How to create a maven project for soatest and excute it
Hi, I am trying to create a maven test with parasoft soatest. Now i dont know how to execute .tst tests with maven test command. Kindly help me on this
Working with Keil 5.x and the --Via option in batch file
-Open the Keil uVision project. -Go to Options for target and open the Output tab. -Check/activate the Create Batch File option. * Run the build from GUI. * The batch file will be generated. It will be named as project name. So let's assume the project name is "ProjectABC" The ProjectABC.bat is now can be executed from…
User Rule Management with C++test Desktop and DTP Test Configurations
I've had users asking about sharing User Rules between C++test installs, and visibility of new Rules in DTP. The attached document provides a Quick Start for setting this up.
Need to update request and forward to endpoint
I need to update the SOAP request and update the clientID and forward to the end point. Like in below example, client id is 1234. But I want to modify it to 6789 before using message forward. What is easiest way to dot it? <getBankBalances> <brokerHeader> <brokerUserId>TestPortal</brokerUserId> <clientId>1234</clientId>…
Setup SSL Secure localhost proxy
Hi, I'm trying to setup the proxy for SSL (https) access on the localhost. I created the secure Listener on port 9443 but when I hit the proxy URL from my code in the Visual Studio debugger, I get the error: {"The underlying connection was closed: Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel."}…
Proxy Authentication Required for this error what kind setup we have to do?
HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required Proxy-Authenticate: BASIC realm="gdc_ldap" Cache-Control: no-cache
Missing Code Coverage Results
Hello, Is there any way to debug missing code coverage analytics from a linux arm-distribution unit-test?Using the instrumentation flow included with Cpptest and some example QT code, I can see a clog file being generated on my target but Parasoft doesn't display any code coverage after the test is complete and the clog…
SOAtest/Virtualize Not Opening on Mac OS
On Eclipse 4.5 (which comes with SOAtest 9.9) and Mac OS X 10.11, there is a known issue with the workspace launcher freezing (becoming unresponsive) when Virtualize or SOAtest opens up. The workspace launcher is shown but is unresponsive even after clicking on the buttons to select a workspace. You are forced to close…
How to add the rule to MISRA 2012 rulemap?
Suppose I created a rule and I want that rule to behave (name and severity wise ) as a MISRA 2012 rule. Where do I add it to MISRA 2012 rulemap?
Proxy for firewall and non firewall test
I have a project that contains tests where I need a proxy and tests that do not need to go thru proxy. I want to be able to execute the series of tests (proxy and non-proxy) under the same project. I tried using the autoproxy (obtained from IE). Not shown on pic. I set the "Proxy Exceptions" for the url (hostname only,…
Unable to connect Enterprise Pack when DTP Server is only configured for SSL
DTP Supports use cases where no HTTP port is available. DTP Enterprise Pack does verification of configuration settings to help users when they make mistakes. When DTP is configured to only use SSL, the check for the web port "http://[dtp_hostname]:[web_port]/grs/welcome.jsp" redirects to the HTTPS equivalent which is…
Relative path declared in the environment variable is not being recognized in the test script
In order to map data with it's respective environments. I followed the below steps, * Created an excel for one environment. * Created a variable in Environment variable and gave the relative path of the excel (${project_loc:project}/TestData/project_TestData_QA.xlsx) * Called this above variable in Data source as…
Excel to use hierarchical data with more than one level, how to use ParentIndex correctly
I have been using this information to create my excel data source with hierarchical data: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOAVIRT9104/Performing+Functional+Tests+Using+Data+Sources In my service I have the following structure: <SetupProducts> <shortId></shortId> <products> <ProductDTO> <AssignedChannels>…
Is there any option/flag for the user to turn ON/OFF Regression/Diff Control for all tests at once
I want to turn ON/OFF (enable/disable) Regression/Diff Control for all my tests before starting my execution. Is there a place where i can control this setting?
Getting "Received HTTP Response Code 401: Unauthorized" only on first of 7 iterations of the test
I parameterized the input into my REST test, which uses Basic authentication. The first iteration fails (aka row 1) with the "Received HTTP Response Code 401: Unauthorized" error, but the subsequent 6 iterations are successful. Does anyone know what is causing the first iteration to fail?
Setting up the proxy in the localsettings property file
Is there a way to set the "proxy" server and port on the properties file? I did not see that in the doc https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA9103/Configuring+Localsettings ?
How to Configure Proxy settings on headless SOAtest and Virtualize installations
The eclipse proxy settings are kept within the workspace metadata. In the below relative location: ${Path_to_workspace}\.metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings\com.parasoft.xtest.common.eclipse.core.web.prefs "com.parasoft.xtest.common.eclipse.core.web.prefs" is the name of the file. I suggest copying the…
SOATest integration with UrbanCode build and deploy
How to integrate SOATest with UrbanCode build and deploy for Continuous integration?
Why my deleted datasource still show for setup test requests?
Hi, I'm currently running into an issue with deleted data source still showing for my rest request in Setup Test. Any help to remove those deleted data sources? thank, Yan
GitHub and EGit
I am trying to set up SOATest to integrated with Github. I downloaded successfully "EGit". I can create the local repository and download to Github. The issue I am having is if I make a change in SOATest it gives me an error as it can not find the system path (Original Workspace location)for the .tst to update because it…
error while running jenkins job
I am seeing the below error once i ran the jenkin job. and also i am running this suite as group still getting failed through jobs. This error often occurs when a column in the data source is renamed or removed. This error can also occur when a column that is extracted via various Data Bank tools (e.g., XML Data Bank,…
When Triggers Generation of *_dev1.html Reports
Hello, For C++test v10.3, What triggers the generation of *_dev1.html reports? Are they only generated when Severity 1 findings are detected?
Excel data source location respective to project
How do I have to set the path for an excel file that I use as a data source so that it is always respective to the project? I have been using it in my desktop while I was trying to figure out how to work with it, but now that I am planning on checking my code in, I would like to configure it so that anyone that works on…
Enabling C++Test 10.3.4 Rules in DTP
The newest version of C++Test (10.3.4) contains new and updates rules that are not available in DTP 5.3.3. These rules and rule documentation must be added to the DTP server in order to make the new rules available in the Test Configuration GUI and to be able to view the rule documentation. The following method outlines…
Mongodb Connection Failure Replica Set
Hi Guys, I'm trying to connect mongo db with replica set with mongo db query tool but getting "Query couldn't resolve." While same working for normal mongo db without replica set.
Error occurred, while importing IAR EW 7.405 Projects into Parasoft C++test.
C++test parse error: Coding standard checker: errors occurred while parsing the file. #include "spi.h" ^ "C:\Users\yang\Desktop\DI_HWA_IAR7405\SpiPrintf\spiDebug.h",4 Error[Pe1696]: cannot open source file "spi.h" searched: "C:\Users\yang\Desktop\DI_HWA_IAR7405\SpiPrintf\" searched: "D:\Program…
How to integrate local virtual asset to Parasoft environment manager(CTP)
Hi team, can anyone help on how to integrate local endpoint of virtual asset to parasoft environment manager (CTP)?? Thanks Nihar Arisal
Restrict Access to the License Server
I want to be able to control the access to the license server (windows) to a particular group account. You have to be in that account to access the license which is installed on this server, hence use soatest. What is the best way to do this or is the license software open it up for everyone? I removed several things on…
Does SOATest Server have a WAR file deployment option
Does SOATest Server having a separate WAR file deployment like CTP and Virtualize or does it have to be invoked using command line? thx
XML Assertor in Virtualize
Hi , I am using xml assertor(incoming Request-->Payload-->Xml assertor) to validate incoming request parameters. but, when xml assertor returns false for a field or fails, the flow is proceeding ahead and sending response. Is this the expected behavior?? (I have used assertor before all the tools.) PFA
Getting real end point offline error
Hi Team, i am getting real endpoint is offline error when i create new proxy in environment manager. attached image for reference. Can anyone help on this why m getting this error?? Thanks Nihar Arisal
How to work with data repository tool
Hi Team, can anyone help me on how to use data repository as data source for parameterize in soatest / virtual asset.??? Thanks Nihar Arisal
Parasoft Virtualization from record traffic file created from proxy
Hi All, I have created virtual asset using a traffic file which is created by recording proxy. Then i give the virtual asset end point in Soatest to check if it's coming from virtual asset or not. and it's working fine.. But issue is if i change some field or value in traffic file for some responses. that particular…
how to configure all my local VA details into CTP parasoft
Hi Team, can anybody help me on below topics. i am able to create a .tst file with one WSDL and parameterizing the same with excel data source. And after that i successfully record response in traffic file for all request parameters from that excel sheet. Then i created a virtual asset using that record traffic and…
Skipped Files Listing
This is probably obvious however I've had no luck locating a listing of the 'skipped' files.
Testing 3rd Party JSON app with security issues
I was able to find the json docs and load them into SOATest. When I try to run a test script, I get authorization errors. I have set up and tried different HTTP Authentication types and it still gives me the 401 error. I've used Swagger to open the json docs and was finally able to get them to run after finding the little…
Use XMLAssertor to validate items in a table data source are present in response
I am very new to SOATest, so I may be going about this the wrong way. I have a test that is using SOAPClient to test a service (A). I have a table that contains values that I used to setup some rooms using a different service (B), and I want my test to use those same values to verify that my service (A) is returning all…
Cleaning up reports storage directory for the SOAtest/Virtualize Server
Starting with version 9.10.4, the SOAtest/Virtualize server can perform test execution jobs. Reports from these jobs are saved in the reports storage directory. The location of the reports storage directory is different on every operating system and depends on the value of the "java.io.tmpdir" property. It is highly…
Announcing C/C++test 10.3.4
This week we release C/C++test 10.3.4 (available now on the customer portal). This is a service pack release including both new/enhanced static analysis rules as well as several bug fixes - for full details and a list of all updated rules please check out the release notes @…
Parasoft Virtualize Community Edition - "How to" Webinar pt2 - 3/22/2017
Please register for Parasoft Virtualize Community Edition - "How to" Webinar - pt2 on Mar 22, 2017 10:00 AM PDT at: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/197181298929084163 ==part 2== Hi Everyone, Next week we are going to do the second part of our “How to” webinar for Parasoft Virtualize Community Edition. During this…
Diff JSON comparision by ignoring the order.
Hi Team is there any way to ignore the order while comparing the json. problem statement : Posting an array of data from excel while getting the response of same data, i am getting the order mismatch. for example, 0th position goes to 1st position and vice versa. Thanks Udaya
Auto re run of Failed scenario
i have created a scenario under which there are 3 test cases. I am running this scenario with the option of "tests run as group" and "test run sequentially" If any of the test case among 3 test cases fail i want re run the complete scenario. Can anybody help how to achieve this?
How to enter datetime in Excel Data Source
I am using an excel data source to import data to generate complex structures, I have managed to work with creating relationships between the different sheets, but the one thing that I can't figure out how to do is how to enter dates so that I don't get an invalid datetime error. Anyone has done this and knows the correct…
Using Visual Studio 2015 with x64 and not able to find CL.exe
We have found that when using Visual Studio 2015 with Insure++ versions 7.4.10 and up that if you want to build your application as an 64 bit application, the build will fail because it was unable to find the CL.exe. This is happening because there was a change in how MSBuild works with x64 bit applications which is…
How to apply assertion in response if the response is coming in Header.
I was trying to apply assertion in header using Diff but it is not working perfectly fine. Is there any other method through which I can apply assertion in headers.
Using Parasoft C++test with Wind River Workbench 4.x /VxWorks 7.x
While C++test does not "officially" support integration with Wind River Workbench at the current time, the procedures defined in the document below will allow the use of a large portion of C++test functionality within Wind River Workbench 4.x. The document provides solutions for known issues that enables installation and…
Refrenced Test
Hi everybody, I want to know how can I implement following scenario in SOATest: I create a ".tst" (test suit) file and I parametize it's input and add an Assertor to it. when I referenced to it in another ".tst" file, I need to pass values to it's input and modify it's Assertor but I can't change any thing. with this…
Writable Data Source Append not Working as Expected
I have the following test setup: Table: Customer - Contains 2 customers. All rows are enabled. This will exec a total of 6 tests. Writable data source config: Json Data Bank as shown: Write file only shows the second customer when using "per iteration". What if I select "per write access" instead? Same result. This is the…
Integrating Extension Designer with Third-party Software
Integrating Extension Designer with Third-party Software You can integrate Extension Designer with third-party software, such as issue tracking systems, to increase team productivity and streamline software quality processes. This article demonstrates how Extension Designer can communicate with JIRA using http request and…
Can DTP integrate with Selenium-Cucumber framework for functional testing?
Can i use Parasoft DTP to display the reports that get generated from the Selenium-Cucumber framework? How can i integrate DTP with my framework? The current framework is not designed using JUNIT,TESTNG or SOATEST..