How to upgrade from Concerto to DTP

In order to perform the migration from Concerto to DTP, there are several things you need to consider both before and during the migration process.
Backing up your System
First, before migrating from Concerto 4.x to DTP 5.x, you should back up your Concerto data files as well as your Database to prevent any loss of data.
Creating a Concerto Backup for Windows
- Create a backup directory, e.g. C:\tmp\backup
- Stop the Parasoft Services. To do this:
To do this, right click on My Computer and click "Manage".
In the navigation pane that appears, choose Services and Applications --> Services.
A list of Services will appear. Find both "Parasoft Concerto" and "Parasoft Data Collector" and turn them off. - Copy your Concerto files from the install directory and paste them to your backup directory. For example, copy from the C:\Program FIles\Parasoft\Concerto directory and then past them to C:\tmp\backup\db.
- Restart the Parasoft Services.
Creating a Concerto backup for Linux and Solaris
When you update to Development Testing Platform on Linux, the installation script automatically creates a backup directory and copies the system files there: -u. This backup directory takes the following format: /concertodate_hour/, e.g. concerto070313_092706.
That said, you can still manually backup things prior to the upgrade through these steps:
- Create a backup directory:
mkdir $HOME/backup - Shut down the old Concerto & Data Collector Services:
cd $HOME/Concerto/bin - Run the script and shut down the Server & Data Collector.
- From the menu, select the following options:
- (1) Concerto Server (Report Center, Project Center, Team Server, License Server) [ENTER]
- (1) Stop Service [ENTER]
- q [ENTER]
- (2) Data Collector [ENTER]
- (1) Stop Service [ENTER]
- q [ENTER]
- q [ENTER]
- 5.Backup your Concerto files
- cp -4 $HOME/Concerto $HOME/backup
Backing up your Database
Backing up MySQL
- Log into your Concerto host shell.
- Create a backup directory for the dump data.
- Issue the following command:
mysqldump -u grs -pgrs GRS > grs-dump.sql
The database dump creates a grs-dump.sql text file that contains the table structure in addition to the data. Large databases may take several minutes and require considerable disk space to output the file. For additional information and details, please read the following sections from the MySQL reference manual:
Creating a Database Dump with MySQL Workbench
MySQL Workbench is a simple application for managing your database. You can download the Workbench from the development website:
- Launch Workbench and click Manage Import/Export
- From the DATA EXPORT/RESTORE menu, select Data Export and Restore.
- Select your export options and enter a location.
- Click Start Export.
Backing up Oracle
Please consult your local IT/Oracle Admin for steps on backing up your Oracle Database.
Migrating from 4.x (Concerto) to 5.x (DTP)
On Windows
- Stop the Parasoft services.
To do this, right click on My Computer and click "Manage".
In the navigation pane that appears, choose Services and Applications --> Services.
A list of Services will appear. Find both "Parasoft Concerto" and "Parasoft Data Collector" and turn them off. - Run the DTP installation file (DTP_.exe), accepting the license agreement when prompted.
- Choose the installation directory and set the short-cut option when prompted.
- Review the installation settings and click Install when prompted.
A new installer dialog will take you through the process of uninstalling Concerto. Your files will be migrated to DTP.
You may be prompted to delete data related to Concerto. Choosing Yes deletes everything in the Concerto installation directory. Data not stored in the directory, such as database content, is unaffected. Configuration files are copied to DTP during the installation prior to deleting Concerto files, but you should make sure that you’ve backed up your Concerto installation as a precaution. - Choose Remove when prompted to Uninstall Concerto.
On Linux and Solaris
- Stop the Parasoft services. To do this:
- Open the CONCERTO_HOME directory and run
- Enter "1" at the console prompt to choose the Concerto Server.
- Enter "1" to stop the service.
- Enter "q" after the service has stopped to return to the main menu.
- Enter "2" at the main menu to repeat the shutdown process for the Data Collector.
- Enter "3" at the main menu to confirm that the Services have stopped.
- Run the DTP installation script with the -u option:
./ -u DTP_HOME
...where DTP_HOME is the installation directory of the current Concerto installation. Important Note: You must type the full, non-relative paths for this upgrade command line. Example:
/home/parasoft/dtp , but not ./parasoft/dtp
If you are upgrading to the DTP distribution that includes an embedded database server (Linux-only), the installer runs an additional process to initialize the database. This process cannot be done manually. If the initialization fails during installation, DTP will attempt to initialize the database on service startup.
- When -u completes, run to start Development Testing Platform and the * Data Collector. You can then start the server through these steps:
- Enter "1" to select the DTP Server option from the main menu.
- Enter "1" to select the Run Services option.
- Enter "q" to return to the main menu.
- Enter "2" at the main menu to select the Data Collector option.
- Enter "1" to select Run services.
Opening and Licensing DTP
You will need to license Developing Testing Platform after upgrading. To do this...
Open a web broswer and enter http://hostname (if on Windows) or http://hostname:8080 (if on Linux) in the address bar to access the DTP authorization page.
Enter admin for both the user and password fields and click "Log in". You will automatically be directed to the License Configuration page.
Enter the License code that you received from your Parasoft representative and click Set License.
Upgrading the Report Center/Project Center Database Structure
Report Center verifies the database structure when you log in with administrator credentials after upgrading. (Note: After the initial installation the default administrator user/password as admin/admin. However, this might have been changed if your settings were customized).
To upgrade the Report Center/Project Center database structure, follow these steps:
Click Execute to run the database schema upgrade process. A message will be displayed when it is finished (and Report Center is ready for user).
Verify that Report Center and Project Center functionality and port numbers were preserved. (Note: All customization settings that were set in DTP_HOME/grs/config/*.xml files are preserved during the Report Center upgrade process).
Check conf_update.log in the DTP_HOME/logs/ directory to verify that the configuration updated successfully.
And you're set! Concerto will have been upgraded to DTP and the Database Schema will have been updated to DTP-levels for your current use. If you have any questions or encounter any technical difficulties while performing the above steps then please reach out to Parasoft Support by contacting
Question: is the port 32323 still being used by the 10x Engines + DTP? What is a customer is NOT using Concerto/9.x products anymore then, do they need to keep the port 32323 open?
0 -
DTP DataCollector service facilitates collecting data from both:
- 9.x products - at 32323 port
- 10.x engines - at 8082 port
There is no setting to turn off one of the ports, so they need to be open.