IntelliSense on the scripting
Is there a way to get "IntelliSense" working when doing scripting in the extension tool? I am thinking not but want to make sure. I would assume an option would be to do it outside of Parasoft in another eclipse instance or is there some setting to allow this?
I am trying to run the soa-Vrt version using "soatestcli.exe". There are no virtualize assets. I keep getting the following error. "ERROR: Error: java.lang.IllegalStateException: Ambiguous protocol URL, cannot determine tool in multi-tool mode: 0, , file:/C:/Users/lch/Documents/DESKTOP…
How to use multiple traffic files to Create a Virtual Assets ?
Hi All, We have multiple xml files recorded(traffic files) by another team for a services. We need to create a single Virtual assets from those files. When we combine those file with Notepad++ >> Combine tool and tried to create it we are getting 'The file format is invalid for HTTP traffic' Help us to resolve this issue.
Parasoft CLI Issue
while running my project through CLI getting this error. ERROR: : An instance of Eclipse seems to be already running in the selected workspace. Please shut it down and try again. I have closed the GUI Instance before running via CLI. Even I have restarted my machine but same issue.
XML Output for Reports
I recently noticed on the reports when a test is run (Report set the report.html) that there is not a corresponding xml file (report.xml) associatied with it. Is there a setting for that? thx
Asserting PDF Doc
I have a pretty straightforward question here. I have a GET endpoint which downloads a PDF file. Is it possible to assert the contents of the file?
How to customize Quality Tasks eclipse view.
Quality Tasks view can be customized to report static analysis violations and test results. By default, the Quality Tasks view is showing the hierarchy starting from file level: If you'd like to display the violations by any other criteria (e.g. Severity ), then you can customize the view by following those simple steps:…
Compare XML and Json Response
Planning to move a service from Soap to Rest Json. I would like to prepare a test suite that help me compare the old Soap XML response with the JSON response.
fixed length file issue
I've implemented new datamodel file to parse file with lines start with (HDR, then ING, ABD, DDD, ADR [loop], then TRL) and it works fine but when I added two fields to this loop (SEP & MAN) the datamodel fail to parse them and I can't understand what is the issue I've attached the datamodel with the extra fields and the…
How to check assertion status or test result of specific test step
Hi, Can someone please help me check the test result of specific test step.. Or result of previous test step Or result of assertion in previous test step. I can do this on SOAP UI But don't know how this works on SOATest. Thanks, Tarun
DB tool resultset format issue
This is the format that we r receiving for a filed from Toad: 01/09/2018 but we are getting (2018-02-15 00:00:00.0)format from DB tool result set. How can we change the format to month/date/year like the way that we are getting in Toad? Thanks
Parallel Test Execution
Hi I want to run the same tests in 2 environments and then compare the results . My output is a csv file . Could someone tell me to generate both the environment results in the same CSV file and then compare the results as well in the same file ?
Data driven tests
Hi I am new to the SOA test tool and have been working on this tool for couple of weeks. I am trying to run a data driven test with an Exel Inut datasource and output my result to a CSV file. Have been successful to add a row of data in the csv but ,from there on for all the Input data output is added to one single row .…
Mongodb query tool
I am trying to configure Mongo db query tool using LDAP Connection, getting following error. MongoDB Query Tool failed with a fatal error: com.mongodb.MongoClient.(Lcom/mongodb/ServerAddress;Lcom/mongodb/MongoCredential;Lcom/mongodb/MongoClientOptions;)V. View Details for more information.
passing in the pipe (|) character from data source results in a 400
Hey Parasoft, We are doing some testing where from our data source, we have to have the pipe character in it. Here is the request: GET /voice/v1/accounts/f3c95d8d-36b6-4f79-bd15-10218171b011/billingAccounts/477963001|CAR/priTrunk HTTP/1.0 Host: enterprise.engnew-spectrum.net Content-Type: application/json…
Assertions against a Datasource
Lets say I have a Writable DS that has a few entries. I run a REST Call and get a value back and need to verify that value is contained within that DS. Is writing a script to do this the only way or is there a "out of box" assertions that can be used?
Assigning variables to Data Source
Trying to fulling understand this pattern. Lets say I have a JSON Databank and write a value to a writable DS. The DS ends up with 10 entries. If I assign a Variable to the DS column, will that variable become "Mutable" and contain a single entry and change with each new entry, or will it contain all the values as an array?
Upgrading existing PVA and data sets with a new traffic file
Hi There, I created a PVA from a traffic file which resulted in 6 responders and 6 data sets. Now I have another traffic file of same kind for these 6 responders with more dataset records. How can I use this new traffic file and update/extend responder/data set of existing PVA?
Ways to Integrate parasoft soatest with Jenkins
Hello Folks, Is it possible to integrate Parasoft SOA webservices test with Jenkins? I have a soatest project created to test my webservices. I would like it to automate running soatest scripts through Jenkins in each build. Is there any possible way we can perform this task? I hope you guys can understand the question…
Moved: Ways to Integrate parasoft soatest with Jenkins
This discussion has been moved.
Unable to connect to Parasoft DB
Hi all, I am unable to connect to Parasoft DB. It gives me the following error :smile: java.sql.SQLSyntaxErrorException: user lacks privilege or object not found: CUSTOMER My settings are as below -- Driver : org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver URL : jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/parabank Username : SA Please help! Thanks, Arindam.
TFS Agent - Running cpptestcli 10.4 - Need interactive mode
Hi, C++ project under visual studio. Running CPPTESTCLI 10.4 from command line via TFS 2018 Agent. TFS agent is running as service on WIN7 machine. The cpptestcli is causing visual studio 2017 stuck in Preparing Solution. * No issue when running scan from visual studio on the same solution. * No issues when running in…
REST service to Execute a Job in CTP
Does there have to be a system/environment associated with a test in order to use the REST service to Execute the test via the job? I have it working with a diagram. Can we execute a test without a system/enviromnent for tests in CTP?
where's the System.out.println output or log4j console output?
I am invoking a simple helloworld Java class in SOATest using the Extension Tool. The method I'm running is behaving fine, except that I am unable to see the System.out or the log4j output (configured to output to console) from my Java class. I can see the output in console just fine when running the Java class outside of…
Not able to add "Key Columns" on Data Repository
Hi Guys, I am using Virtualize Community Version, and created a local data repository, but when I try to add a key Column, I don't find this item on the menu, the reason I want to use is because I need to set a value as a responser correlation, any advice? Thank you!
Anyone providing Parasoft SOA Test online training?
Hello All, I am looking for a Parasoft online trainer urgently. If anyone is interested please let me know. Thanks, Arindam. Email : arindam.itsme@gmail.com arindam dot itsme at gmail.com
Dynamic variable is not getting resolved in "Alter" tab of xpath extraction
Hi Team, We had a situation to exract the value from Json data bank. I wanted to append comma to extracted values. I have used Alter option where dynamic variable provided in the xpath is not getting resolved. Note: Dynamic variable is a suite level variable.
which assertion can be used to check value of element is present from the list.
how do I check if a value is available from the list. for an example I want to verify a value NJ for element "state" is present in ( NJ, NY, PA, CA). I tried JSON Assertor --> String Comparison Assertion with "Element must contain" - "Expected value NJ,NY,PA,CA which did not work.
Unsupported Cipher Suite error when connecting to IBM Websphere MQ
I am trying to connect to IBM Websphere MQ through SOATest 9.10. Have the SSL configuration enabled and I am using "SSL_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" ciphersuite. When I try running the test, I am getting below error: "MQJE001: Completion code '2', Reason 2400 (MQRC_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER_SUITE)". Has anyone faced this…
Assertions Help
I have scenario: 1. we have Excel with Sysdate and Expected dates 2. Created Sysdate using DG tool and passed it to the request. 3. Created DB tool which gives a DATE column in result set . 4. Now I need to create a assertion. For particular sysdate, Date column from result set should be equal expected dates in Excel Could…
Press special character in Browser Playback Tool
In the Browser Playback Tool there is an user action for KeyUp, KeyDown and Type. However all of these require a Text Input. How can I use there for a charactler like the Escape key for example.
JSON assertion validation for status code 200.
My script reads test data from excel which also has a status code( expected result) column in it. Scripts fetches data from excel and compares it with status code to validate. Since output of my API is generated in JSON format, I am using JSON asserter to validate status code. The problem that I am facing is for a scenario…
How can I retrieve/use the project location in a relative path to open and read/write to a text file
I am using the following Jython script to read and then update a value from a text file on my local pc, but need to be able to use a relative path to identify the file in both line 7 and 14. I have verified my PROJECT_LOC variable is: "C:/Users//File/Path/To/Workspace/Project". Any help is appreciated. Works Locally but…
NOTE: The effects both dotTEST and C/C++test 10.3.x and 10.4.x The lastest Visual Studio 2017 updates (version 15.8.x - first released August 14th and the two subsequent releases in two weeks since) introduces a defect into plugin API used by the Parasoft Visual Studio plugins. This defect results in the Parasoft plugins…
Unsupported Cipher suite error received when connecting to IBM WebSphere MQ
I am trying to connect to IBM Websphere MQ through SOATest 9.10. Have the SSL configuration enabled and I am using "SSL_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_AES_128_GCM_SHA256" ciphersuite. When I try running the test, I am getting below error: "MQJE001: Completion code '2', Reason 2400 (MQRC_UNSUPPORTED_CIPHER_SUITE)". Has anyone faced this…
Infinite Loop Timeout
Hey Parasoft, I have a script assertion where SOAtest is timing out at around 10 minites and stating that I may have an infinite loop. This happens when it has around 10,000 items that it needs to verify. Note: when there say only 300 items, the script is taking about a few seconds. Is there a way to increase this timeout.…
Insure++ VS2017 Beta Build
The beta build of Insure++ for VS2017 (supporting Windows 10) is now available - please contact support@parasoft.com to get access to the beta.
Insure++ 7.5.1 Release (WIndows 10 support)
Insure++ 7.5.1 has been released and is now available for download via the customer portal. This release includes support for Windows 10, Fedora 26, Ubuntu 17 and Gentoo - as well as several parser updates and bug fixes (see release notes for details) Support for MSVC++-10.0, (VS 2010) is deprecated and will no longer be…
Visual Studio 2017 support
When is VS 2017 support planned? Is there a beta program?
Insure++ 7.5.1 Release (WIndows 10 support)
Insure++ 7.5.1 has been released and is now available for download via the customer portal. This release includes support for Windows 10, Fedora 26, Ubuntu 17 and Gentoo - as well as several parser updates and bug fixes (see release notes for details) Support for MSVC++-10.0, (VS 2010) is deprecated and will no longer be…
Using REST to Call SOAtest
I have a dev and a QA environment variable. Which REST API do I use to set the "Active environment", and Which one executes the test? I assume they are the REST APIs on the soatest server and not the Env Manager server?
SOATEST - Create customized report for a test result.
How to create customized test result report in SOATest? The default report format which is available on in SOAtest is not enough. we want to add / remove few column to it. Help will be greatly appreciated.
dotTest 10.3 - Is it possible to edit a rule.
Hi, dotTest 10.3 - Is it possible to edit a rule. Similarity to C++test ? Is it possible to do it from the IDE ? Thanks In Advanced,
NOTE: The effects both dotTEST and C/C++test 10.3.x and 10.4.x The lastest Visual Studio 2017 updates (version 15.8.x - first released August 14th and the two subsequent releases in two weeks since) introduces a defect into plugin API used by the Parasoft Visual Studio plugins. This defect results in the Parasoft plugins…
Need script to automate the task
I have unix servers. For debugging purposes, I have to login into one servers and check for logs for each transaction. Is it possible to automate this task? Can I write a java\python program which will connect to the servers and read the log files. We have multiple transaction id (around 100) for each soap client and need…
BDD tests in SOATest
Can we write and execute BDD test cases in SOATest like we do using Gherkin and cucumber in Eclipse?
Rules on File Server are changed to invalid
Hi, My rules are located under shared File Server. In some cases I noticed that the files extension become changed to invalid. rulename.properties.invalid Any suggestions ? Thanks
Datasource stop recognizing the Excel tabs when the 5th tab was added
I am using a single excel file as a datasource and have created multiple tabs in it to provide in SOATest datasource for different tests. It was working fine with 4 tabs. when I added 5th tab, Soatest stopped recognizing the tabs (Sheet) in data source. Is this known issue? anyone else have encountered it? could you please…
I would like to extract the status of a test and post it directly to Rally API.
I have to update the test result status of my tests to Rally. I am checking if there is any way I could extract the status of a test from the execution report and post it directly to Rally API. Is it possible to extract just the pass/fail status of a test from SOATest? If so, how to do it? If there are any other options…
SOATest reporting in Jenkins
I have a suite of tests running on Jenkins and I installed the Parasoft Findings plugin thinking I could have a visual result of the tests in Jenkins, but this doesn't seem to be the case. We don't really have DTP configured and I don't foresee it happening in the short term. Is there a way that I can have an…