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SOA Test iteration through testcase

jngojngo Posts: 46

I am using a datasource which has multiple test cases. The test scenario though need to iterate per test case and stopped and it reached a certain response flag. Is there a way to iterate through one test cases (iterate until it reached the response flag) and moved on the next test case.

What I am doing currently doesn't seems right. I have to created different datasource per each test case for the iteration to work.


  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    There is no specific feature intended to support what you are trying to do - so keep doing what you're doing if it's working for you!

  • jngojngo
    jngojngo Posts: 46

    Thanks, Jakubiak. It would be nice to have this feature rather than having multiple datasource. Happy Holidays