Iterating through Database Data Source
Hi, I am current attempting to use a Database Data source to verify result returning from the web service. I've created a simple test suite that included a Database Data Source (DDS) and a simple test. This test would include a XML Transformer and XML Assertor. The DDS contains a simple SQL that return 1 column with 3 rows…
How to validate first 15 characters of a string in Diff Tool
I have extracted the header using "Header Text Data Bank", in that environment specific values are there. So i used diff tool to validate against my expected string. On failure used ignore differences, now anything that comes in header is passing the test case. Any suggestions? Note: In that response header text 1st 15…
Adding Headers to DTP tomcat
*This is custom work and is to be done at the users discretion. Incorrect implementation may prevent DTP from starting. BEFORE any manipulation to the web.xml, MAKE A COPY and store as a back up* The following will walk through an example on how to add a few Security headers to your DTP tomcat web.xml: First let us look at…
got the result, but test failed in mongodb tool
Error Message: Test failed. Additional Details: No additional details available
Not Getting the result in MongoDB Tool
Error Message: Timed out after 10000 ms while waiting for a server that matches ReadPreferenceServerSelector{readPreference=primary}. Client view of cluster state is {type=UNKNOWN, servers=[{address=vpsdb-dt-a1q.ula.comcast.net:27020, type=UNKNOWN, state=CONNECTING, exception={com.mongodb.MongoSecurityException: Exception…
Upgrading DTP Enterprise Pack
* Stop older version of DTP Enterprise Pack using following command ./dtpservices.sh stop Or dtpservices.bat stop * Unzip new distribution of DTP Enterprise Pack package. Using a command prompt, run following command /dtpservices.sh upgrade --target <dir> Or dtpservices.bat upgrade --target <dir> <dir> refers to directory…
Parasoft Support for OWASP Top 10 - 2017 available now.
Parasoft has configurations available for static analysis to support OWASP Top 10 - 2017. OWASP Top 10 - 2017 was released today. Some old items were merged, some removed, and a few new ones added. New configurations for static analysis will be in the next release of each product, but for now you can download them directly…
Parasoft Support for CWE "On the cusp" rules
Parasoft has configurations available for static analysis to support the "On the cusp" list from CWE. These are the security weaknesses that didn't quite make the top 25 but are still important issues. New configurations for static analysis will be in the next release of each product, but for now you can download them…
Parasoft Findings plugin now supports Jenkins pipeline jobs
Starting with version 10.3.5 of the Parasoft Findings for Jenkins plugin, Jenkins pipeline jobs are now supported, in addition to Freestyle and Maven jobs. Static analysis, unit test, and functional test results can all get published using a pipeline script. For details on how to do this, please see the documentation for…
Parasoft Findings plugin now supports Jenkins pipeline jobs
Starting with version 10.3.5 of the Parasoft Findings for Jenkins plugin, Jenkins pipeline jobs are now supported, in addition to Freestyle and Maven jobs. Static analysis, unit test, and functional test results can all get published using a pipeline script. For details on how to do this, please see the documentation for…
How to parameterize a value for a parameter in request URL
i have a URL which has multiple parameters like x,y,z, one of the parameter is current date. for example, take y as Current date. whenever I hit the front request, the back end URL should pass current date as one for the parameter and my mocked response should pick up. anyone please let me know if you know solution to…
How to parameterize a value in the request URL parameter
i have a URL which has multiple parameters like x,y,z, one of the parameter is current date. for example, take y as Current date. whenever I hit the front request, the back end URL should pass current date as one for the parameter and my mocked response should pick up. anyone please let me know if you know solution to…
Parasoft Findings plugin now supports Jenkins pipeline jobs
Starting with version 10.3.5 of the Parasoft Findings for Jenkins plugin, Jenkins pipeline jobs are now supported, in addition to Freestyle and Maven jobs. Static analysis, unit test, and functional test results can all get published using a pipeline script. For details on how to do this, please see the documentation for…
Parasoft announces the release of Jtest 10.3.4 Milestone 1 Beta
Our coding Paratroopers have been working ferociously on the next release of Jtest (10.3.4), putting together some neat features that you will enjoy. Instead of waiting until our full release, we are pleased to announce a Jtest 10.3.4 Milestone 1 Beta, that you can download today, from our customer portal. In this beta, we…
Parasoft announces the release of Jtest 10.3.4 Milestone 1 Beta
Our coding Paratroopers have been working ferociously on the next release of Jtest (10.3.4), putting together some neat features that you will enjoy. Instead of waiting until our full release, we are pleased to announce a Jtest 10.3.4 Milestone 1 Beta, that you can download today, from our customer portal. In this beta, we…
Defining custom metrics for C/C++ [Halstead and others]
We are migrating from version 9 to 10 of C/C++. One of the things we wanted to do was run more metrics on code. Discovered a short blog on how to export, modify and then import the properties file. In our case we want to try out Halstead metrics and any of the other metrics available for C/C++. When we do the export we see…
cpptest does not generate bugs report!
I am running cpptest with the command line using cpptesttrace and cpptestcli. I do have cmake build system. The analysis has never caught any bug and always shows that the number of files that have been checked to 0. Not sure what is the issue exactly. Here are the commands that I run cmake -G "Unix Makefiles" ..…
Extension Tool in Responder_ ParasoftVirtualize
Hi, I am using extension tool(Incoming Request payload--->Extension tool) in responder. i want to convert incoming request which is in .xml into String using Java. Please help me over this
Run a particular test in the suite multiple times
Is there a setting in Parasoft SOA which allows the user to run a particular test multiple times??? For example in my Test suite I have test1, test2 and test3, I want to run test2 three times before running test3. Is this possible?
How can I store a variable in a data source using groovy
I'm trying to store a Header in a Data Sorce using groovy but I'm not able to do it. I'm using: import parasoft.com.*; String grabHeaderValue (input, context) { String headers = input.toString(); int dateIndex = headers.indexOf("Date:"); int endIndex = headers.indexOf('\n', dateIndex); String desiredHeader =…
Removing DTP engine results from DTP
Please note this will only work with DTP Engines. To delete data that has been published to DTP from a DTP Engine, you will need to you will need to use the "Build Administration - Statistics" Widget. https://docs.parasoft.com/display/DTP531/Using+Build+Administration The result/reports from DTP Engine when published to…
Get array of response using JSON Databank options
I am looking for easiest options to add comma in between the array of elements. I have an work around to use for in json data bank xpath regular expression. Looking for other parasoft inbuilt options. For example, root/customer/id[1] - One element Expected: root/customer/id[1] - Element1,Element2,Element3,Element4
Parasoft announces the release of C/C++test, dotTEST, Jtest 10.3.3, and Parasoft DTP 5.3.3
We are happy to have released the latest updates to Parasoft’s development testing products, including the 10.3.3 versions of Parasoft C/C++test, Parasoft dotTEST, and Parasoft Jtest. In addition to the 5.3.3 versions of Parasoft DTP and the Parasoft DTP Enterprise Pack. For this update, we focused on providing customers…
Incremeting the variable declared at scenario level
Hi, I declared a variable(integer type consider x=0) at scenario level. I have a value(consider 3) coming from the JSON data bank. Now I have to increment my scenario level variable(0) upto value(3) that I'm getting from JSON data bank. Please suggest me a way to do that. Thanks
Need to connect to DB using Extension tool
Hi, I am trying to connect to a Oracle Database using a extension tool for which i am getting an error saying that it was unable to locate the jar i have specified the Jar in preferences in the JDBC configs, yet it was giving error. My idea of using the Extension tool is that i would fetch a random row from the DB and use…
DB Tool in Parasoft Virtualize
Hi, I am using DB tool in .pva and the connection is successful but I am unable to see output in traffic viewer also, I am unable to save the result in xml data bank. Please help me over this
Relation between Writable data source setup and test suite execution
Hi Team I have a test suite 1: which extracts and writes to writable data source ds1. Test Suite 2 and Test suite 3 runs based on the data available in ds1. Problem here is **Test suite 3 is not getting data when ds1 has ** Standard test modes : Append Reset Frequency : Per write access The same works fine when ds1 has…
Parasoft support for UL 2900 device cybersecurity standard
The latest releases of Jtest, C/C++test and dotTEST have configurations available for static analysis to support the new UL 2900 cybersecurity coding standard for devices. This standard has been recognized by the FDA, making it a good choice if you're working on medical devices. In a nutshell, the standard requires you to…
Running a cmd command using jython.
Hi all, i tried running a cmd command in Soa test but there was no out put from com.parasoft.api import * from java.lang import * from java.io import * def runMyCommand(input, context): proc = Runtime.getRuntime().exec("cmd /C "dir c:\"") inStream = BufferedReader(InputStreamReader(proc.getInputStream())) outputLine =…
Succesfull test in SOATest fails with SOATestcli.exe
I am implementing an automated parasoft test solution using soatestcli.exe. Our test suite uses sql query to validate test result. I currently have a probleme where SOATest and SOATestcli.exe gives different results. SOATest : all test passes SOATestcli : I get this error <Position XPath="/SQLException"> <Subtree…
Succesfull test in SOATest fails with SOATestcli.exe
I am implementing an automated parasoft test solution using soatestcli.exe. Our test suite uses sql query to validate test result. I currently have a probleme where SOATest and SOATestcli.exe gives different results. SOATest : all test passes SOATestcli : I get this error <Position XPath="/SQLException"> <Subtree…
Feature Request : Rearrange the order in Databank and Assertion
Hi Team, Its very difficult to maintain large number of field fetch and multiple validations in assertion. If we have an ordering option, it would make the testers job easier. Please provide your valuable inputs. Regards Udaya
How to skip a node from JSON assertion
Hi All, I am having total 15 scenarios in my test and i am using value assertion to check for the correct values in the response but i am facing one problem suppose for first scenario i am having one element in the response and i have added that in my list of assertion bu for the 3rd scenario that element wont come in the…
Axis2 Logs in Tomcat Folder
Hi Everyone, I just have a few questions regarding the Axis2 log that is being generated under the tomcat folder: * What is it for / What is it logging about? * How do we control it? (ie. limit file size/change archive settings) Im asking this as we recently updated to 9.10 and we noticed that, after a clean install, the…
Unsupported boost lib versions for Insure++ 7.4/7.5
Insure++ is unable to function with projects which use boost lib versions 1.5x Typically seeing the message similar to the following: Unix/Signal.cc:527: panic: received signal 11 while in runtime @(#)GITid: Unix/Signal.cc d2a4ea9d1738e811690bbe377751f92f813 ThisThread.cc:857: abort @(#)GITid: ThisThread.cc…
Global Data Source Definitions for Jenkins (soatestcli)
Hi, how can I import a data source (data group with several excels) defined as 'Global Data Sources' when starting SOAtest from the cli? I was unable to find anything in the localsettings. is there a way to do this? maybe something similiar to the activeDataSource.xml? regards, urs
Feature Request : Rearrange the order in Databank and Assertion
Hi Team, Its very difficult to maintain large number of field fetch and multiple validations in assertion. If we have an ordering option, it would make the testers job easier. Please provide your valuable inputs. Regards Udaya
validate id in json response and pull the details associated with the id into the report
Hi, Below is my scenario, i have json response in json databank, based on object id i want to pull the details like: if id :2 { name:test number:1 } so based on id i want to pull the name and number into report.
Xpath Reg-Ex option for looping
Hi Team, I have an requirement, where i need to perform operation on two level of data in array. is it possible to perform regular xpression like below. (Nested For) for $itemX in (/root/item) for $itemY in ($itemX/products/) return if (condition ) then $something else $something else
Maintain integrity with data using writable data source
Hi Team, To maintain integrity of data while putting in writable data source. While extracting to databank, There should be an option to be given to replace "null" string where the node doesn't have value in it or the node is not present for given array path. For Example, I am trying to get 10 rows from Response/Database,…
Best Way to Run in Headless Mode.
What is the best way to run the server in headless mode? A windows service, Task Scheduler, etc? Running just via CMD does not seem logical when operational. thx
How to execute a single test case or test suite for defined time limit.
Team, I have a scenario, where i need to execute a test for 10mins. I can complete thru using Suite level variable and script. But wanted to know the tools feature to achieve it. I see there is an option to give max no.of loops, but looking for time limit specified option Regards Udaya
ERROR: Cannot launch process: Access is denied.
When you ran C++ Desktop you need to make sure C++Test you can execute your compiler. If you don't set it up properly, you will see a message like that: Error during process execution: Cannot launch process: "C:\gcc" "-IC:\Apps\Parasoft\C++test\10.3\engine\runtime\include" -I. -DPARASOFT_CPPTEST -v -E -dM -ffreestanding…
Best option to compare two different versions of tst file in SOA
Hi Team, We have a tst file where as 10 Test suites each test suite carries minimum 20 test clients. There was changed placed by team and checked in the tst file, Change was breaking lot of existing coverage. We faced lot of time to tweak the error , is there any way of mechanism allows to identify where the changes is??…
ctp-vsts-extension - Converts service url from https to http
Hi, I am trying out the Parasoft Service Vitualisation add-in for Microsoft vsts with a CTP instance running in Azure. We have configured the Parasoft VM to allow communication over https. While configuring the service in Microsoft VSTS, I add the service url as https://ctp....../azure.com:8443/em However, when the build…
Run python script using external tool
I want to run python script using external tool, i have place python.exe in executable and MIME type as application/output, input as simple helo python statement. MIME type as text/python. Please let me know the configurations, while running it is stopping at 47% of test configuration
Is there any reason why both WebElements and locators shouldn't be used in one Selenium test project
Hi, In my Selenium tests, sometimes i need to use locators (eg. driver.findElement(locator)) and sometimes I need to use webElements** (eg. List)**. I wonder if there is any reason, that using these to in one project is not correct and I should stick to one type and declare only locators or only webElements in every…
Do we have any Zephyr plugin?
Hi Team, we have to pass the test case in zephyr based on our parasoft test case status. is there any integration tool is available to update the test case status from parasoft tool. Regards Udaya
is it possible to write value to writable data source using groovy?
Hi Team, I would like to know the script option to write a variable value to a writable data source using groovy, is it possible? Any help would be appreciable. Regards Udaya
Extracting request to writable data source
Hi Team, This query is specific to my project. I can able to complete thru groovy script, looking for tool features. There is situation where i have to extract the permutation and combination from the request data. In the example i have customer as array and product as array, that need to be fetched as permutation and…