Integrating Extension Designer with Third-party Software
Integrating Extension Designer with Third-party Software
You can integrate Extension Designer with third-party software, such as issue tracking systems, to increase team productivity and streamline software quality processes.
This article demonstrates how Extension Designer can communicate with JIRA using http request and http response nodes. In this simple flow, Extension Designer will query JIRA for bugs and display the PR count in a DTP pie chart grouped by priority.
The following steps describe the overall process:
1. Prepare a query to filter the JIRA issues.
2. Search for JIRA issues using http request node.
3. Transform the data for Pie chart.
4. Create a Pie chart.
5. Add Pie chart in DTP to view the results.
Details of http request node:
• For details about adding flows to services and nodes to flows, refer to the following section of the Enterprise Pack documentation:
• For details about how to create a Pie chart using Extension Designer:
• For details about how to deploy a service within Extension Designer:
How to view the output:
A. You can call the endpoint within a browser and following output will be shown in the browser.
B. Once you add the widget in DTP, following output will be displayed in DTP:
• For details about how to add widget to DTP, refer to the following section of the Enterprise Pack documentation:
Additional Notes:
• There are some advanced slices created for JIRA. You are welcome to download these extensions from the Parasoft Marketplace (
• Also, you can import attached flow to check the end to end working of the flow described above.