Pass virtual assets ID? into the URL path
So I have this JSON responder... The Input Mode is Multuple Responses and each of these has been giving a name matching what should be set in the URL so for instance; List of Multiple Responses; foo1 foo2 foo3 url example; server01..parasoft.local/data/layer/foo1/map So in my application if url directs to ;…
Extract the values from Payload request and use in Webpage to display records
Dear Experts I am newbie to SOA test. and my requirement(s) are below with Rest Service and SFTP Scenario1: 1) Run a POST method with JSON payload.in Request. Here response will be empty only 204 No content status code appears 2) Automatically launch a web page, and records should display, by automatically taking the…
Unable to see run time Groovy script errors in Virtualize
We are using SOATest & Virtualize 9.13 version. The issue is...we are not able to see run time Groovy script errors in Virtualize console logs. for example in the below method If I am referring the undeclared/undefined variable script is failing silently and not able to figure out where its showing the run time error.…
How to execute java program with out extension tool
I have written java program which has main method to call the perticual method ,how to execute this java class with out extension tool. Can any one help me on this. Thanks Swapna
Custom Script for current Hits and Total Hits
Hi Dear Support Team, I need two graphs to show "Current Hits" (Hit per second) and "Total Hits". How can I write a custom monitoring script to get current and total hits?
How to execute java program with out extension tool
I have written java program which has main method to call the perticual method ,how to execute this java class with out extension tool. Can any one help me on this. Thanks Swapna
How can I compare values in a data source
I have a data source with 3 columns, x, y, and z. Each are populated by different rest commands. Once I have the values stored in the datasource, how can I compare those to see if they are equal?
Soa test can spell check web applications in Japanese
Soa test can spell check web applications in Japanese
Send SOAP Calls via Virtualize
Hi Everyone, I need to simulate the following scenario: Step 1: Virtualize receives a REST Request that requests for status Step 2: Virtualize needs to send 3 different SOAP Calls to a webservice hosted on it Step 3: Virtualize responds back to REST Request received on Step 1 with statuses from Step2 I am currently unsure…
Generic method to Compare two array of response
Lets take a situation where you need to compare two array of response: Extract the source --> alter and append with '|' (Pipe) symbol --> source_orderIds Extract the target--> alter and append with '|' (Pipe) symbol -->target_orderIds Add below code as extension tool to compare: Using this code unordered array also gets…
How to use multiple response generator in parasoft service virtualization?
Hi Team, can anyone help me on how to use multiple response generator for virtualization?. i have some situation where i need to use this. Thanks Nihar Ranjan Arisal
getGeneratedDataSourceValues returning null
I'm trying to make a script in incoming Request -> payload, but when i try to put some values to use in response i'm receiving a null pointer. I'm getting the data source with context.getGeneratedDataSourceValues(). Anyone have any idea about what could I be doing wrong?
Data source correlation using request body and excel datasource
Hi all, I have a soap request containing and element with a value of 1000. I have a column with this value and I have double checked that the value is set to use this columm. However, when I set this request the fields are not parameterized with the information from the correct (or any) row. upon sending the request, the…
Test execution: error linking test executable for Test unit for selected sources.
I created a project in Eclipse 4.6(Neon) in ubuntu 16.04 with parasoft_eclipse_plugin. The test is generated successfully but i am not be able to run the test file because of the linking error. So, my question is how can i link a library that is defined outside of the project.
SOATest Report Issue - "NaN" displayed in place of Number of Service Calls.
Hi, I have been seeing “NaN” in place of number of service calls under API Coverage section on SOATest. But, Test Summary Section contains correct details (PFA for screenshot). Can someone help me fix this issue. FYI - I am generating pdf reports on SOATest. Thanks, Tarun
How to put wait condition between two web service calls
Hi Team, can you please me,how to put wait condition between two web service calls. Thanks, Swapna
Can any one explain me briefly about change template in parasoft soa test.
Hi Team, Can any one explain me briefly about change template in parasoft soa test. Thanks, Swapna
Test Case Editor
Hi, I have some issues to create a test case with the editor of this function (which is a 1st order filter): _void Filter1stOrder ( T_1STORDFLT_VAL * p_ptVal, /*in out*/ const T_1STORDFLT_COEFF * p_ptCoeff, /*in*/ VCMS_real fIn, /*in*/ VCMS_real * p_fOut, /*in out*/ ) { *p_fOut = (p_ptCoeff -> fXiCoeff) * fIn; *p_fOut +=…
About Test Case Editor
Hi everyone, I met a weired problem cause there's such no option like 'Test Case Editor' in my CppTest. Did anyone meet the same situation? Should I enable something? Any suggestions or commends are welcome!
Succesfull test in SOATest fails with SOATestcli.exe
I am implementing an automated parasoft test solution using soatestcli.exe. Our test suite uses sql query to validate test result. I currently have a probleme where SOATest and SOATestcli.exe gives different results. SOATest : all test passes SOATestcli : I get this error <Position XPath="/SQLException"> <Subtree…
SOAtest Server Port
I have two VMs where soatest server license is on one and Virtualize on the other. Both WAR file deployments. Need SSL connections. Can they both be run on 8443 port or does Virtualize run on 8443 and SOATest 9443? thx
CLI Import and execution
I am copying project folder into existing workspace (including .project file) and issuing cli command to import project folder into workspace and then run test command. However still getting missing resource/symbol message First command after copying folder into existing workspace soatestcli.exe -data -import I get below…
Response not reflecting on UI
we are able to see the response from virtual asset is going but its not reflecting on UI. Any idea about the delay or any jms properties needs to be set ? we are use XML based req and res pairs. we use JMS transport.
Does parasoft support xaml binding .
Hi, Does parasoft dotTest 10.3.3. support xaml binding ?
How to refer current project in data source path
Hi Team, we have same project referred in two different names. (1).ProjectName --> Local Git repository --> Remote BitBucket--> Environment Manager (2).ProjectName_Local --> workspace Working copy will be present in (2) and update the changes to (1) We are facing issue in the Test Data path: Moving tst or test suite from…
How to add assertion in Load Test
Hi every body. I added a "Browser Validation Tool" and I "parameterized" it, when I run test it in "SOATest" it return failure (it is OK) but when I run it in load test it doesn't work and all of test passed. I think that "Assertion" don't work in load test. Please see following images.
How run a test conditionally ?
Hi dears, I have a excel data source with multi columns and multi Rows, and in the SOA test i have some test (.tst) which each one included some test cases. I want to run .tst tests conditionally. it means for example check "Column A, Row 1" if value is "Yes" run whole A .tst test case, if value is "No" don't run it, for "…
Environment Variable Masking
Hi, I have a requirement to mask variable in external env file and use it in the script. Here is what i did In Soatest UI in my environment i right-click masked the value and exported the env It created variable value with mask-true and encrypted value Eg original value:Token After export env file masked value…
assertor option when the response tree is changing
we have case where the tree of SOAP response changes. Suppose we do get customer operation, in the response (first time hit) we get customer ID 1 as first child and if we hit second time we get same customer ID 1 as second child. this way if assert customer ID 1 as first child , my TC will pass for first time but, fail for…
Parasoft Example Project
Hi Team, Parasoft Example Project is disabled in my parasoft soa test.Can you please provide the steps to enable it. Thanks Swapna
How to call same java class from two extension tools in same test suite
Hi Team, I am calling same java class from two extension tools in same test suite ,first extension tool is able to call java class successfully and able to print some console messages. but using second extension tool ,I am not be able to call java class and not able to print console messages. please help me on this.…
Can i change the port of a message proxy in SoaTest Server?
By default, with http a message proxy uses port 9080, can i change that for a specific proxy to use something like 80 or 443?
calling same java class from two extension tools in same test suite
Hi Team, I am calling same java class from two extension tools in same test suite ,first extension tool is able to call java class successfully and able to print some console messages. but using second extension tool ,I am not be able to call java class and not able to print console messages. please help me on this.…
Does dotTest 10.3.3 support UWP application ?
Hi, Does dotTest 10.3.3 support UWP application ? On the output console I got an error about supporting uwp apps. Thanks
Fetching a data based on key without mentioning array position
Hi Team, we are trying to create job id for the splunk, where as job id is coming in different locations of the response. ** 1** we are trying to extract using this position 20, every time it comes in different position. /:entry/:content[1]/:dict[1]/:key[20]/text() I also tried key[name="isDone"], but no luck Any help…
Lock/Unlock Parasoft Project
Hi Team, We are having a setup where project explorer contains git repository version and working workspace version. Unknowingly people were starting working in GIT version. To ignore this, I am looking for an option to lock/unlock the project. Regards Udaya
Want to store data in variable fetching from XML databank in javascript for custom assertion
Want to store data in variable fetching from XML databank in javascript for custom assertion. Can you please help me? For example, In XML data bank I have extracted an element named "Date" In Custom script, I want to store this element in a variable. What should be the syntax?
What's the efficient way to send multiple responses based on particular text in request xml
I am trying to create a mock service using Virtualize. Here is what I am trying to accomplish.. 1. Extract lengthy value from incoming xml request. 2. Match for a particular content from the extracted value 3. Based on the match send a response xml file What's the best way to solve this using Virtualize?
How to Data correlate such that it ignores certain value while matching contents.
Example below: ** Responder Name: doJob00001 Failed to respond to incoming message using data source row correlation Values in incoming message did not match values in the data source "doJob00001"…
Commas in the parasoft API URL
Hi There My question is- Does comma is accepted in the API URL in Parasoft 9.10 ? Postman works for certain URL when passed with comma but when the same URL passed in Parasoft , it returns Bad request When I am passing this orderBy=companyCd,asc&orderBy=fundCd,desc&page=1&pageSize=10 I see in the Transport the request…
Validating responses when order of individual elements changes
We need to validate few value in the response for two different id’s. I have created test which uses XML data bank and extract the values which I want to compare. I have created another test which uses XML assertor to validate the permission value that was extracted in the first test matches with the value in the second…
Does SOATest support Thumbprint SHA1?
I need to use thumbprint sha1 WS-Security for signing soap body? Does Soatest support it
In struct overflow detect
Hi, I have simple source: include <stdio.h> include <stdint.h> include <stdlib.h> typedef struct sss{ uint8_t ss[255]; int *k; uint8_t ss1[255]; } __sss; int main(){ struct __sss *d; int i; do { d = (struct __sss *) malloc(sizeof(struct __sss)); } while (!d); for( i = 0; i < 257;i++) { d->ss[i] = 1 + i;…
How to use context.report in output custom tool
Hi, I am doing some custom validations. I added extenstion tool as an output to response. How can I make the custom tool failure with a error message which I can see in the report while running using cli For eg in extension tool I have a condition If a==1 Result pass Else Result fail with message “a is not 1” I tried…
How to use context.report in output extension tool
Hi, I am doing some custom validations. I added extenstion tool as an output to response. How can I make the custom tool failure with a error message which I can see in the report while running using cli For eg in extension tool I have a condition If a==1 Result pass Else Result fail with message “a is not 1” I tried…
CLI results - Jenkins - Rules documentation
Hi, Regrading CLI results via Jenkins. When trying to open doc rules documentation , I get error on the page: parasoftserver\grs..... can not access. Only after I successfully logged on with my credentials in a separate browser tab , I can open rule documentation page via Jenkins results page. Is there a configuration to…
SOA test to connect NoSQL DB(Aerospike)
Is there a way to connect Aerospike DB using DB tool?. There is a jdbc connector but it uses AQL https://github.com/anandintouch/aerospike-jdbc-connector I don’t find anything in marketplace Whether extension tool can be used to create java client application to connect to NoSQL DB?
Upload test case from local to remote using soatest rest api
Is it possible to upload your test cases from local to remote server using soatest rest api? I found one api but I am not sure about the message body http://paraosoft:9080/soavirt/api/v5/tools/copy { "from": { "id": "" }, "to": { "parent": { "id": "" }, "name": "" } } Could some one please help?
Deploying Test Files on SOATest Server
Hi Parasoft Support Team, How can I deploy a ".test" file from SOATest client on SOATest Server in different machine ? BR.
Trouble configuring Author Mapping XML file
I'm having trouble configuring the Authorship for a project. I've made an authorship mapping xml file and edited the .properties file as described here My xml map contains definitions for many authors across multiple files. I generate a report, but in the report it only lists a single author, defaulted to source control. I…