Comparing Responses to Files
I have two rest calls. The first one gets 'id's". I populate them in a Writable DS. I loop thru the Writable DS using the id's for the second rest call. I want to validate the response to gold copy files that are in a fileshare (10 id's in writable against 10 JSON). If I use a "File DS" then it will validate against all 10…
How to increase Continuous Testing Platform Marketplace Virtual Asset upload size limit
You can increase the upload size limit by doing the following: 1.) Shut down MySQL and Tomcat 2.) You need to edit the my.ini file in the MySQL installation, specifically you need to add: max_allowed_packet=100M 3.) Turn on MySQL and Tomcat Keep in mind that private marketplace items you upload get stored in the database.…
Possible cause for not being able to log into Continuous Testing Platform using Internet Explorer
If you are unable to log into Continuous Testing Platform with Continuous Testing Platform, make sure the domain name does not include an underscore '_'. Using an underscore in the domain name is a violation of RFC 1035. That said, IE silently drops all cookies for that host on a domain that uses an underscore. Although…
Installing the Parasoft SOAtest test type into HP Quality Center 11 on a Linux machine
1) Back up any Custom Test Types and Extensions already present in the installation \application\CustomTestTypes \application\Extensions This prevents them from being overwritten when the SOAtest test types are installed. 2) Extract the contents of the ZIP file that is shipped with SOAtest. /integration/HP to the folder…
Control the execution of tests in a referenced test suite from the parent test suite
Example Use Case Question: You have a test suite that contains many authentication procedures that you need to use in order to do your functional testing, but your scenarios only require you to execute certain authentications when performing certain tests. How do I control the execution of the tests in the referenced test…
Resolving Tibco RV connection issues in Windows 7
Windows 32; Windows 64 This article will outline a potential issue that may arise when migrating from an existing installation of Tibco RV on Windows XP to Windows 7. We will also provide a solution to the following error Failed to open Tibrv in native implementation. The standard version of Tibco RV that will be present…
Validating which cacerts file Parasoft is using
In the Security preferences section of SOAtest or Virtualize, there is an option to "Use default Java cacerts file" as the trust store for server certificates. However, depending on which install of Java SOAtest/Virtualize is using, the cacerts file may vary. This article explains how to find the location of the cacerts…
How to Configure the Number of FTP Client Login Attempts
Problem: In SOAtest 9.5 (or older version), the FTP client will login with the same user credential 6 times if the provided credential is incorrect. This often will prevent the same user from connecting again since the account will be locked due to multiple failed logins. Here is the response: Starting FTP Session:…
Databank attached to browser testing tool causes "No data source column named" error
When performing an extraction after a browser test and using that extraction to define the element in the very next test, an error stating "No data source column named..." is thrown. This article explains how to avoid this scenario. Take a look at this setup: User-added image In this scenario, Test 1 uses a Browser Data…
Pre/Post Browser Contents does not displaying on 32-bit Linux machine
The following steps resolve the render not displaying on 32-bit Linux machines: Shut down SOAtest if it is running In the SOAtest installation directory, navigate to: eclipse/plugins Move out the x86_64 version of the com.parasoft.xtest.mozilla.xulrunner.eclipse.core.web plugin directory to a different directory (such as…
Example of datagroupConfig and environmentConfig cli options
This article builds upon the explanation provided in the SOAtest Documentation under the following section: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA9103/CLI+Options XML Files for datagroupConfig and environmentConfig The files are specified in the following format: Make note of the forward slashes to separate directories…
Failure to Start Monitoring Error on Remote Proxies/Assets
This is a checklist of things to verify if you receive the error "Failure to start monitoring on . Make sure event monitoring is enabled on the server." Being able to monitor the event in Virtualize can be an essential component to determining the flow of events and possibly pointing out where an issue may be occurring.…
Error in XML Data Bank with strings that contain "&"
Hi, I have a REST service that I am testing by querying a database for some name values and asserting these values against the service response. The issue I came across is that some values returned by my query contain the "&" symbol and when it tries to get that stored into an XML Data Bank, the whole test fails with the…
svn revisions in xml report, JTest 9.6.0
I need to have svn revisions and commit messages for found violations in XML report after static code analysis using JTest I did manage to get this when starting the analysis from within JTest IDE manually. But when I do the same using command line tool jtestcli.exe svn related information is not present in…
Script to bypass user input automatically
I need to call a executable that requires entering a password manually after it is executed. What I want to do is use the external tool to pass in 2 parameters which one of them is the value the executable prompts. I need this to run automatically by entering the password automatically. Has anyone done this type of…
Multiple response for single request
we are using parasoft virtualize tool. We need to send the multiple responses based on single request in single asset. We have tried the multiple responses option but its static and we need to do dynamic and needs more changes than static one so we have used java coding. but there is no solution to send multiple responses…
How do I read the data from the XMLdataBank through groovy and then parse that XML
I have a SOAP request which gives XML response. I created one XMLdatabank and mapped the respective node which has children to a variable in the XMLDatabank. In the extension tool I try reading that data of that variable through groovy but it is returning NULL. I was able to do it with the Json response but not with XML.…
Having difficulties in using environment based data sheet in Environment Manager
We have QA1, QA2, PRE-PROD environments configured in environment. Each one has configured different environments and the test data file is also different. In local, i have used teh excel path in an environment variable which maps to the Datasheet path. Same is not possible with CTP, CTP is asking for valid xls, .xlsx file…
soatestcli unable to execute scripts having java code.
I am trying to run soaest scripts using soatestcli but ending up with lots of java code error saying "class not found." as I am using localsettings in this case do i need to make any changes so that my classfolder should get loaded along with scripts when run by soatestcli.
Using Session Tags in DTP
A Session Tag uniquely identifies results for a test/analysis run and used to distinguish it from similar test runs. There are three primary use-cases for session tags; 1. when running the same tests/analysis against different branches 2. when running the same tests/analysis in different environments 3. when running the…
localsettings.properties File Generation and Population
localsettings.properties files store important information regarding Parasoft tool's stored configurations as well as project parameters. A localsettings.properties file is required to utilize CLI integration, back up an installation, or transfer configurations from one installation to another. For 9.x dotTEST, C++test,…
Upgrade Process for DTP
Upgrading from a Previous Version of DTP (5.x to 5.y) Before upgrading from previous versions of Development Testing Platform, make sure you read the following sections below for more information and make sure all necessary adjustments have been made before proceeding with the upgrade: •Preparing for Update or Migrating…
"Invalid Configuration Location" after installing the tool
If the following window appears when a User is trying to launch the Parasoft tool: Invalid Configuration Location pop up. This message is reported by the Eclipse platform used by the Parasoft Tool when there are some problems with caching Eclipse internal data in the folder "configuration", usually located under…
Finding your Machine ID
Solution If you want to capture the machine ID, you can do so using one of the following methods: Method 1: if you are using the GUI. From the menu click on "Parasoft" and select "Preferences..." Then when the Preferences dialog appears be sure to expand the "Parasoft" tree on the left hand side and then select "License".…
Parasoft Event logs
Hi, Can we save parasoft event details in a file or in any log to access later?
Parasoft Findings Plugin
Parasoft Findings Plugin... While implementing it I came across one problem.. Jenkins is configured to pick the test pack from SVN. When the jenkins job is triggered it looks for the batch file in the workspace in SVN & then triggers the command line CLI to run the tests. After the test is finished it writes the report.xml…
Screenshots on failure for browser tests using Selenium WebDriver
As of SOAtest 9.10.2 you can automatically take screenshots when browser tests running with Selenium WebDriver fail. This lets you see what happened in the browser even if you weren't able to watch it happen during the test run. SOAtest can save your screenshots to a folder or embed them directly into HTML reports. For now…
How to unsubscribe using MQTT
Hi Team, Can you please provide the steps to unsubscribe using MQTT . Thanks, Swapna
Getting the Virtualize licence issue if we would have the enough licences while virtualizing the ser
Hi Team, We are having enough licences but still we are getting the error message as The number of licensed hits per day has been reached. Use a license with a higher limit, or wait until tomorrow when the per day limit has been reset to process additional requests. Attached the screenshot for the same. Kindly take a look…
SOATEST: Not able to connect to database while using Oracle 12.2 JDBC drivers
I have been using Parasoft SOATEST 9.9 and was using it to develop and run my web services tests against our server(which uses Oracle 11g drivers). Recently our servers got updated to use the Oracle 12c drivers( and I replaced my earlier oracle.jar , in the Parasoft workspace to 'ojdbc8-' ( I renamed…
How to have two variable conditions in Test flow Logic
I have two variable check for test execution, how do i make variable condition for this.
SOA Test DBTool is returning Null value for correct query
Hi, DB tool with Oracle is returning null value. The same query in Toad returns valid record from DB. Sometime if we execute DB tool multiple times it might reflect any record (which is intermittent). Also if we parameterize the query it shows record for only for the last parameter(in-case if it returns any record) Even I…
is there any other way to get get header response other than Header Text data bank?
Team, There is situation where i wanted to see whether the header is present or not. isPersent - working fine with Text Data bank. when the same text is not present test is failing- any other possibilities like xml Data bank?
Could not find a valid Message Responder to respond to this request.
Hi Team, I have created virtual asset ad deployed successfully(WSDL) ,Can any one help me,how to call the wsdl operations from the deployed wsdl? WSDL:http://soaptest.parasoft.com/calculator-02.wsdl Virtual End point: http://localhost:9080/glue/calculator/ getting the below error message while calling the add operation…
How to add additional server in LoadTest as a slave
Hi Team, I got the server information, where the Parasoft load test is installed. But i couldn't find in the available machine list in the machines tab. is there any way to this particular server as slave.
Do we have any tool to access Reddis server from Parasoft?
Do we have any tool to access Reddis server from Parasoft?
Creating a New Virtualize Java Project in eclipse
H Team, I am not able to find the path as mentioned in the Parasoft documentation to create the Virtual java project in eclispe(Choose File> New> Project. Select Virtualize> Custom Development> Virtualize Java Project) Documentation: Using Eclipse Java Projects in Virtualize Creating a New Virtualize Java Project…
java documentation is needed
where do i find the java documentation in the parasoft? please help me on this. Thanks, Swapna
Gradle integration with JTest
Someone asked me where one can find documentation on JTest integration with Gradle. Jtest DTP Engine ships with a set of plugins that allow you to easily integrate with the following build systems: Maven, Ant Gradle For details about configuration and usage, see the Parasoft Jtest Plugins manual shipped with the product in…
Can any one help me how to Virtualize the API response in parasoft
Hi Team, Can any one help me how to Virtualize the API response in parasoft . Thanks, Swapna
Facing 404 not found error using Responder correlation in SV9.10.2
Hi Team, Facing 404 not found error When using CDATA(Ex:TransactionID) element Xpath to enable correlation under request body responder correlation in virtualize 9.10.2 Steps to Reproduce: 1. Create SOAP responder and paste the response(attached file) in the literal view and change it to form XML 2. Navigate to the…
I am looking for java predefined classes in the Parasoft
Hi Team, I am trying to create sample java class in the parasoft but it asking for Java class name and method . Please help me on this. Thanks, Swapna
Edit/Update/Modify Test response object and write to another file using Groovy script
Hi there .. So I am pretty new to the groovy scripting world and some help on this would be appreciated .. I am writing the response object of a test scenario to a text file on file system. (Response traffic -> Write File ) Now the objective to update the response using groovy script and save it in another file. How to…
Installing DTP on Windows 10
By default DTP tomcat will have a conflict with port 80 on Windows 10. modify this file [DTP_HOME]/tomcat/conf/server.xml and restart DTP services: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/DTP533/Starting+DTP+Services
XML Validator
If we need to Validate incoming request and if the validation fails then how to send the error in response. We have already selected Incoming request-->Payload--> XML validator. Please help here
Not able to fetch data from CSV file in Parasoft virtualize - Community Edition
I am trying to fetch one value from csv file for a wsdl but getting success response in soap and not getting the data in the response. Example- Expected - <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 25 Getting- <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> ** ** Tried all the ways to get the value but not able to. Can somebody please…
Iterate through the Database Data Source
Hi, I am current attempting to use a Database Data source to verify result returning from the web service. I've created a simple test suite that included a Database Data Source (DDS) and a simple test. This test would include a XML Transformer and XML Assertor. The DDS contains a simple SQL that return 1 column with 3 rows…
Setting Project File Format Without GUI
SOATest supports three different file formats for tsts. Normally, this configuration is made through the SOATest GUI Preferences: Parasoft>Preferences>MISC>>> Save Settings>Project File Format Normally, it is best to leave the default Compressed XML format because of the overall effectiveness of the format,…
Authenticate Before Every Test Run
Good morning, Is it possible to configure a test scenario so that no matter where you start the test from the "Authentication" and "Initiate" tests will run automatically? For example: If I clicked on "Test Suite: Test Suite" in the below screenshot to run the "GET-Bill Status" I want SoaTest to Authenticate & Initiate the…
Groovy - Asserting that all JSON response elements have content
I have a test scenario with hundreds of response elements and I am trying to script an assertion to ensure that none of the elements returned as null. There must be an easy way to use a wildcard to search the entire response body for a null field, but I can't figure out how to do it. Can anyone suggest a better solution to…