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NOTE: The effects both dotTEST and C/C++test 10.3.x and 10.4.x

The lastest Visual Studio 2017 updates (version 15.8.x - first released August 14th and the two subsequent releases in two weeks since) introduces a defect into plugin API used by the Parasoft Visual Studio plugins. This defect results in the Parasoft plugins and their views not being visible in Visual Studio 2017 IDE.

There is no workaround for C/C++test Professional at this time.

Our Development Team is working on the problem right now as the highest priority and we will release an updated release as soon as we have the problem resolved.

Please notify our support team if you are experiencing this problem and we will update this forum thread as we have more information.

Below are links to the Microsoft release notes for VS2017 15.8.x


  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 0
    edited August 2018

    The following workaround is available for C/C++test Standard (pka C/C++test DTP Engine Plug-in) - this workaround does not work for C/C++test Professional (pka C/C++test Desktop)

    1. Launch Visual Studio 2017
    2. Go to About box and make sure Parasoft plugins are visible in about box. This apparently makes Parasoft menu visible
    3. Open one or more Parasoft views through Parasoft menu> Show View> ...
    4. Close Visual Studio 2017
  • UPDATE: The dev team have resolved the issue and we will have updated versions available on the customer portal at the end of this week.

  • Updated 10.4.0 version was released on Friday. You can download it through our customer portal.
    Make sure to uninstall C/C++test or dotTEST first before installing the latest update.