How to obtain and display multiple code coverage types
C/C++test Professional supports many code coverage metrics. You can see the list of all metrics enable any of them in your Test Configuration: You can review and enabled all required coverage metrics. Be advised that adding more instrumentation affects the size and performance of the test executable. After you executed the…
MQ Websphere client
do we need to have websphere client installed on the machine if we need to create tests for MQ client ?
REST GET service working in Postman but not in SOATest
HI, I have a GET request which works fine with Postman and fetched all 200+ records JSON response successfully. When tried the same in SOATest it shows StatusCode 200 but doesn't fetch any details and just shows following. No error displayed. { "start" : 0, "total" : 0, "rows" : [ ] }
Unable to specify cpp sln to run Parasoft test on command line
Hi all, I tried to run parasoft test on command line with the following commands but failed to do so, can anyone advice me on this? it returns >> Option -solution is not supported. Use -data instead And how do I use -data command? I try to use -data and point to the path directory (ie -data "C:\XXX"), and it is able to run…
How to Attach a file along with the payload in Parasoft SOA Test
Requirement is to Post the payload along with the pdf file.How I can attach the pdf with the payload request.
How to set the proxy settings using parasoft soatestcli
How to set a proxy settings using parasoft soatestcli. I am running the test using jenkins. I want to call external api using proxy. how to do it.
Stubbing out Internal Functions inside Static Library
My code under test calls another function, I'll call function A. Function A lives in a linked in static library called SL. Function A inside SL calls Function B directly which also lives in SL. I want to stub the call to function B. In this configuration, is this possible? In more general terms, can I stub an internal…
Assertor Validation Result Capture
How to capture and pass the test result status from assertor (pass or fail) to extension tool for some internal reporting?
Input mode: Scripted (JSON Rest)
I am planning to use the scripted(input mode) REST. Here's an simple example of JSON message Example1. What I would like to do is to use context.getValue as part of the JSON message shown in example2. I have added the script to pull json message below. My question is there a way to get the value context.getValue as part of…
Refresh WSDL
I am automating SOAP services, I am passing the WSDL in the wsdl section. I want my SOAP clieny to automatically detect the wsdl and update the definition?? Is it possible?
scripting remove empty elements
I need to removed the empty elements using script.
Is there a way to keep Parasoft VS plug-in if a version is been change.
Hi, Is there a way yo avoid reinstalling Parasoft plug-in from VS if a new version of VS is been installed. i.e. Changing from Ent to PRO ? Thanks
Bit bucket integration
is eGit v5 supported by Parasoft?
Structure Report in SOA
I'm seeing an option called "Structure Report" when right clicking on .tst file. What this option will do ?
fetch test case name by Groovy script
I had 2 questions : 1. How to fetch test response by groovy script. 2. How to get test case name by some runtime script using groovy
How can I Assert the number of child elements in JSON
I have 20 child elements for the parent element in my JSON. How can I assert the number of child elements is returned the same? I only want to assert the number of child elements.
Parameterizsing WSDL
Hi All, I have around 30 SOAP webservices and i would like to hit all of them and see their response. I am able to parameterize the WSDL, ENDPOINT from Environment variables. But i want it to be parameterized from my input sheet which is not getting recognized. Could you please help!! Thanks in advance
how to use an XML Data Bank and Writable Data Source to extract multiple rows of data for later use
The Goal After completing this tutorial you should have a basic understanding of how to extract multiple values into corresponding data source rows that can later be iterated over for use in subsequent test steps. The Use Case For this use case we would like to request a list of all the books on the bookstore using the…
Loadtest is sending only even row from the data set to the server or mq
I have configured the soatest with the messaging client to send message request to the queue, however, soatest send the data (file contents) to the mq all the rows where as loadtest sends the even rows from the data source. Please provide me your input if you guys face the similar issues. Parasoft version 9.6 Thanks
How to set a value of a variable in data source using groovy script
context.setValue( "x", "1000") ---> this is applicable when you inserted the value directly. Is there a way if you use the variable instead of the actual value. I tried using the sa Example: myVar = generate a random value. context.setValue( "x", myVar.toString()) --> I tried this but does not work.
Stubbing Fails to Find Functions
I ran the "Collect Stub Information" Built-In test configuration on a project. Inside this project, there are a series of both static and non-static functions. However, when I run that test configuration, it fails to find any non-static symbols (functions). What, if anything in terms of code or project configurations,…
What specific functionality does the "Instrument Selected Source File(s)" Check Box have?
By default, when a file is imported into an Eclipse Project, this box is checked. I have looked in your documentation to try to get a specific idea on what "Instrumentation" means and what impact it will have on things like code coverage, static analysis, stubability, etc. For example, if I don't want a file included in…
Copy Constructors and Copy Assignment Operators Static Analysis Rule [MRM-49]
Rule: MRM-49-3 --> A copy constructor and a copy assignment operator shall be declared for classes that contain pointers to data items or nontrivial destructors. This Static Analysis rule requires that I have to adhere to the Rule of 3 (now rule of 5 if moves are included). We have a destructor defined, but not the copy…
How to configure or scrpit a message responder that sends dynamic csv files as an attachment
I've a requirement to send dynamic CSV files as an attachment depending on the incoming request. along with customised http headers as part of response. Can someone show me an example on how to do it?
Updating TestSuite Variable using groovy script
I have a testSuite variable named and want to increment and update the testSuite variable using groovy. I could not figure out why it's not updating the testsuite Variable. Here's my Groovy import com.parasoft.api.*; import java.lang.*; public myTransactionId( context ){ Application.showMessage("here the application " +…
How to run mainframe job using parasoft
Hi Team, We gotta situation where we need to run the mainframe job externally using parasoft. No luck on search in parasoft marketplace tools, Any help would be really appreciable. Thanks Udaya
Need a help to setup Client side SSL.
Need a help to setup Client side SSL. I have Private Key(.key) and Public Key(.cert) need to be configured in SOATEST in order to validate HTTPS. As per information provided in Parasoft document following steps has been taken. 1) KeyStore has been created under Test Suite (right click on Test Suite -> Add new --> Global…
JSON Date Assertion
can someone help me which assertion be used to validate Date ( it is in ISO format - 2018-01-01T12:50:00-0400 ) with <, <==, >,>== . I found these condition available for numeric value using numeric assertion but could not find for the Date.
Integrating GIThub with Parasoft
How can we integrate GIThub with Parasoft?
Scroll by & Scroll to
Dear Parasoft team, unfortunately "ScrollBy" and "ScrollTo" don't work in Soatest 9.10 would you please help me.
Best way to do comparisons
I have a src XML file (8 Meg) which correlates to 6800 records in a DB. I want to be able to compare varSRC = xmlMsg to varDB = DBXml message returned from DB. Diff is really really slow. I adjusted Eclipse.ini parameters to no avail. I used the XML assertor and it fails even though when you compare the two messages…
Iteration of Columns in Data Bank
Hi, I have some 25 coulmn names in my XML data bank and I need to use all the column names in a Jython script. I do not want to write context.getValue("Genearted Data Source","Column_1") ,..... upto Column_25. How can I iterate through the names in the XML data bank?? Thanks
Run .Tst file from Java
Hi, Could you please help me to run .tst file from java and capture result.
How to parse response in jython extension tool?
Any tutorial to parse xml response in jython extension tool? or any library best to use with soatest
Combine the value from two response fields in a third field
Hi, I am writing a SOAP Message Responder. Some of the fields of the response derives its value from a DataSource column while some gets their value from variables populated by an XML Data Bank. Now my question is how do I combine these values to populate another field in the response. For example, I need a field to be the…
REST Client Response - Numbers are converted
In rest client if from server response is coming as '5' parasoft makes it in '05' for which our comparison fails. How can we manage in parasoft to get the exact data from provider.
HTTPS request trigger taking 21 sec to reach the server
Hi, I have a test with HTTP 1.0 Protocol which trigger webservice. When I hit the request from SOA test tool it is taking 21 sec minimum to reach the server. Can anyone help why it is taking time? Thanks in Advance.
CSV Message Responder issue
*Using Parasoft Virtualize 9.10.4** Unable to extract column data from a CSV file if the incoming request CSV data has multiple word column headings (e.g. "System Name"). The problem is in the "Using Data Source Wizard". The Parasoft tool is converting column headings with multiple words (e.g. "System Name") to…
Writeable Data Source & Test Failures
Good afternoon, I've got an interesting scenario. Say I have three rows on an in table spreadsheet. Each row contains different login credentials (username/password) for Test 1. Under Test 1 I have added a JSON data bank that adds the response "SessionID" to column A of the Writeable data source. Now lets say I run all 3…
Java Code to run specific test in .tst File
I have a test file where I have two test. 1. Rest Client 2. Write File Tool named CustomWrite I'm using a java class as below to invoke this test TestExecutionsRequest queueInput = new TestExecutionsRequest(); General general = new General(); general.setConfig("soatest.user://Example Configuration");…
BDD intergration with SOATest - The provided user does not have permission to modify this resource.
I use soaTest 9.9 without Virtualize. i tried a simple step to write a file using cucumber and SoaTest. my feature File has below steps: Feature: Integrate parasoft SoaTest with Cucumber Scenario: BDD Test Given I am user 12212 below is json step defn. "stepdefs": [ { "step": "Given", "pattern": "^I am user (.*)$", "args":…
Regular expressions for License Access Logs
Does anyone have a Reg Expr filter handy to find the distinct "users" from the ls_access_log on the Dtp License Server? I want to find the distinct "user" not including user=sys_dtpuser. I know there are tools out there but which one would be best for assisting to look for in the sting in the file? thx
How to get Index of parent node of a child node
Hi Team, I am trying to get the parents for each child for $item in (/root/Json[1]/item[]/employee[1]/item[]) return /root/Json[1]/item[ - - - - ]/manager[1]/text() This for loop runs thru for all employees where i need to get the managers of each employee. (if there is more employees under one manager, it supposed to…
setting ide variables in Soatest
I want to set the IDE variables in SOAtest, for instance the project_loc variable. Where in SOAtest can I set these variables??
Custom Scripting using Java
Hi, I have used Java classes as part of Extension Tool.I have the created Jar for those classes.How can we include that Jar in the Tool library so that we don't need to make a reference of it manually.
Why Disable Parasoft extension doesn't operate on VS 2017
I am trying to disable Parasoft ext on my VS 2017 , Parasoft extension on VS 2017 doesn't disable . even after VS restart.
Parasoft support for Oracle Java in 2019 and beyond
Beginning in January 2019, Oracle will no longer release updates to Java 8 for commercial use (see https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/es/java/javase/documentation/eol-135779.html). Some Parasoft products (SOAtest, Virtualize, C/C++test, and DTP) currently ship Oracle Java 8 as part of the installation. As of January 2019,…
Parasoft support for Oracle Java in 2019 and beyond
Beginning in January 2019, Oracle will no longer release updates to Java 8 for commercial use (see https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/es/java/javase/documentation/eol-135779.html). Some Parasoft products (SOAtest, Virtualize, C/C++test, and DTP) currently ship Oracle Java 8 as part of the installation. As of January 2019,…
Parasoft support for Oracle Java in 2019 and beyond
Beginning in January 2019, Oracle will no longer release updates to Java 8 for commercial use (see https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/es/java/javase/documentation/eol-135779.html). Some Parasoft products (SOAtest, Virtualize, C/C++test, and DTP) currently ship Oracle Java 8 as part of the installation. As of January 2019,…
Parasoft support for Oracle Java in 2019 and beyond
Beginning in January 2019, Oracle will no longer release updates to Java 8 for commercial use (see https://www.oracle.com/technetwork/es/java/javase/documentation/eol-135779.html). Some Parasoft products (SOAtest, Virtualize, C/C++test, and DTP) currently ship Oracle Java 8 as part of the installation. As of January 2019,…