How to configure Environment Manager to take the tst file from bit bucket.
We have main branch where we use to update the latest version which need to be tested. How this file repository can be integrated to Environment Manager.?
Virtualize 9.9.3 with all UI controls disabled on macOS Sierra 10.12.5
I've installed with no issues. When I start Virtualize, I get the screen to choose the workspace directory, but all controls are disabled and I can't continue. If I start from the command line like this "virtualize -data /Users/nikola/parasoft/virtualize_workspace", then the same screen doesn't show. The standard Eclipse…
Proxy Need an PVA
I think I know the answer but want to ask to make sure. Does a proxy need to have a PVA?
Query on features Supported
I am a new user to Parasoft Virtualize service and trying to understand the features provided. Inline would like to know if Parasoft Virtualize provides the below features * Scalability: Horizontal and Vertically scalable? * Does it support state maintainability viz., machine states persistence across API calls. * Which…
how to append two data source column elements
I'm working on the oAuth2.0, using JSON data bank I extracted access_token and access_type. In my main rest client post request I could like to parameterized the authorization where I need to append access_token to the access_type. Could you help me out in resolving issue
Ports required for DTP sitting behind the reverse proxy/load balancer
Assumptions: DTP and the 10.x products only. ED and Policy Center deployed on the same machine as DTP. Here is what we got so far. -DTP Server: 80/8080 -SSL: 443/8443 -License Server: 2002 -Data Collector: 8082 Do we need 32323 ? If you are using Policy Center and/or DTP Enterprise Package(Extension Designer): -Policy…
How to upgrade from Concerto to DTP
In order to perform the migration from Concerto to DTP, there are several things you need to consider both before and during the migration process. Backing up your System First, before migrating from Concerto 4.x to DTP 5.x, you should back up your Concerto data files as well as your Database to prevent any loss of data.…
is there a way to write the json response value to an excel spreadsheet?
Is there a way to store the json response values to an excel spreadsheet?
JSON REST API: Validate multiple responses against a DataSource
Hi All, I am trying to validate the JSON response against an Excel sheet for each INPUT value passed. I am using the JSON assertor and for each attribute have assigned the corresponding column name of the Excel. But, for the attributes where it is a ARRAY/LIST or TABLE of values it is failed saying no value found. SAMPLE…
How to include header files into Static Analysis scan using the C/C++ DTP Engine?
Do I need to include them with "-module . " ? Is this the recommended approach?
How to store request XML with Uniqe id
how to store the request and use the same request element data for response .
How to use Parasoft Dynamic stubs #6
Hello Community, I am a first time user of Parasoft's dynamic stubs. I am evaluating this feature as an alternate to using Google mock. If I have several Eclipse projects all containing different code, but the code under test calls a common function and I want to create a stub for that function that can be used by all…
Static Analysis Findings by Run Report
Is there a widget or an easy way in DTP that lets you view the static analysis findings for a particular run? The documentation (Link: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/DTP533/Static+Analysis+Findings+by+Run+Report) shows a tedious way to get a run id. Just wondering if there was an easier way to display it in the…
String Assertion specific to two values from parameterized excel
Hi Team, I have scenario where i will pass "active" to get active orders,"expired" to get expired orders. Where as i am passing "expired","active" in an array to get both status orders. In this situation how do i validate only both status orders have been retrieved? Note: validation is passed as a argument from excel.…
XML Conversion Tool
I have a Rest call returning JSON. I convert to XML using the XML COnversion Tool. Appyling the "Edit" tool it looks like it converted successfully. When I add XML Databank, after the Conversion Tool it still contains JSON. If I add it add the Test Level then it give me an "Invalid XML input: Content is not allowed in…
How to use Parasoft C++ Dynamic stubs
Hello Community, I am a first time user of Parasoft's dynamic stubs. I am evaluating this feature as an alternate to using Google mock. If I have a function: void Func3() { int b = 1; Func4(*b); Func5(b); } In my test case for testing 3 what is the appropriate Dynamic Stubs calls to have Func4 output the value of b to 5…
How to use Parasoft Dynamic stubs #4
On https://docs.parasoft.com/display/CPPDESKE1033/Working+with+Complex+Types, can you provide an example of the stub for Line moveLine(Line line, int xoff, int yoff); but using the “Basic Approach to Working with Complex Types”?
License Configuration
I have the license server configured for SSL. I can reach the hostname from command line (soates server) so I know it is setup correctly. When I try to enter this in the admin>>license config for CTP, it keeps saying invalid host. If I enter just the ip name or the DNS name it works but it is not…
Test suite failing
I have multiple tests inside Test suite, all test are passed while running them separately. all of them fails when i run it together. Like I selected Test suite-> Executed, all test fails instantly. When i run the test individually its passed and also it took sometime to complete. i tried test flow->adding time etc..it…
Getting license error when starting Virtualize Server in CLI mode
Hi, I tried putting my license details in properties file and ran below command : virtualizecli.exe -startServer -locals ettings "C:\SOAVirtualize\VirtualizeExportLocalSettings.properties" However, I still get license not valid/applicable. Can someone please help here. I am using this setting in properties file :…
Not able to add tst file.
Hi I am new to SoaTest and i am unable to get the option "Test(.tst) file" in Add New tab when right click on any Project. Also when trying to add test file via FIle>New>Test(.tst) File, it opens new window where we give file name. But Next button remains disable after giving the filename. How can i resolve this???
Variables not resetting as expected
Good afternoon, Recently I encountered some unexpected behavior while iterating through an excel data source. The scenario plays out like this: * Excel Datasource. Range 1-3 * Test 1: Authenticate 2.1. Traffic object. Groovy extract session token and context.setValue("var_token", token) * Test 2: GetAccountInfo. Passing…
Scripting: How to write to datasource?
I'm sure it must be possible to write to a Writeable Datasource from a script. I just haven't figured out how to do it. This is my script: import com.parasoft.api.*String setRequestId(ScriptingContext context) { String orderId = '023' + new Date().format('yyyyMMdd') int productId = Math.abs(new Random().nextInt() %…
Unable to assert DB tool result as its returning in String
Hi , DB tool's result is returning in string, So unable to do assertion or keeping in XML data bank. Please let me know how to convert to xml and assert . Thanks, Satyabrata Das
I am getting error "Invalid XML input: Character reference  is an invalid XML character" while
Hi All, I need the data to stored in xml data bank , so that i can compare with REST response. The query is running fine without xml databank and giving the invalid xml error after adding the result as XML databank. Please let me know how to fix this issue. Thanks, satyabrata Das
How to use Parasoft Dynamic stubs #5
Hello Community, I am a first time user of Parasoft's dynamic stubs. I am evaluating this feature as an alternate to using Google mock. Can stubs be created for functions in the same class (C++) or same the same file(C)?
How to use Parasoft Dynamic stubs #3
Hello Community, I am a first time user of Parasoft's dynamic stubs. I am evaluating this feature as an alternate to using Google mock. When generating stubs, does C++Test automatically generate the code inside the stub to support Dynamic Stubing or does have a human have to write the code for the dynamic stub? As an…
how to use Parasoft Dynamic stubs #1
Hello Community, I am a first time user of Parasoft's dynamic stubs. I am evaluating this feature as an alternate to using Google mock. If I have a function: void Func1() { int a = 1; Func2(a); a++; Func2(a); } In my test case for testing Func1, what is the appropriate Dynamic Stubs calls to validate the first time Func2…
How to connect H2 Database server using Parasoft SOATest
DB screenshot: SOATest Screenshot: table is not yet created in H2 database which has been created using soatest. Kindly help me on this.
How to pass license argument to SOA Test clli
Team, We have a seat license purchased to specific to the server that we process CTP. There that license to be passed as argument to run the SOA Test clli. Could you please share the argument fot it
How to run Powershell commands within SOATest ?
Hi, Can someone please help me know, How to run Powershell commands within SOATest tool. I need to have a SetUp test added to execute few PowerShell commands to do preliminary setup to execute my tests. Thanks.
Best Global property tool to access Yaml file config data from bit bucket
Team, There is a situation where i need to update the config file back and forth before hitting the service. I did used Browse, browse play back tool. Given bit bucket url is direct url for config yaml file. Any inputs is appreciable. My desire need is to update and commit, first thing i am looking to access those yml…
Any way to update bitbucket code while Test Execution
Hi Team, There is a requirement where we need to update the bitbucket config file for the prestup of test run. Any possible to update and commit config using bitbucket Any option to run github commands?
Comparing Responses to Files
I have two rest calls. The first one gets 'id's". I populate them in a Writable DS. I loop thru the Writable DS using the id's for the second rest call. I want to validate the response to gold copy files that are in a fileshare (10 id's in writable against 10 JSON). If I use a "File DS" then it will validate against all 10…
How to increase Continuous Testing Platform Marketplace Virtual Asset upload size limit
You can increase the upload size limit by doing the following: 1.) Shut down MySQL and Tomcat 2.) You need to edit the my.ini file in the MySQL installation, specifically you need to add: max_allowed_packet=100M 3.) Turn on MySQL and Tomcat Keep in mind that private marketplace items you upload get stored in the database.…
Possible cause for not being able to log into Continuous Testing Platform using Internet Explorer
If you are unable to log into Continuous Testing Platform with Continuous Testing Platform, make sure the domain name does not include an underscore '_'. Using an underscore in the domain name is a violation of RFC 1035. That said, IE silently drops all cookies for that host on a domain that uses an underscore. Although…
Installing the Parasoft SOAtest test type into HP Quality Center 11 on a Linux machine
1) Back up any Custom Test Types and Extensions already present in the installation \application\CustomTestTypes \application\Extensions This prevents them from being overwritten when the SOAtest test types are installed. 2) Extract the contents of the ZIP file that is shipped with SOAtest. /integration/HP to the folder…
Control the execution of tests in a referenced test suite from the parent test suite
Example Use Case Question: You have a test suite that contains many authentication procedures that you need to use in order to do your functional testing, but your scenarios only require you to execute certain authentications when performing certain tests. How do I control the execution of the tests in the referenced test…
Resolving Tibco RV connection issues in Windows 7
Windows 32; Windows 64 This article will outline a potential issue that may arise when migrating from an existing installation of Tibco RV on Windows XP to Windows 7. We will also provide a solution to the following error Failed to open Tibrv in native implementation. The standard version of Tibco RV that will be present…
Validating which cacerts file Parasoft is using
In the Security preferences section of SOAtest or Virtualize, there is an option to "Use default Java cacerts file" as the trust store for server certificates. However, depending on which install of Java SOAtest/Virtualize is using, the cacerts file may vary. This article explains how to find the location of the cacerts…
How to Configure the Number of FTP Client Login Attempts
Problem: In SOAtest 9.5 (or older version), the FTP client will login with the same user credential 6 times if the provided credential is incorrect. This often will prevent the same user from connecting again since the account will be locked due to multiple failed logins. Here is the response: Starting FTP Session:…
Databank attached to browser testing tool causes "No data source column named" error
When performing an extraction after a browser test and using that extraction to define the element in the very next test, an error stating "No data source column named..." is thrown. This article explains how to avoid this scenario. Take a look at this setup: User-added image In this scenario, Test 1 uses a Browser Data…
Pre/Post Browser Contents does not displaying on 32-bit Linux machine
The following steps resolve the render not displaying on 32-bit Linux machines: Shut down SOAtest if it is running In the SOAtest installation directory, navigate to: eclipse/plugins Move out the x86_64 version of the com.parasoft.xtest.mozilla.xulrunner.eclipse.core.web plugin directory to a different directory (such as…
Example of datagroupConfig and environmentConfig cli options
This article builds upon the explanation provided in the SOAtest Documentation under the following section: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOA9103/CLI+Options XML Files for datagroupConfig and environmentConfig The files are specified in the following format: Make note of the forward slashes to separate directories…
Failure to Start Monitoring Error on Remote Proxies/Assets
This is a checklist of things to verify if you receive the error "Failure to start monitoring on . Make sure event monitoring is enabled on the server." Being able to monitor the event in Virtualize can be an essential component to determining the flow of events and possibly pointing out where an issue may be occurring.…
Error in XML Data Bank with strings that contain "&"
Hi, I have a REST service that I am testing by querying a database for some name values and asserting these values against the service response. The issue I came across is that some values returned by my query contain the "&" symbol and when it tries to get that stored into an XML Data Bank, the whole test fails with the…
svn revisions in xml report, JTest 9.6.0
I need to have svn revisions and commit messages for found violations in XML report after static code analysis using JTest I did manage to get this when starting the analysis from within JTest IDE manually. But when I do the same using command line tool jtestcli.exe svn related information is not present in…
Script to bypass user input automatically
I need to call a executable that requires entering a password manually after it is executed. What I want to do is use the external tool to pass in 2 parameters which one of them is the value the executable prompts. I need this to run automatically by entering the password automatically. Has anyone done this type of…
Multiple response for single request
we are using parasoft virtualize tool. We need to send the multiple responses based on single request in single asset. We have tried the multiple responses option but its static and we need to do dynamic and needs more changes than static one so we have used java coding. but there is no solution to send multiple responses…
How do I read the data from the XMLdataBank through groovy and then parse that XML
I have a SOAP request which gives XML response. I created one XMLdatabank and mapped the respective node which has children to a variable in the XMLDatabank. In the extension tool I try reading that data of that variable through groovy but it is returning NULL. I was able to do it with the Json response but not with XML.…