Upgrade Process for DTP
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Upgrading from a Previous Version of DTP (5.x to 5.y)
Before upgrading from previous versions of Development Testing Platform, make sure you read the following sections below for more information and make sure all necessary adjustments have been made before proceeding with the upgrade:
•Preparing for Update or Migrating information for Concerto/DTP
•Migrating Data
Upgrading on Windows
1. Stop Parasoft services
Run the DTP.exe file and choose "Reinstall Development Testing Platform" option.
Click "Next" and verify the installation settings.
Click "Install" to proceed.The installer will uninstall the existing version before and the newer version.
Click Finish when the installation is complete to start DTP services. All configuration files should be preserved.
Upgrading on Linux and Solaris
1.Stop Parasoft services
- Run the installation script with the '-u' option:
./DTP.sh -u DTP_HOME
where DTP_HOME is the installation directory of the current installation.
Important! It is important that you type the full, non-relative path. Example: /home/dtp/parasoft/dtp but not ./parasoft/dtp If you are installing the DTP distribution that includes an embedded database server (Linux-only), the installer will confirm the status of the database server service.
When DTP.sh -u finishes installing, start Development Testing Platform and the Data Collector in dtpconsole.sh. If you are installing the DTP distribution that includes an embedded database server, services will start automatically and you can immediately begin using DTP.
Go to the Web interface and log in as an administrator.
Preparing for Update or Migrating information for Concerto/DTP
Before upgrading from a previous version of Development Testing Platform or migrating from Concerto (4.x) to Development Testing Platform (5.x), you should back up your DTP data files, as well as your database to prevent any loss of data.
Creating a Concerto or DTP Backup for Windows
1. Create a backup directory: C:\tmp\backup.
Stop Parasoft services.
Copy Development Testing Platform files from the install directory and paste them to your backup directory. For example, copy from c:\Program Files\Parasoft\dtp directory, and then paste to C:\tmp\backup\db.
Restart Parasoft services.
Creating a Concerto or DTP Backup for Linux and Solaris
When you update Development Testing Platform in Linux, an installation script automatically creates a backup directory and copies system files: concerto_4.sh -u. The backup directory takes the following format: /concertodate_hour/, e.g. concerto070313_092706.
You can also manually backup Development Testing Platform prior to upgrading:
1. Create a backup directory:
mkdir $HOME/backup
Shut down the old Development Testing Platform Server and Data Collector:
cd $HOME/dtp/binRun the dtpconsole.sh script and shut down the Server and Data Collector.
From the menu, select the following options:
(1) DTP Server (Report Center, Project Center, Team Server, License Server) [ENTER]
(1) Stop Service [ENTER]
(2) Data Collector [ENTER]
(1) Stop Service [ENTER]
q [ENTER]Backup Development Testing Platform files:
cp -r $HOME/dtp $HOME/backup
Additional Notes
When upgrading Development Testing Platform in a directory such as, /home/test/dtp, for example, a backup is automatically created in the folder /home/test/dtpYYMMDD_HHmmSS, where YYMMDD_HHmmSS represents the date and time when the backup and upgrade were created.
When crontab has been modified by your Development Testing Platform upgrade script, the old crontab is backed up here: /bin/cronguard.cron~ file.
Backing Up MySQL
1. Log into your Development Testing Platform host shell.
Create a backup directory for the dump data.
Issue the following command:
mysqldump -u grs -pgrs GRS > grs-dump.sql
The database dump creates a grs-dump.sql text file that contains the table structure in addition to the data. Large databases may take several minutes and require considerable disk space to output the file. For additional information and details, read the following sections from the MySQL reference manual:
Creating a Database Dump With MySQL Workbench
MySQL Workbench is a simple application for managing your database. You can download Workbench from the development website:
Launch Workbench and click Manage Import/Export.
From the DATA EXPORT/RESTORE menu, select Data Export and Restore.
Select your export options and enter a location.
Click Start Export.
Backing up Data Collector
DTP and Data Collector both need to be running to back up the Data Collector directory. There are two endpoints associated with the Data Collector back up process:
1. POST: https://
This endpoint accepts a POST request and requires authentication. Data Collector will finish processing any report that has already started and be put on standby. New files will not be processed, but Data Collector will still be able to receive and queue files. A ZIP file containing the back up is generated in /data/DEFAULT/backup(contents of the input directory are not backed up). Check the status of your back up with the GET endpoint
- GET: https://
This endpoint accepts a GET request and requires authentication. This endpoint provides the status of the back up currently in progress or the most recent backup process. The following information is included:
• duration (ms)
• backup file path
• total bytes
• total files
• bytes processed
• files processed
Restoring Data Collector
The contents of input directory are not backed up by the process. The input directory from the back up zip will be empty.
1. Unzip the backup file created with the POST endpoint (see “Backing up Data Collector”)
- Copy, move, or replace the folders in /data/DEFAULT/data with the contents of the the unzipped backup folder.
Migrating Data
You should back up the data from older versions of Development Testing Platform (version 5.x) or Concerto (version 4.x) and migrate it to the new version. You can accomplish this by performing the following tasks:
•Migrating Data from License Server. Do one of the following:
•Migrating Data from License Server 1.0 or 2.0, or
•Migrating Data from License Server 2.x to a New Version
•Migrating Team Server Configuration
•Migrating Team Server Data
Migrating Data from License Server 1.0 or 2.0
License data defined for License Server is stored in the /LicenseServer/.psrc directory. To import data from License Server 1.0 or 2.0 to Concerto 1.x, follow these steps:
1.Back up your .psrc file.
2.Uninstall the previous License Server and Concerto versions.
3.Install Concerto 1.x.
4.Verify that /LicenseServer/conf/.psrc.xml exists, and then rename it to ensure that License Server will not use this configuration upon startup. An example is to rename it to .prsc.xml.bak.
5.Copy the backup of your .psrc file (from Step 1.), and then paste it in the /LicenseServer/conf/ directory to force License Server to use the previous license configuration.
6.Run Concerto 1.x.
Upon startup, License Server will import license configurations from the .psrc file and create a new .psrc.xml file based on data from the previous .psrc.
Migrating Data from License Server 2.x to a New Version
To import data from License Server 2.x to a new version of Development Testing Platform, follow these steps:
1.Back up the DTP_HOME/LicenseServer/conf/ file.
2.Uninstall the previous version.
3.Install Development Testing Platform. See the "Development Testing Platfrom Quick-install Guide" for more information.
4.Copy and paste the backup to the new DTP_HOME/LicenseServer/conf location.
If you upgrade through the Repair option (recommended), there is no need to use backups because your previous data/configuration is preserved for use by the new version automatically. Keeping backups is recommended in the even that your new installation fails and you need to reinstall the previous version and restore your data.
Migrating Team Server Configuration
To restore the previous Team Server configuration follow the steps below:
1.Back up the DTP_HOME/tcm/conf/ file.
2.Uninstall the previous Team Server/Concerto version.
3.Install Concerto 1.x. See the "Development Testing Platfrom Quick-install Guide" for more information.
4.Copy and paste the backup to the new DTP_HOME/tcm/conf location.
If you upgrade through the Repair option (recommended), there is no need to use backups because your previous data/configuration is preserved for use by the new version automatically. Keeping backups is recommended in the even that your new installation fails and you need to reinstall the previous version and restore your data.
Migrating Team Server Data
To restore the previous Team Server data follow the steps below:
1.Back up the DTP_HOME/tcm/storage/ file.
2.Uninstall the previous Team Server/Concerto version.
3.Install Concerto 1.x. See the "Development Testing Platfrom Quick-install Guide" for more information.
4.Copy and paste the backup to the new DTP_HOME/tcm/storage location.
If you upgrade through the Repair option (recommended), there is no need to use backups because your previous data/configuration is preserved for use by the new version automatically. Keeping backups is recommended in the even that your new installation fails and you need to reinstall the previous version and restore your data.