Chrome recording broken? (chrome v71)
At some workstations here Chrome has been updated to v71. This break the recording functionality, so it seems.. We face the /eclipse/plugins/xxx/root/browser/chrome/blank.html page when starting recording, it does not open the desired webapp page. We've upgraded the Chromedriver.exe manually, but this only fixes the…
How do I setup a corelation when there are only 2 parameters in the request?
Below is the request format for which I need help in setting up corelation. Is there a way to read the values with tags through a java file? APPWEBEDV APPWEBEDV12345 I LUP500 50708711GTC700*XAB6LUOAW1T ORA50V378D11CC W1
Injecting a Environment Variable value into SOAtest via command line
Hello, Is it possible to access/modify an environment variable on the fly during execution through CLI? In soatestcli there is an -environment flag, which allows users to set 'Environments.' There is also an option to point to a -environmentConfig. Both of these methods, however, do not allow for injection of dynamic…
Select Frame into another Frame
Dear Support, I want to know how can I select a Frame into another Frame, please refer to attached picture. In the below picture the "workframe" is into "mainframe".
Capture Traffic during Test Time Out
How can Capture the traffic(Mainly Request) and no response during a test is got timed out. This is for health check of the API.we need to pass the traffic object to a extension tool.
Triggering MQ request using Parasoft SOATest
I am trying to post a webservice request to the IBM websphere server, through parasoft WebMQ transport in the message client. Although we have added the recommended jar files we are unable to establish the connection. What are the minimum set of information required to be configured in the client to make a successful…
Modify value of output parameter in Test Case Editor ??
Hello, I have a stubbed function like this : int StubFunc(short * param) (Which is supposed to store a value at the address pointed to by param, so, an output parameter) In order to correctly cover my code, I need to be able to modify the value of param when a stub call is made like the original function would do. However…
SOAP Scripting returning multiple values using getXMLFromString
I do see some discussion thread awhile back with the that getXMLFromString works with multiple values. Discussion: One to Many Data with XML Data Bank and Writable Data Source. I have tried to applied the same concept on Groovy. But, it doesn't seems to work. I am planning to put those data into a writable datasource. I…
Data Source - Run Time Change
Is there any way we can change the data during run time in Excel Data Source.
Debugging UT with GDB unable to find libcpptestruntime64.so
After following the Parasoft guide to debugging a test with GDB on 64-bit Ubuntu 18 (https://docs.parasoft.com/display/CPPDESKE1040/Exercise+15+-+Debugging+Unit+Tests+With+GDB), I'm having an issue where both GDB and Eclipse's built in debugging are not launching properly. In both situations it seems that there's an issue…
how to interface custom tools to p[arasoft
we need to interface message formats and custom tools to parasoft
Unable to generate stubs
Hello, I've integrated the Parasoft plugin into Atollic TrueSTUDIO - an eclipse-based IDE for developing ARM cortex devices. I am attempting to generate unit tests and stubs as a file scope configuration, however it results in a lot of setup problems: Test execution: error preparing instrumentation / symbols data for…
About Stub function
Hi everyone, I am a newbie here and I surfed lots of articles in 'help contents', but still got little sense about stub functions. Suppose that I have a source data library and use it in a Test Case writen by my own. And I want to know more information(for instance, the variable values calculated in one section inside the…
Is there possibility to create Cobertura report ?
Hi, Is there possibility to create Cobertura report ? to the static analysis reports ? Thanks
How to access variables into "Execute Javascript"
Hi support team, How can I access to variables into "Execute Javascript" ? please refer to attached file.
creating excel datasource using Java in Parasoft Maven Jumpstart project
When mapping the datasource path to the setId method in FileLocation class. FileLocation location=new FileLocation(); location.setId("${project_loc:PBAPO}/Sample2.xls"); It throws below error :smile: ErrorResponse [status=404, message=Invalid payload: Specified value '${project_loc:PBAPO}/Sample2.xls' for property…
how to interface to implement a custom listener,message format and custom tools to virtualize
i need to interface above cutom tools can you please provide jar files for the same.
How to specify a DataSource Via Linux
I Created a DS in windows and the path (not relative) is to a local file(s) on the same machine.(attachment) We would like to define the path via the command line in linux to the files. The path of the files(s) on the Linux is located here /root/BenchScripts (Not C:....). Do we have to open up the gui on linux to browse to…
Close File Picker Dialog
Dear Support team, In web scenario after upload a file, File Picker Dialog not closed automatically and I need do "Keypress" action with "Escape" key, Unfortunately SOATest 9.10 doesn't have "Keypress" action (only have "keyup" and "keydown"). Pease share a solution for this issue. Also I tried "keyup" and "keydown"…
SOATest 9.10 doesn't support Firefox in web automation?
Dear Support Team, Why soatest 9.10 doesn't support firefox in web scenario? please refer below images, I can not find firefox option between chrome and IE, also I check "preferences->parasoft->browser" but I can not see firefox in Recording dialog.
SOA Test iteration through testcase
I am using a datasource which has multiple test cases. The test scenario though need to iterate per test case and stopped and it reached a certain response flag. Is there a way to iterate through one test cases (iterate until it reached the response flag) and moved on the next test case. What I am doing currently doesn't…
Violation Report
Hello every one, i need one help while generating the report for static analysis. i ran the static analysis with MISRA C 2012 safety standard compliance rule :-it reported 2025 violation. while i have imported the .BDF file of same source code then i ran the static analysis then it reported 2030 violation. i checked both…
DataSource Path is removing test_suite_loc variable after the restart
Hi Team, We are having practice of using ${test_suite_loc} variable instead of ${project_loc:project_name} for CTP purpose. After restarting the workspace we are loosing the ${test_suite_loc} variable, when its attached with other environment variable shown in below screen shot. Not sure why its getting missed!!
Adding Global Property at tst level issue
Hi Team, We are using a test suite where we need update 1000 soap client test case to use shared soap header properties. Updated the property to 'User Shared Property Only' and clicked on 'Add property to all Tests' is not updating all headers. Its not adding to all the rest client test that we have it in that test suite…
SOAtest run as a project or tst file
Is there a way for Soa test to determine whether you are running it as a project folder that includes all. .tst file or a single .tst file. The reason for asking this is that I would like to set a common value that will exist on all .tst file if it’s run as on project folder and a different value set when it run on a .tst…
SOATest-How to loop the test cases
I have a request with no of fields to be parameterized. One of the field, needs to get data from Data generator tool with some format that I configured as Step1. In step2, Remaining fields need to be parameterized with data from Excel as well as data from Data generator tool(step1). Actual: When I run step1 and step2…
Clear Cookie
Dear Support Team, I want to know how can I clear (delete) all cookies in SOATest 9.10 in web scenario, unfortunately I can't access to document. please refer to following image.
Hey do anyone has latest parasoft SOA test user gude
I need to learn more on Soa test so do any trial version or user guide is available ? It would be grt if someone can share that information.
IDE License Release
We noticed that when we deactivated the license from within the Eclipse IDE plugin for C/C++test, the license is not released on DTP. It appears to hold onto that session for about 10 more minutes or so, before it is released. Is that the expected behavior? If another user were to come in and that deactivated license was…
Adding additional responses to 'Fixed Message' responder from a new traffic file
Hello, I have a 'Fixed Message' responder which was created from traffic file. It has got multiple responses in it. Now I received another traffic file for the same service. I need to add these additional responses to my existing 'Fixed Message' responder. I'm able to create a new responder, but not able to find a way to…
How to upload new Test config properties files to DTP 5.4 server ?
Hi, using DTP 5.4 doTtest 10.4 c++Test 10.4. How to upload new Test config properties files to DTP 5.4 server ? Is it related to license ? Thanks Eldad
Run soatest from different user account
I would like to run soatest gui under a different account than my windows account. Is this possible? thx
.bdf file creation.
how to create bdf file in parasoft c/c++ test 10.4. i am not able to understand also i refer the user guide. so anyone please help me on the same with example. i had run the following command but i am getting error. [princekumar@localhost src]$ cpptesttrace…
Accessing Environment variables
Hi all, I am facing issue with accessing the variables defined in Environments. Hard coded values are working as expected but when parameterised from Environment files, it throws error as unable to fetch values. Scenario: I am having a scenario where I need to pass the wsdl and endpoint URL to the test. The value is…
Ruining c++ from Eclipse - /usr/include/c++/5.4/string:38:28: fatal error: bits/c++config.h: No such
Hi, I created a simple C++ Hello world project under eclipse on Ubuntu 16. I run Parasoft from the GUI. Where should I update the path for parasoft ? Thanks
Parasoft DTP Engine Compatibility
Does the Parasoft DTP Engine (version 10.3.0) work with DTP (version 5.4.1)? We are looking to upgrade to the latest Parasoft DTP version, but want to make sure we have all items accounted for.
Remove out-of-scope Run Configurations from DTP database
What is the proper way of cleaning out the DTP's DB (5.3.3 in this case) from any old and no-longer referenced "Run Configurations"?
CTP and SOATest compatibility
Hi, I'm using SOATest version 9.10.5. I wanted to place my .tst files in CTP. But I'm getting error. And this error is occurring when I'm trying to place suite designed with 9.10.5 version. Able to upload other suites into CTP. By any chance it might a compatibility issue between CTP and SOATest(9.10.5)
Gather the errors on report within SOAtest
Other than browsing to the report XML file after all the tests are run, is there another way where i can save off the value that does not pass assertion? Maybe one instance is to save it in a writable DS to be used later. My use case would be to send the those values via XML message to a stored procedure. thx
How to test multiple classes within a project?
I am testing a project that contains multiple classes. I have generated a stub file for the project to cover all calls to methods in other projects and I have generated stub files for each class where necessary to cover calls to other public class methods within the project. When testing the project, this approach does not…
Fetch data from a specific row in excel based on a value
I would like to fetch a row value from excel sheet (data source). Need to fetch one row value and use it to assert the response. Scenario: Create a data source of Excel type. Associate a file to it . The excel file has 30 rows(for eg). I need to fetch the row data corresponding tp one key value. Eg. I have an excel sheet…
Perform Arithmetic and Logical assertions on two writeables/tables
I have to implement the below scenario: I have to compare the DB values from 2 different tables and perform logical and arithmetic operations on them. Steps implemented: * Create a new test suite * Create a DB tool and query to fetch data (multiple columns) from a table 1. I need to save the run time values. I created a…
How to convert databank text string to JSONObject?
I am extracting a json response to dataBank variable and assigning to extension tool. On top of the extension tool adding json databank. Getting error as invalid json. is there any option like Transformer for json, like we have XMLTransformer for XML?
Code coverage analysis in Insure++
Hi all, From what I read online, Insure++ is able to provide the code coverage analysis of the code by using the TCA View, but how do I generate the tca.log file?
RESET Writable datasource
Is there a way to reset the writable datasource through scripting.
output logs
Can I pass the value of the variable name to the output stream for logging. Please see attached.
correlate between SOA request datasource with Virtualize
I am new to virtualize and trying to think if this is possible. Here's my scenario. SOA Request (utilizing datasource) --> send to a blackbox. --> the black box will send it to virtualize where we will validate the request and validate the fields from the datasource being utilize by SOA Request. If this is possible, how do…
Skipping test case or dbtool
I got a scenario where there’s a chain of 3 test. First 2 are payload and the last is a dbtool call. Based on the reponse of the first test. I will either run the remaining two test or skipped them entirely. My question is how can I skip those remaining two test case.
Skipping test case or dbtool
I got a scenario where there’s a chain of 3 test. First 2 are payload and the last is a dbtool call. Based on the reponse of the first test. I will either run the remaining two test or skipped them entirely. My question is how can I skip those remaining two test case.
How to show API Coverage in CTP's HTML Report with SOAtest WAR Deployment
At the time of writing this post, I'm using CTP 3.1.2. If you would like the HTML Report displayed by CTP to show API Coverage and you are using the SOAtest/Virtualize WAR deployment, you can do this as so: * Navigate to [WAR deployment's installation directory]/WEB-INF/configs/builtin * Edit the 'Run Automated Server…