i have tried sleep call in extension tool, but is there any build in feature?
Project Folder Not Showing up in Workspace
Project Folder Not Showing up in Workspace Description: One day you open up your Workspace and either one or multiple Project folders you have been working on are not showing up in the Test Case Explorer of SOAtest or the Virtual Asset Explorer of Virtualize. This behavior usually occurs when the .project file inside of…
Delete old users from CTP instead of having just "Deactivated"
It seems like I can not deleted user accounts from CTP, only deactivate them. They are deleted from the concerto server but still show up on the CTP instance. How do I deleted the users from CTP where they are not visible again. thx
Environment variables localsettings.properties
I have two Environment variables in my test. One is for DEV and the other is for QA. Can I tell soatest which one to use in a property file when I run the command line? Is this the one to use? exec.env=[env1; env2; ...]
Storing XML as a column in a Writable Datasource Slowness
there is somewhat of a similar question posted earlier on this forum about the "Slowness" of the datasource. I have tried all the suggestions that were listed, (Clearing Tasks, heap size, limit amount of tests in workspace etc.) and it takes "forever" to bring up and sometimes it does not come up. I only have two rows in…
connection Reset issue
Whenever i ran the request in SOA it will end up with "Connection Reset issue"
How to read datasource in Parasoft using scripting
Using script i want to read the values from datasource so that the same can be used across all TSTs.
Escaping ? in the Endpoint before forwarding the traffic
I'm constructing a string for the endpoint that I need e.g. https://cisweb-dt-1i.ula.comcast.net:1043/api/custom/comcast/v1/move/companies/${ban}?leadUpdate=Y but when I look at the traffic I only see https://cisweb-dt-1i.ula.comcast.net:1043/api/custom/comcast/v1/move/companies/${ban}. Everything after ? seems to be…
How to create Mock Services for testing in SOATest?
Is there a way we can create Mock services in SOATest for early test start, when the real service is not available?
Extracting string from the URL & saving in the variable for later usage
Hi, Application that I'm working with includes unique string at the end of the URL e.g. http://:9080//. I was able to update the Path in Transport --> HTTP to //* and now responder is able to respond but I need to extract and save that. I tried "REST URL Data Bank" but I can only extract name as the Path. I tried attaching…
Manipulating "Router Endpoint" in "Message Forward" using script
I'm checking for a string and if string's length is not > 0 than I want to change the endpoint If I put my Application.showMessage I can see that I'm in else when the size is not > 0 but the return does not seem to be returning because I get the error Here is my sample code jython code from com.parasoft.api import * from…
HSQLDB Insert statement error through TIBCO BW
I am trying to execute a tibco bw process activity which inserts record into hsqldb table. while inserting tibco bw record it is throwing an error; here I am attaching the snapshot of error. Any clue? Error says - BW-JDBC-100014 Job-58000 Error in [Process/Receive Message.process/JDBC Update] "JDBC error reported:…
How to extract specific node in JSON Databank
Hi Team, I have a requirement where i have to get the specific node in json object. from the below example, How do i fetch the "Node_12345", any help would be appreciatable. "Node_12345": { "Key": "XXXXX", "value": "YYYYY" }, I have use xpath : root\node() --> this gives me complete xml. But i need to fetch this node alone.
Report with traffic information for passed Test case
Hi Team, While generating the report I am getting only failed traffic information, I would like to get passed traffic information. How do i get that?? Regards Udaya
DB Datasource is not getting refreshed
I'm using MySQL DB as the datasource and doing Data Source Correlation on it. When new data is getting inserted in the DB it does not do correlation properly until you open the data source and do show column. Is there a setting or something that needs to be turned on so it always pulls latest info from the DB?
Extracting source IP & values from JSON data bank
Hi, I'm trying to create a proxy basically scenario is 2 endpoints sending info to single proxy and want to capture what endpoint has sent what data in the data source. I want to capture source IP and info from JSON data bank in the data source that can be used as a data source correlation for other responders. Any…
How to capture response time?
While running the regression controls in SOA for each operation, we are giving some 100-200 inputs. And for each we can see the response time as well. Is there any default method, by which we can capture these response times per input and export them into an excel sheet.
Accessing Private members of the class in CPP unit test
How to set the private variables which is defined in the different CPP file other than file under unit test using parasoft?
Backward compatibility
Hi, I have created scripts in 9.10 and have it in the team share . But my counterpart teams are using SOA 9.9 version and uploading their scripts.I m not able to open the services Soa 9.9 (.tst files) in 9.10 version .Is it possible for me to have backward compatibility of my 9.10 scripts to 9.9 version? Any help is much…
grs.* localsettings properties are no longer supported in SOAtest 9.10.3 and later
Starting with SOAtest 9.10.3, localsettings properties with the "grs" prefix are no longer supported. If they are specified in the localsettings file, then the following will be printed out in the console: Instead of using the grs.* properties, the following properties should be used instead: GRS PROPERTY UPDATED PROPERTY…
Extension Tool not showing script methods or errors
hi guys, I changed a couple scripts in my scenario. Now when I open an extension tool it doesn't show the methods in the jython script anymore. 'error message' and also the 'Evaluate' button do not show any error message. is there an additional source for errors I could check to find what I did wrong? pydev code analysis…
DB Tool SQL error: SQL command not properly ended
I'm trying to execute a DB Tool test. I get the following error: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended Scenario: * Set-Up Tests * Tear-Down Tests * Test 1: authorize * Test 2: DB Tool * Test 3: redeem My SQL: SELECT UPDATE_APP_NAME FROM CREDITACCOUNT.CREDIT_PROVIDER_REBATE WHERE…
If I have two endpoints that are the same , First endpoint I do a "get". the second one I do a "post". The data returned is different for the two. How do I do this using one proxy? I am thinking of using a responder that filters off of a URL url/get or url/post. What do I put in the request of the reponder that whichever…
is it possible to save the Writable Data Source
Hi Team, is it possible to save the writable Data source to specific Path. We are having set of test case, where each test case will write data to writable data source dynamically. When we run the parameterized test case, we are loosing the extracted data. is there any way to achieve this?? Thanks Udaya
SSH Connection
SSHDear All, I would appreciate it if you could share your knowledge regarding ssh connectivity: I am running a SOAP client in my suite (windows pc) and the server is running on a linux pc inside the network. I would like to connect to the linux (via soaTest) system, execute a command (for example "ls -la /home/lefteris")…
Invoke soatestcli to run selenium TCs in soatest.
Hi Team, I have some selenium TCs present in soatest, where I am able to execute those after inserting all jars there. But if the same thing I am doing with the help of soatestcli I am unable to do that. It throws error selenium class not found. I know I need to wrap that into jars and pass the path in localsettings file.…
Data Repository How Data is Stored
If I import data via excel, or SQL how is that data stored on the Data Repo server(or wherever it is set up at)? Is it stored in a binary or text file on disk? thx
Inserting values in DB from the transformed response
Hi, I'm using style sheet to transform my response into something I care about from the fields standpoint. What I want to do is extract the values from the transformed response and insert that in the DB My transformed xml is looking like this 2017-10-17T13:45:00.61-04:00 9476102124 HIGH_SPEED_DATA 1 choice WiFi Business…
Extension tool not reading Java class file & populating the method defined in it
Hello, I have written below java method to compare two xml ignoring element orders. String expected = "FOOBAR"; String actual = "BARFOO"; Diff myDiff = DiffBuilder.compare(Input.fromString(expected)) .withTest(Input.fromString(actual)) .withNodeMatcher(new DefaultNodeMatcher(ElementSelectors.byNameAndAllAttributes))…
TestCase Generation in a Common path
Hi Guys, Can we create our test cases and run them from a common place out side of the project? Like If I have my VS solution in MainProject folder and it have 20 projects. Now I'm able to generate and run them from project's location. What I want is to create a Tests folder outside the MainProject, which contains folders…
Attachment Upload in Jira Test Case from SOATest
How can we upload files in jira for a test case from SOATest
how to see the request for a forwarded message
Hi, I have a Json data bank that extracts certain values from the request, then i am using a forwarder to send the extracted message to another endpoint. Is there a way to capture the forwarded request? I tried using a traffic viewer and writing to a file but an not able to capture the forwarded request.
Is it possible to handle binary form data in a responder?
We have an API that expects multiform form-data to upload a file. I'd like to create a stub for it. Is it possible to handle the response differently based on the binary file content?
Copy chunk from req to res in parasoft virtualize
hello, how to copy whole chunk from req to res in parasoft virtualize ?
How to extract values from req and paste it in res
hello, we have req res in xml format also req are changing and as per that response should change with values. we need to store req res and also as per req has no of items tags in xml same should paste in res we are using parasoft virtualize. any java code etc ?
How to set compiler path in cpptestcli?
I'm using Parasoft C++test 9.0. I've used "cpptestscan.exe" to create build data file(bdf), then I want to run my ruleset with "cpptestcli.exe". When I use "New Project -> C++ Test -> Create project from a build data file" in Parasoft IDE(Eclipse based), it allows me to configure compiler setting(family, c compiler, c++…
Using LoadTest Continuum in DevOps delivery pipeline.
Running performance tests as a part of the continuous delivery pipeline is becoming a best practice in DevOps environments. You can start integrating performance tests into the continuous delivery pipeline by adding selected performance tests to Jenkins or a continuous integration tool of your choice and having them run…
Email test execution report after execution is complete
How can the automated mail with SOATest execution report be triggered from parasoftSOA test to recipients after execution of scripts is completed in parasoftSOA test
How to generate and run unit tests outside the project folder (in MS visual studio) ?
How to generate and run unit tests outside the project folder (in MS visual studio) ? Currently I am not able generate test cases using parasoft ,in a folder which is outside the CPP project. what are settings that needs to be done ? Please suggest.
Parsing error
I am trying to check "Coding Standarts" of our project with Parasoft. This is a C project which uses "gnu.cross.cortexm3". I open this project with Parasoft and try to test it with "Example Configurations" but it skips all the files in project and doesn't check any file. When I create a new simple makefile C project(Hello…