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Received fatal alert: protocol_version

akamal Posts: 6

I have a testsuite that runs from command line using ./soatestcli -data "/home/was/Ram" -resource "/trouble_shoot" -config "user://Example Configuration" -localsettings "/app/release/jenkins/workspace/Functional_Nightly/qa-distribution/qa/resources/properties/functional-test.properties" -report "/home/was/Ram/Reports" -Zjava_home "/app/release/gs/java/jdk1.8.0_25" , this works perfectly .

However if i run the same test via maven command, this thing throws error shown below:-
Received fatal alert: protocol_version
Has any one encountered this before? what am i missing here


  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    How are you running this from maven? Are you configuring the same arguments in the pom? In particular, I think the maven plugin might not be launching soatestcli with the -Zjava_home if you didn't configure that in your pom.xml.

  • akamal
    akamal Posts: 6

    Hi, I have it configured as /app/release/gs/java/jdk1.8.0_25
    this is under the configurations section for pom. That didnt work, any ideas on what may be causing it?

  • akamal
    akamal Posts: 6

    Zjava_home /app/release/gs/java/jdk1.8.0_25 Zjava_home - without the xm tags

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    Can you share the part of the pom.xml where you are configuring arguments for SOAtest?

  • akamal
    akamal Posts: 6
    edited March 2018
                             soatestHome /app/release/gs/parasoft/soatest/9.9/ /soatestHome 
                             importArguments /app/release/jenkins/workspace/Functional_Nightly/comcast-qa-distribution/qa /importArguments 
                             localsettings resources/properties/functional-test.properties /localsettings 
                             config user://Example Configuration /config 
                             environment VDCQA /environment 
                             report resources/Reports/Aswak /report 
                             soatestTimeout 21600 /soatestTimeout 
                             Zjava_home /app/release/gs/java/jdk1.8.0_25 /Zjava_home 
                             echo Hello,${JAVA_HOME} /echo 
                                !--  resource qa/Nightly Functional Tests 000000.tst /resource 
                                 resource qa/Nightly Functional Tests 000001.tst /resource 
                                 resource qa/Nightly Functional Tests 000002.tst /resource 
                                 resource qa/Nightly Functional Tests 000003.tst /resource 
                                 resource qa/Nightly Functional Tests 000004.tst /resource 
                                 resource qa/Nightly Functional Tests 000005.tst /resource -- 
                                 resource qa/JenkinsTest.tst /resource 
                                 vmarg -Duser.name=${env.SOATESTUSER} /vmarg 
                                 vmarg -Djsse.enableSNIExtension=false /vmarg 
  • akamal
    akamal Posts: 6

    I have taken off the xml tags as the site does not encode it to render properly.

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    I was just reading the online docs and I am not really seeing a way to pass extra non-JVM args like -Zjava_home. At least, I suspect you are seeing the SSL error because SOAtest is trying to run with Java 7 instead of the Java 8 you are trying to use. Are you considering upgrading your SOAtest any time soon? SOAtest 9.10 runs with Java 8 by default.

  • akamal
    akamal Posts: 6

    Ok, what i did was simply replace all java files under
    with the java 1.8 files and soatest magically starts working
    Thanks Ben !