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How to set the proxy settings using parasoft soatestcli

anujbhalotiya Posts: 5
edited November 2018 in SOAtest

How to set a proxy settings using parasoft soatestcli. I am running the test using jenkins. I want to call external api using proxy. how to do it.



  • Hello benken_parasoft
    Thanks for your response. This solution did not work. I am running .tst via jenkins. In soatestCli. In that I am calling external api, that why I need to set up a proxy. I have also used -prefs flag in soaTestCli, but it did not work.
    Any other insight

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    In your Jenkins job, you need to add a step that copies in a "com.parasoft.xtest.common.eclipse.core.web.prefs" file into the workspace directory (what you pass for -data argument) under ".metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings",

    If you are having trouble getting this to work then you might consider contacting Parasoft Support.

  • Hello Benken_parasoft
    I have added "com.parasoft.xtest.common.eclipse.core.web.prefs" in a remote directory also I am passing this file in SOAtest CLI using '-perfs' tag in jenkins. But it is not working

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    But it is not working

    Please follow the steps in the othe thread I mentioned (don't pass anything called '-perfs'). This does work. So, I can't say offhand what you might be doing wrong. I recommend asking Parasoft Support to help you with this. You can do screen sharing with them, for example.

  • Hello Benken_parasoft,
    Thanks for the response. I can see .metedata in my jenkins workspace, how I can append proxy settings ".metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/com.parasoft.xtest.common.eclipse.core.web.prefs from parasoft cli."
    if the above does not sound fine to you. can you please elaborate you suggestion given in the above thread.
    That would be very helpful.

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    how I can append proxy settings

    The other post from @Ramiro Martinez provides an example of the properties to add to your "com.parasoft.xtest.common.eclipse.core.web.prefs" file. You could have this living next to your tests then add a step to your Jenkins job which copies it into the workspace. Or you could use a script to generate the file dynamically, like from an ant script or something. How you want to create that file is really up to you.

  • Thanks benken_parasoft. It worked. appreciate all your help.