Extension tool error
When trying to execute a java code through extension tool I see the below error, Please suggest on the same. Additional Details: argument type mismatch java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: argument type mismatch at sun.reflect.NativeMethodAccessorImpl.invoke0(Native Method)at…
Parasoft SOAtest To IBM rational Quality Management
i want to run a set of test cases in parasoft SOATest and upadtes the status(passes/failed), response, of the test case in IBM rational Quality Management tool. All the Test Suites and test cases will be already created and updated in IBM Rational Quality management tool. I want to know whether it is possible , and if…
How to debug WebLogic 503 Errors under load
I am loadtesting a system, part of which includes a WebLogic 9.2 system. Multiple other servers are also involved as back ends to what is deployed on WebLogic. I have a simulator that simulates the load that the system has to handle. It sends many requests to an application running on the WebLogic server. We are very close…
View Web Scenario in Reports
Is it possible to view screenshots from the Web Scenario recordings / tests in a report? If so, how can it be done?
Different result outputs while running Unit Test on full project
When we run a Unit Test by selecting our project in Eclipse it generate different result for each run cycle. e.g. sometime ‘Function A’ is reported to be failed and sometimes ‘Function B’. We have fairly large codebase and it's all C/C++ code for ARM platform.
Stubbing functions which are not declared in header file
Is there any way to stub a class member function which has been defined in CPP files completely. The code is very old and we cannot modify the structure of code for the sake of unit testing.
Handling COMBO BOX in Browser using SOA
HI, I am trying to select values from a combobox in browser. Can anyone help me on how to fetch value and select the required value? Thanks!!
getting the License issue while hits the virtual service in the Parasoft
Hi Team, I am getting the below error message while hits the service using Parasoft Virtual tool for the service (http://soaptest.parasoft.com/calculator-02.wsdl) and mock service as http://localhost:9080/glue/calculator . The number of licensed hits per day has been reached. Use a license with a higher limit, or wait…
Test-Case Execution
Hi @Bogdan Czwartkowski @Mirek , Currently i am working on the ADSP_sc584 ez board. i am able to generate the test cases .but when i am running the test-cases i am getting error which i have attached in this discussion. i've created custom compiler and my base compiler is : Analog Device C/C++ compiler 7.0 for SHARC .…
Loadtest Scenario
I would like to run my loadtest from my laptop, calling services on another Virtual Machine. I would like to monitor the memory, cpu usage etc on the Vm I am calling. Is this possible? I would assume so as if I select "Windows Monitor"? I see there are types also, do I need addional jar files loaded? Also do I need…
Test case generation
Hello @Mirek , i am facing issue to generate the test case which is integrate with the SHARC Processor ADSP-sc 584 EZ board. not able to generate the test cases even i had created the custom compiler also, i am getting this error which is attached in this Discussion. please help me out and give me some solution as soon as…
Intro to Virtualize?
Once saw a nice intro article for Virtualize by @Chris Colosimo on the forum and I cannot seem to find it again. Can anyone point me to that article? Thanks!
Code coverage on static library
Hello, I'm working with Parasoft C++test 9.5. I have two projects: -one to build a static library -one to build a main program to be linked with the static library I succeeded to do code coverage on the main program only, but I don't know how to do code coverage on the static library as well... How should the static…
No Data Source column named ... Error
I have a test where I am using the DBTool to fetch an ID from the database. I then pass this ID via Data Bank to a REST service. It actually works fine, but everytime I run the REST test, I get the error: Checking the Traffic Viewer confirms that the test is getting the ID value and making a successful call to the service.…
DB Tool - Password as a environment variable
How can we define the DB Tool password as an environment variable.As for different environments its different so its hard to change in all DB tools manually?
What is the best approach to virtualize a dynamic WCF Service request?
I have a case where the request is generated dynamically from WCF service (please refer to attached file). Request and Country Code are the only two tags that are passed to Parasoft for virtualization. What is the best approach to virualize such scenario since all the parameters are within Request tag itself?
Browser Blank Page Recording New Web Scenarios with SOATest
Hello, I’m using SOATest 9.10.5 and Chrome 71.0.3578.98 64 bits, and when I start a New Web Scenario Recording using Parabank as instance a blank page is opened and the URL I put at recording parameters is not called. I’ve already upgrade my Eclipse Chrome web driver and reinstaled Google Chrome, but nothing went ran. The…
Changing the environment is not reflecting in DB2 environment param
HiTeam, We have DB2 path configured from environment file like shown below. while updating the active environment, value is not getting reflected in the DB2 file path. we have change from Dev to QA, but still actual call is happening to Dev itself. Note: Changes getting reflected by closing and re-opening the tst file.
How do I setup a corelation when there are only 2 parameters in the request?
Below is the request format for which I need help in setting up corelation: APPWEBEDV APPWEBEDV12345 I LUP500 50708711GTC700*XAB6LUOAW1T ORA50V378D11CC W1
How to debug Java code and get Console output when using Java extension tool ?
Hi, I am using an extension tool to connect to a Java project (SOATest Java project) and when I run the test scenarios, I cannot access the console output of the Java code (System. out.println statements). Is there a way to access it ? Also, if I get an error in the Java extension tool code, how do you recommend debugging…
403 Error
Hi, I am trying to automate a webservice that requires cookies to be passed in the header for authentication. And we have a separate Logon webservice that returns the cookie. I am successfully able to get cookie from the logon webservice and store in a databank. But when I pass this value stored in databank to the other…
Jtest support for OWASP Top 10 - 2017 available
OWASP Top 10 - 2017 has finally been released today. Some old items were merged, some removed, and a few new ones added. A new configuration for static analysis will be in the next release of Jtest, but for now you can download it directly from here. Get your jump start on OWASP Top 10 support.
Assertion validations in Test report
Is there a way to capture assertion validations in the test report for SOAtest
I want to learn c++ language but I do not understand from where will I start from?
Hi all, is there anybody having an idea how to buffer fieldentries and the labeling of buttons in order to be used within the following teststeps as variables? Many thanks in advance
Auto Test case Generation
Hi @Mirek @Bogdan Czwartkowski I have a general query for auto test case generation. On which basis, C++ test tool generate the test case . How to identify from where it is taking the input for test case generation .
IAR Embedded Workbench Support - Details
Hi, Parasoft C/C++test Professional 10.4.1 . Regarding IAR support. I understand the support in compilers , but how it supports in environment , according to: https://docs.parasoft.com/display/CPPDESKE1041/About+EWARM Can the product support IAR IDE ? Thanks
Rest API - Multipart request and response
I have rest API which returns response as multipart. So i couldn't use json assertor or diff to validate my response. is there anyother way to validate the response Is there any guide for referring multipart request and responses?
Data Sources accessible across multiple tsts
Trying to make Data Sources globally accessible across multiple tst files We have scenarios where we need to write output from multiple test cases into a single writable and later share the result across board. In the current framework identified in my project,, we are creating each test as a tst. I am unable to save the…
Compare values in writeable with db output
I have saved a writeable with 5 values. I have a DB tool which is used to fetch the result of SQL query . It gives me more than 50 records. Now I need to validate if that 5 records in writable is available in the 50 records of db result. Please help how to perform this validation.
Can parasoft understand a java program which reads xml in java an convert it to string?
I have an XML file that contains only 2 parameters that can be parameterized - Country Code and Request. However I want to read the body in tag and convert it into text so that it can be used for correlation. Kinldy help.
Parameterizing response from XML request
Hi, I was trying to generate a stub, which would read the request and use its content in the generated response. I used XML data bank to collect the request parameters, and associated these parameter values in the response. Now, when I deploy the pva and run a sample SOAP request in SOAP UI, I am getting the right response…
Integrate a basic selenium (java )script using extension tool
Hi Team, Can any one help me how to integrate a basic selenium (java )script using extension tool using Parasoft Soatest. Thanks, Swapna
Chrome recording broken? (chrome v71)
At some workstations here Chrome has been updated to v71. This break the recording functionality, so it seems.. We face the /eclipse/plugins/xxx/root/browser/chrome/blank.html page when starting recording, it does not open the desired webapp page. We've upgraded the Chromedriver.exe manually, but this only fixes the…
How do I setup a corelation when there are only 2 parameters in the request?
Below is the request format for which I need help in setting up corelation. Is there a way to read the values with tags through a java file? APPWEBEDV APPWEBEDV12345 I LUP500 50708711GTC700*XAB6LUOAW1T ORA50V378D11CC W1
Injecting a Environment Variable value into SOAtest via command line
Hello, Is it possible to access/modify an environment variable on the fly during execution through CLI? In soatestcli there is an -environment flag, which allows users to set 'Environments.' There is also an option to point to a -environmentConfig. Both of these methods, however, do not allow for injection of dynamic…
Select Frame into another Frame
Dear Support, I want to know how can I select a Frame into another Frame, please refer to attached picture. In the below picture the "workframe" is into "mainframe".
Capture Traffic during Test Time Out
How can Capture the traffic(Mainly Request) and no response during a test is got timed out. This is for health check of the API.we need to pass the traffic object to a extension tool.
Triggering MQ request using Parasoft SOATest
I am trying to post a webservice request to the IBM websphere server, through parasoft WebMQ transport in the message client. Although we have added the recommended jar files we are unable to establish the connection. What are the minimum set of information required to be configured in the client to make a successful…
Modify value of output parameter in Test Case Editor ??
Hello, I have a stubbed function like this : int StubFunc(short * param) (Which is supposed to store a value at the address pointed to by param, so, an output parameter) In order to correctly cover my code, I need to be able to modify the value of param when a stub call is made like the original function would do. However…
SOAP Scripting returning multiple values using getXMLFromString
I do see some discussion thread awhile back with the that getXMLFromString works with multiple values. Discussion: One to Many Data with XML Data Bank and Writable Data Source. I have tried to applied the same concept on Groovy. But, it doesn't seems to work. I am planning to put those data into a writable datasource. I…
Data Source - Run Time Change
Is there any way we can change the data during run time in Excel Data Source.
Debugging UT with GDB unable to find libcpptestruntime64.so
After following the Parasoft guide to debugging a test with GDB on 64-bit Ubuntu 18 (https://docs.parasoft.com/display/CPPDESKE1040/Exercise+15+-+Debugging+Unit+Tests+With+GDB), I'm having an issue where both GDB and Eclipse's built in debugging are not launching properly. In both situations it seems that there's an issue…
how to interface custom tools to p[arasoft
we need to interface message formats and custom tools to parasoft
Unable to generate stubs
Hello, I've integrated the Parasoft plugin into Atollic TrueSTUDIO - an eclipse-based IDE for developing ARM cortex devices. I am attempting to generate unit tests and stubs as a file scope configuration, however it results in a lot of setup problems: Test execution: error preparing instrumentation / symbols data for…
About Stub function
Hi everyone, I am a newbie here and I surfed lots of articles in 'help contents', but still got little sense about stub functions. Suppose that I have a source data library and use it in a Test Case writen by my own. And I want to know more information(for instance, the variable values calculated in one section inside the…
Is there possibility to create Cobertura report ?
Hi, Is there possibility to create Cobertura report ? to the static analysis reports ? Thanks
How to access variables into "Execute Javascript"
Hi support team, How can I access to variables into "Execute Javascript" ? please refer to attached file.
creating excel datasource using Java in Parasoft Maven Jumpstart project
When mapping the datasource path to the setId method in FileLocation class. FileLocation location=new FileLocation(); location.setId("${project_loc:PBAPO}/Sample2.xls"); It throws below error :smile: ErrorResponse [status=404, message=Invalid payload: Specified value '${project_loc:PBAPO}/Sample2.xls' for property…
how to interface to implement a custom listener,message format and custom tools to virtualize
i need to interface above cutom tools can you please provide jar files for the same.