Execute SOATEST from Rest API thru Eclipse

I downloaded Maven startup project from localhost/soavirt/api location for Soatest V3
When I try to generate sources as mentioned in Readme.text, I'm getting error for dependencies related to V5
import com.parasoft.api.v5.*
import com.parasoft.api.v5.status.messages.StatusResponse;
import com.parasoft.api.v5.suites.tests.messages.TestSuitesRequest;
import com.parasoft.api.v5.suites.tests.messages.TestSuitesResponse;
I'm trying to trigger Soatest from Java code using testExecuteTests(String resource) but unable todo because of above error. can someone help me to resolve this?
The "maven startup" java client is outdated and might be removed later. Instead, there is a new java client available. Please see my response here: Read .tst file using java.