Insra not able to appear on Ubuntu 16.04
This article provides steps to allow Insra to be used on Ubuntu 16.04. With recent versions of Ubuntu, they are no longer using a library that Insure++ uses to display the Insure++ Violations in Insra.
To resolve this behavior, please perform the following in a terminal:sudo apt-get install libmotif-dev
After the package is installed, you may see another error message when trying to launch Insra:
If so, please continue with the following instructions to resolve the behavior:
1. Open "/etc/apt/sources.list" in a text editor that has write permissions to this file. (Using Sudo will work)
2. Append this line to sources list at the bottom: deb precise-security main
4. Once added, run the following: sudo apt update
5. After that is executed, run: sudo apt install libxp6
After installing the packages, you will be able to use Insra to have it display the Insure++ Violations.