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Store multiple test Result into a same writable.

Charanyasv Posts: 11

I would like to use a writable to fetch values from different tests and write into a same writable. Existing writable settings work fine for fetching multiple data from the same test.

Expected scenario to replicate :

  1. Create a writeable A at the test suite level
  2. Create a new Test 1 by clicking on Add New – Test . I fetch the response values at run time using XML Data bank and store the result in Writable A
  3. Create a new Test 2 of SOAP type. Fetch the run time response value using XML Data bank and store (append) the result in the same writable A.
  4. Create a new Test 3 of SOAP type. Fetch the run time response value using XML Data bank and store (append) the result in the same writable A.

Observation :
1. The values are overwritten in the same Row 1 of the writeable A after each test
Expected :
1. Need to add the results from multiple tests (Test 1, Test 2, Test 3 ) into the same writeable (A) into three rows and append them

I am trying to avoid Extension Tool for this scenario. Let me know if there is any alternative to achieve this.


  • Matt Love
    Matt Love Posts: 101 admin

    Hi Charanyasv,

    Try editing the settings on your writable datasource.
    Make sure to select Standard test modes: Append
    Also select Reset frequency: Per iteration

    Then the Data Bank chained to each test should append to the writable data source instead of overwriting the column.