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Error occurred, while importing IAR EW 7.405 Projects into Parasoft C++test.

yangyang Posts: 1

C++test parse error:
Coding standard checker: errors occurred while parsing the file.

#include "spi.h"
"C:\Users\yang\Desktop\DI_HWA_IAR7405\SpiPrintf\spiDebug.h",4 Error[Pe1696]:
cannot open source file "spi.h"
searched: "C:\Users\yang\Desktop\DI_HWA_IAR7405\SpiPrintf\"
searched: "D:\Program
searched: "D:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\arm\inc\"
searched: "D:\Program Files (x86)\IAR Systems\arm\inc\c\"
Error preprocessing file "C:\Users\yang\Desktop\DI_HWA_IAR7405\SpiPrintf\spiDebug.c":
Process exited with code: 2
Error during parsing file: C:\Users\yang\Desktop\DI_HWA_IAR7405\SpiPrintf\spiDebug.c
