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Ruining c++ from Eclipse - /usr/include/c++/5.4/string:38:28: fatal error: bits/c++config.h: No such

elch Posts: 95


I created a simple C++ Hello world project under eclipse on Ubuntu 16. I run Parasoft from the GUI.
Where should I update the path for parasoft ?



Best Answer

  • kuba
    kuba Posts: 1
    Answer ✓


    Please open project properties, then Parasoft -> C/C++test -> Build Settings. In 'Compiler settings' select 'Family' drop box and change compiler to 64-bit variant (with x86_64 in name) or if 64-bit variant is used change it to 32-bit (without x86_64).

    C++test sometimes incorrectly detects available compiler.


  • devangm
    devangm Posts: 1

    Having the same issue. And don't know how to solve it.

  • @devang,
    Did you try the solution described in the earlier post by @kuba ?

  • prince
    prince Posts: 11
    edited December 2018

    Having the same problem few days ago,while running the static analysis with parasoft c/c++ test on Llinux.

    i found the solution. missing the glib devl .
    i installed this package and issue was disappeared..

    sudo apt-get install glibc-devel.i686