Resolving Tibco RV connection issues in Windows 7

Windows 32; Windows 64
This article will outline a potential issue that may arise when migrating from an existing installation of Tibco RV
on Windows XP to Windows 7. We will also provide a solution to the following error
Failed to open Tibrv in native implementation.
The standard version of Tibco RV that will be present on Windows XP will be 32bit. When trying to access this
Tibco implementation on a Windows 7 machine you may see the following error.
Error Message:
Failed to open Tibrv in native implementation.
Additional Details:
Failed to open Tibrv in native implementation.
Please make sure you have TIBRV installed and tibrvj.jar in your classpath.
Library not found: tibrvjsd
There are a few thing that could be at play causing this error.
Adding your Tibco implementation to your PATH
In order to access the Tibco protocol you will need to have the standard Tibco implementation available to SOAtest
this will require you to provide the TIBCO RV installation location to your PATH variable in windows advanced settings.
Ensure you are using the correct bitness
Windows XP is typically a 32 bit operasting system. If you try to use the Tibrvj.jar and 32-bit TibcoRV implementation on a
Windows 7 64-bit machine you will not be able to open the native implementation. To resolve this issue use a 64-bit
version of RV on your Windows 7 64-bit machine and you will be able to successfully connect to Tibco.