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Extract the values from Payload request and use in Webpage to display records

soatester Posts: 5

Dear Experts

I am newbie to SOA test. and my requirement(s) are below with Rest Service and SFTP
1) Run a POST method with JSON payload.in Request. Here response will be empty only 204 No content status code appears
2) Automatically launch a web page, and records should display, by automatically taking the values from JSON Payload from Request

1) Run a POST method with a text file (which contains either JSON payload or name-value format) Here also response will be empty only 204 No content status code appears
2) Automatically launch a web page, and records should display, by automatically taking the values from contents of file

Please help.



  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    Run a POST method

    Your first test would use a REST Client tool to perform the POST.

    Automatically launch a web page

    Your next test would use a Browser Playback tool with Navigate action configured.

  • soatester
    soatester Posts: 5

    Thanks! But how can I extract the attributes from Payload and use in launched Web page

  • soatester
    soatester Posts: 5

    Please help

  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    Use a JSON Data Bank to extract the values from the payload. Then in the Browser Playback Tool you will be able to use the parameterized values from the data bank.

  • soatester
    soatester Posts: 5

    Thanks! Can this be done without virtualization? If yes, please let me know.. Am using 9.9 version.

  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    Yes - what we are describing can be done using SOAtest only.

  • soatester
    soatester Posts: 5

    Thanks..will try and share the info..