Best Global property tool to access Yaml file config data from bit bucket

There is a situation where i need to update the config file back and forth before hitting the service.
I did used Browse, browse play back tool. Given bit bucket url is direct url for config yaml file.
Any inputs is appreciable.
My desire need is to update and commit, first thing i am looking to access those yml file.
It sounds like your scenario is this: before running a test scenario, you need to connect to a file that is stored within bitbucket and modify it. You will modify and commit it using a web browser. Does this accurately describe your use case?
If so, you could try recording and configuring a browser test scenario. However, if editing the file requires input into a complex text editor, there is a chance that SOAtest will have a hard time doing that - it supports some text editors but others it does not. But it may work so it's worth a try.
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I tried, updating yml is not possible in that way.
Above info helped me to get, still looking for option to post and update this thread.
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Given bit bucket url is direct url for config yaml file.
Are you referring to a file within a git repository that's hosted by your Bitbucket? If not, can you be more specific?
My desire need is to update and commit
As in "git commit" and "git push"?
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Yes I am referring to a file in GIT and hosted in bit bucket
I would say git commit.0 -
You could use SOAtest's External tool to invoke "git" command line or perhaps a script that has the git commands you'd like to run. Of course, you would need to have "git" installed on your SOAtest machine.
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I have the commands that needs to be executed..
how do i invoke those via extension tool?0 -
Here are the docs.
In one field you specify the command to execute (path to the .exe file). Then there is a table where you can specify flags or arguments. Either that or put your commands in a script file (like .bat or .sh) then configure the external tool to run the script executor (like cmd.exe or bash.exe) with the path to the script as an argument.0