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Return methods in custom responder correlation

meghana1 Posts: 29


We have Custom responder correlation enabled. We are using java language. but in the method dropdown we can select only one method. Can it be possible to return multiple methods from class ?

we are using virtualize 9.10 tool.


  • williammccusker
    williammccusker Posts: 679 ✭✭✭

    Yes it will list multiple methods when available. Make sure all the methods are public and have return values. You may need to click the "reload class" button or if that doesn't work restart the product to load changes to your custom java code.

  • meghana1
    meghana1 Posts: 29

    yes we can see multiple methods for the same class in the dropdown but able to select only one

  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    You can only select a single method. What is the use case that makes you want to select multiple methods? There is probably another way to solve that use case.