Using Session Tags in DTP
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A Session Tag uniquely identifies results for a test/analysis run and used to distinguish it from similar test runs.
There are three primary use-cases for session tags;
1. when running the same tests/analysis against different branches
2. when running the same tests/analysis in different environments
3. when running the same analysis against different different parts of the same code base, i.e. when breaking down analyzing a large codebases into 'chunks'
(see for more details)
The steps below outline the procedure to implement session tags for the test runs you wish to separate. (Note: this is the implementation for a command line environment as it is necessary to use modified .properties files. More information on .properties files can be found here
- Add a Session Tag to the project's .properties file that will be used as settings when running your tests. This is done with 'session.tag='.
- Run your desired test configuration with this .properties file as the settings file by using the '-settings' switch. For example, with the C/C++Test command line interface:
cpptestcli -settings -config "builtin://Recommended Rules"
- After a test is run using this .properties file, open your DTP web client and navigate to Report Center Settings. Here you will create a new filter to view the results of the test session.
- Create a new filter to display the report from the new test session. Open the filter and add the run configuration marked with the appropriate session tag under 'Add Run Configurations'.
This filter will now show the reports specific to the session tag and will not aggregate with results from the same test configuration and project.