MQTT Session with Connect and Payload Submission
Hi, I am looking for a work around where - 1. Initially I need to connect to MQTT broker. At this step, my connecting client would be receiving some acknowledgement (NOT from broker but from other end application). Right now, I am able to achieve this with MQTT Subscriber Step. 2. Based on this acknowledgement, I'll be…
dotTest - Ignoring Auto-generated files
Hi, Is it possible to ignore from a project files that are Auto-generated by other application. I can suppress the files , but every new release I have new auto-generated files that are overriding old version. Any suggestions ? Is it possible to ignore according to remarks on the auto-generated files. Thanks
Migrating Team Server Suppressions to DTP 5.4.0
Suppressions enable you to mark static analysis violations as known (but acceptable in the particular instance) without modifying the source code. When a Parasoft tool connected to DTP finds a static analysis violation during code analysis, it checks either Team Server or DTP to see if the violation is supposed to be…
Is there's a way to generate "Fixed Message Length" from XML
Is there's a way to generate "Fixed Message Length" file from XML
Unknown host: uschleai4010v.corporate.ingrammicro.com
what need to be done for this error
Loop Break
Hi Dears, I have a question. How can I break test execution loop? for example I create a loop on suit A, and I write a script in Suite A, when I meet exit condition I want to break Loop.
How to attach a file in UI using SOAtest record and playback?
I am able to attach a file manually in UI and also during recording a script there is no issues in attaching a file. But when I am trying to play back the SOAtest script, it is not allowing to attach a file. I tried it in Chrome browser and getting message. Parasoft does not support file upload? ParaBank/Playback2.tst -…
Unit tests don't find shared libraries at runtime (c++test v10.3)
I have a project containing unit tests that link against a shared library. The project is created using cpptestscan, with BDF files. The BDF files have correctly captured the compiler and linker options, including the one that tells the executable where to find the shared library (i.e., -Wl,-rpath,/path/to/library). With…
How to capture extension tool response as a file or Variable to use in further test steps.
package com.java;import com.parasoft.api.Application;import com.parasoft.api.ScriptingContext;import java.io.IOException;import java.util.ArrayList;import org.json.simple.JSONArray;import org.json.simple.JSONObject;//import org.openqa.selenium.firefox.FirefoxDriver;public class Test { public Object login(Object input,…
Writable Data Source column not visible
I have a writable data source with a JSON data bank. I want to write a value in the writable data source but the option is disabled in the JSON data bank. Is there an special configuration? Screenshots attached.
Execution Sequence
Hi every body, how can I change execution sequence for ".tst" files in "Test Configuration" settings? For example, I want to run Test4, Test2 and Test3 with this order but SOATest run them in following order. Test2.tst Test3.tst Test4.tst . BR.
Resolving Jtest UTA Trial Activation Error
Description: When activating your Jtest UTA Trial, a connection is made to Parasoft's back-end license server. When the connection fails you will see the following error message: "There was a problem communicating with the license server. Please try again later and contact Parasoft if you are still unable to redeem the…
How to fetch the values from the extension tool respone.
Hi Team , Can any one help me how to fetch the values from the extension tool response? Or is there any to set the response in the global variables access further in the consequent test cases. Thanks
How to fetch the values from the extension tool respone.
Hi Team , Can any one help me how to fetch the values from the extension tool response? Or is there any to set the response in the global variables access further in the consequent test cases. Thanks
Increase Virtualize Heap Memory
Hi every body, How can I increase visualize heap memory? because in performance test it have problem with memory. should I use "-J-Xmx" or directly manipulate tomcat settings? BR.
Creating Custom Coding Rule for Comments
I am looking to create a custom ruleset to check whether code contains certain comments (block comments/normal comments) during static analysis. Any assistance on this regard would be highly appreciated
Integrating API scripts to ALM using a parasoft tool
Hi everyone, Please help me to integrate the API Automation scripts to HP ALM tool. For updating the test case pass/fail status. thank you.
Set default workspace on soatest server
Could any one please help how to set default workspace on SoaTest server: I am using remote execution client and need to specify a different workspace location other than the default one ./soatestcli.sh -server "http://localhost:9080" -report "Reports" -resource "_TestAssets/jenkins/test-run/tests/arvato.ts_t" Also I…
Smart API and Correlation
Hi, Smart API Test Generator can be correlate data between APIs? For example "Test1" generate a "CSRF Token" that must be used in "Test2" . Can Smart API automatically extract data (CSRF Token) and put it in a variable then use that variable in Test2? BR.
Print Message in Quality Task
Hi every body, How can I print a custom message in quality task with scripting in SOATest? Thank you.
Is it possible to "View Traffic" on successful reports also? Is there a setting for that to be displayed? I understand it may make the file very big. thx
Ignore namespaces in diff
Hi Team, we have a test data flowing thru different system and it has two different name spaces, but the content is same. is there any way ignore name spaces in xml diff? Thanks Udaya
Add schema details in Responder Correlation
hi, We have multiple request which have same main tag but we need to identify request with schema details. As these requests have different schema details. Any way to add it in responder correlation ?
grs.* localsettings properties are no longer supported in C++test 10.3.3 and later
Starting with C++test 10.3.3, localsettings properties with the "grs" prefix are no longer supported. If they are specified in the localsettings file, then the following will be printed out in the console: Instead of using the grs.* properties, the following properties should be used instead: GRS PROPERTY UPDATED PROPERTY…
Print message in quality task
Hi every body, How can I print a custom message in quality task with scripting in SOATest? Thank you.
Distributing Test Job Execution Across a Cluster of Servers
Hi everyone, I read the article "Distributing Test Job Execution Across a Cluster of Servers" and I created a execution group based on article description, but unfortunately my batch execution only run on one of the node and another nodes remain "Idle" , please refer to following picture and assist me.
Capturing daily testing metrics?
Is it possible to count the number of tests executed per day? Is this information stored anywhere? Could the functionality be scripted?
Command line to "Start Soatest Server" fails
The server starts but after it starts i keep getting ( There are no deployments on this server. Cannot respond to this request:). It is a brand new installation. I tried using the gui to create the workspace and command line to create workspace. Here is my syntax soatestcli.exe -startServer -localsettings…
Can we do UI Autiomation(web recording) in CTP??
Hi Team, Can we do Web recording or UI automation in CTP just like the way we did in SOATEST? Thanks Nihar Ranjan Arisal
Visual Studio 2012 support
is there an anticipated release date for a version that supports visual studio 2012 integration? Thank you
Schedule parasoft JOB
is it possible to schedule parasoft environment manager job to run on specific time?
How to ingest date functionality in UI using data source (excel or table) in SOAtest?
I am using SOAtest playback tool. When I try to invoke the date (for example: 03/17/2017), from excel sheet or table to input it into the date field in UI, it fails. The date doesn't seem to get updated in the field and because of this not able to move to the next screen. Is there any other way to invoke the date…
XML Data bank is not working in virtual assets
Hi Team, Can anybody help me on how to configure XML data bank in a virtual asset's responder. I have one scenario where a string request element is in upper case. so i need to add a xml data bank in which i can configure the request element so that it will always be in upper case. i tried to do that but somehow it's not…
How to parameterize current date and system IP address (changed dyanmically) in virtualization
Hi Team, Can any one help me on how to parameterize the current date and Web IP address which is changed dynamically in soatest virtualization. Thanks & Regards Nihar Ranjan Arisal
How to add jar files in CTP
Can any one help me how to add files in CTP? as my soatest project dependent on java project.
Code Composer Unit Testing
Hello, Just looking for a clarification. Does "CCS4xConnector.js" or cpptest (in general) support the instrumentation flow required to run a unit test on a TMS320C6x target and generate code coverage metrics? Or is it specifically for runtime analysis of Code Composer 4.x projects. Im very confused as to what level of…
Is there anyway to upload the testcase from soa tool to HPQC without opening the QC
How to make corelation with dynamicaly changed data in request reponse log?
Hi Team, Can anyone help me on below issue. While virtualizing one of our service we came across a situation where there is no similar data to make correlation except one which is changed dynamically in both request and response log. Only one similar data is there "RequestedDeliveryDate". But this is changed dynamically…
WSDL URL error
Trying to learn Soatest utilizing the documentation as reference and ii keep running this error when i give the URL "http://localhost:8080/parabank/services/store-01?wsdl" Not sure on how to resolve it. Any help is appreciated.
How to add pymongo jars(files ) on soatest server?
In soatest tool, we configure by giving pymongo jars path in windows-->parasoft-->scripting-->jython home... In the same way how can we map or congifure files(jars) on ctp(soatest server).?
How to send file in the REST client
Hi team, we are having rest api that does take attachment. but i don't see an option in parasoft to pass attachment with the rest client. Regards Udaya
cpptestcli -list-configs do not display my Team rules
Hi, Running cpptestcli -list-configs do not display my Team rules. I have license for Team , From the VS GUI I can reach and run rules. Tried any format to point my team rules. Added all required tcm entries to my cpptestcli.properties file. Any suggestions ? Thanks In Advanced,
cpptesttrace does not collect data.
My build command, under Linux, . I would like to collect build info using cpptesttrace tool. I am using eclipse CLI scriptable build from the command line. The cpptesttrace recognized the project but does not collect the data, bdf was generated but with just few arg info. Any suggestions. Thanks In Advanced, .
cpptesttrace does not collect data.
My build command, under Linux, . I would like to collect build info using cpptesttrace tool. I am using eclipse CLI scriptable build from the command line. The cpptesttrace recognized the project but does not collect the data, bdf was generated but with just few arg info. arg=--print-search-dirs Any suggestions. Thanks In…
How to run Parasoft LoadTest from a Linux machine
I have created loadtest scripts (lt file) by using soatest scripts (.tst) and its working perfectly fine when i run from Parasoft loadtest 9.10.3. But when i run it from Linux machine by using the below command loadtest -loadtestserver [port number] -cmd -run [txt file] and the text file contains the below data var minutes…
Message Object Output
Hi every body, Message Object Output does not exist for virtualization incoming request, I need convert input to BytesMessage, but I have faced with error (String cannot be cast to BytesMessage). Note: I can use Message Object Output in SOATest but it does not exist in Parasoft virtualization, please refer to below link :…
JMS with ByteMessage
Hi every body, I read below article (section: Message Object Outputs for Clients Using JMS), but I can't find "Message Object Outputs" tools. please assist me. My SOAtest version is 9.9.5 https://docs.parasoft.com/display/SOAVIRT9103/JMS#JMS-MessageObjectOutputsforClientsUsingJMS
How to do regular expression in parasoft SOATEST
Hi team, Can anyone help me on this. i need to know some regularization in Parasoft while creating Virtual asset so in CTP after pointing it will work for some specific combination of data. i need to do some regularization so that. correlation will be done and it will take data like: some specific number starting with 12…
How to Create a .tst Using a Windows Shortcut Key
How to Create a .tst Using a Windows Shortcut Key Description: Inspired by EM/CTP's quick actions feature, I took advantage of SOAVIRT's REST API and Windows Powershell to use an alternative method to create a client for those times when I want to quickly test an idea, demo a feature, or assist someone on the forums. :)…
Virtualization ISO 8583 over TCP/IP
Hi every body, I want to known that does Parasoft Virtualization support ISO 8583 over TCP/IP channel. How can I create a virtual asset for ISO 8583 messages are exchanged over TCP/IP?