Parasoft announces the latest release of the MQTT Extensions
The MQTT Extensions are custom extensions for Parasoft SOAtest and Virtualize. You can use the extensions on the client side to perform many tasks:
- Publish to a topic
- Subscribe to a topic filter until the desired number of messages are received or a duration elapses
- Monitor a topic filter during test execution to perform validations on the events that occur
On the server side, you can use the listener extension to subscribe to a topic filter then publish to a topic based on the incoming subscription messages.
The following custom extensions are provided for MQTT integration:
- MQTT Transport: A transport protocol for publishing MQTT messages.
- MQTT Subscriber: Use to subscribe to a topic filter until the desired number of messages are received or a duration elapses.
- MQTT Message Listener: A message listener used to subscribe to a topic filter and publish virtualized messages.
- MQTT Event Monitor: An entry point to the event monitoring interface, subscribes to a topic to report message events received during testing.
- MQTT Configure Tool: A simple tool that configures different MQTT properties so they do not have to be configured in every MQTT extension within a test.
The MQTT extensions can be downloaded from Download and unzip the compressed folder, then follow the instructions in the included PDF to install and configure the extensions.
Dear Support
How can I register in Marketplace?
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in right top corner you should have option to sign up--
Ireneusz Szmigiel