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Saving Decompression Results

bryancox Posts: 15

Hey Parasoft,

I am testing a REST client that is returning a zip file that I need to use later to verify results. I am trying to use the Decompression Tool. So how do I save the files that the Decompression Tool extracts?


Bryan Cox


  • bryancox
    bryancox Posts: 15

    I ideally I would like SOAtest to:
    For each file in the zip file (they will be csv) -> save the info in each file to a varable.

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018

    The Decompression tool can decompress a document that's compressed with gzip, zip, or deflate compression methods. It can not be used to extract files from a zip archive. For that, you could consider using the External tool to execute an unzip command. For Linux that could be "/usr/bin/unzip" and for Windows that could be something else, like 7-zip. The "jar" command from the java runtime can also be used to extract files from zip archives.

  • bryancox
    bryancox Posts: 15

    Hey Parasoft,

    Thanks for the quick feedback.

    So where do the results of the Decompression tool go?



  • jakubiak
    jakubiak Posts: 815 admin

    To get the results, you need to attach a tool to the output of the Decompression Tool. In this case you can attach a Write File tool to write the decompressed content to disk. But as @benken_parasoft said, if it's a zip file you probably should use an External Tool to decompress the zip file. Once the csv files are in a directory, then you can put them into a File Data Source to enable parameterizing tests with the data.

  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    I'm saying you can't use the Decompression tool. It is not used to extract files from a zip archive. You need to use some other tool to do that, like one of the ones I mentioned.