Creating a New Virtualize Java Project in eclipse
H Team,
I am not able to find the path as mentioned in the Parasoft documentation to create the Virtual java project in eclispe(Choose File> New> Project.
Select Virtualize> Custom Development> Virtualize Java Project)
Using Eclipse Java Projects in Virtualize
Creating a New Virtualize Java Project
Virtualize allows you to create a new Eclipse Java project that has access to Virtualize 's Extensibility API, then configure Virtualize scripts and Extension tools to invoke classes from the new Java project.
To create a new Virtualize Java project:
Choose File> New> Project.
Select Virtualize> Custom Development> Virtualize Java Project, then click Next.
Complete this wizard, which has the same options as Eclipse’s Java Project wizard.
Click Finish.
Please help me o this.
"SOAtest Java Project" works for both SOAtest and Virtualize. It effectively does the same as the "Java > Java Project" option but automatically adds the com.parasoft.api.jar to the new project's build path and registers the new project's output directory in the classpath table in the Parasoft preferences so that the classes can be used by scripted fields or Extension tools in SOAtest and Virtualize.