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How to edit .properties file

StriderX303 Posts: 7


I exported my settings to localsettings file but for some reason when I edit the file to include more information it seems as though the changes are not reflecting back to SOATEST. It is most likely user error but I've searched online and can't find an answer so I'm hoping someone here can help me out. My scenario is below:

  1. Export to localsettings file by going to Parasoft > Preferences
  2. Under Configure Settings I selected the "share" link to bring up the export options
  3. I selected all settings and gave it a name
  4. Inside that properties file were some emails that I've already had set up but when I tried to add more emails to the list by editing the properties file it seems like the added emails do not get sent an email. Even if I edit an existing email it still sends it to the old email instead of the one I edited. It just seems like it's not saving the updated settings that I added/edited at all. The only workaround I have for this if I want to add more emails is to add the emails in SOATEST and export a new properties file again. Any suggestions?

Also, I set up different environments to run my tst files against (QA & Prod). Can I use the properties file to tell SOATEST which environment I want to run the .tst file against? If yes, can someone tell me what I need to do?



  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭
    edited August 2018

    it seems as though the changes are not reflecting back to SOATEST

    Clicking "share" opens a dialog to export some of the preference settings to a properties file. This is a copy of the settings. Making edits to the file is not supposed to "reflect back" to SOAtest in any way. However, you can import settings into another workspace by clicking "import" in the other workspace and selecting the previously saved properties file. The properties file can also used for command line (soatestcli) execution using the "-localsettings" command line argument.

    Also, I set up different environments to run my tst files against (QA & Prod). Can I use the properties file to tell SOATEST which environment I want to run the .tst file against?

    The active environment is not configured in the preferences. There are various ways to configure the active environment. You can specify the active environment in the test configuration you are using, so you could have a different test configuration for your QA environment and your Prod environment. For command line (soatestcli) you can also use the "-environment" command line argument.

  • StriderX303
    StriderX303 Posts: 7

    Thank you for the response. I have one more question about environments. When I use -environment "QA", how do I confirm that it's really running against QA or another environment? The reason why I ask is because when I use an environment name that doesn't even exist (-environment "QA12345) it still runs my tst files without issues. I read that if it can't find the environment name that it'll will use the last active environment but how do I confirm this?


  • benken_parasoft
    benken_parasoft Posts: 1,322 ✭✭✭

    You can trust that the tool works as documented. In other words, if you specify -environment "QA" then please be assured that the environment named "QA" will be activated in any tst files which define that. In general, the HTML report can be used to audit what happened, including the ability to inspect traffic (see here). Aside from that, if you are concerned about making a mistake, where you are running a tst file that doesn't have an environment named "QA", then you can also try passing the -consolelog argument. The console output should have a message like "No environment named QA found. Default environment will be used."