Not able to add tst file.
I am new to SoaTest and i am unable to get the option "Test(.tst) file" in Add New tab when right click on any Project. Also when trying to add test file via FIle>New>Test(.tst) File, it opens new window where we give file name. But Next button remains disable after giving the filename. How can i resolve this???
Hi vaishnavi
are you in SOAtest perspective?
Could you open Test Case Explorer and then do a right click on Project and then select Add New >Test (.tst) File?
When you are creating tst using File>New>Test(.tst) File you have to first select a project.
See attached screenshot:0 -
Hi Ireneusz,
Thank you !!
I did the same but still the next button is disable. May be a license issue. How did you set the license ?? Please let me know the steps to set the license0 -
Hi vaishnavi
You can check it here Parasoft>Preferences>License and you have to provide license string or connect with license server.
If there is no license, in SOAtest perspective you should get info about missing license:
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Hi Ereneusz
Yes, I am gettinga same error message. How to resolve this lincense issue??? From where will I get password (or from where should i load the local file ) to set the license????
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Hi vaishnavi
do you have a service contract number?
If yes, please contact Parasoft sales representative or send such request to Parasoft Support team ( ).1 -
Hi Vaishnavi,
Were you able to fix this license issue? i am so new SOA test and having the same issue.
Jay0 -
Hi Jay, it sounds like you don't have your license configured properly. The quickest way to resolve this problem would be to contact the Parasoft support team or your Parasoft sales representative.