Injecting a Authorization Token to the request automatically
Hi, here is the situation. previously I have create my test scripts and did not have need the authorization token. The project has been moving on and has introduced the "Security Authorization Token". Now, I have this challenge to open each single test and add this parameter and token in the Header. I wonder, if SOATest…
is it possible to use writable datasource to loop thru the inner test Suite.
Hi Team, I have TestSuite1 and TestSuite2. In one of the test client in TestSuite1 generates the input to the writable data source in TestSuite2. will it possible to make TestSuite2 to run based on the data available in writable datasource?? I tried and it didn't workout for me, even though writable datasource has 5 rows…
How to access environment variable in Databank
Hi Team I am using concat function in databank xpath evaluation, where i need to fetch the environment variable value. How to do it? These are the below things i tried. ${soa_env:Environment} ${Environment} Note: Environment is a environment variable. ( I was able to refer in all the test clients.)
Error when running CLI. (I have the CLI license)
I am trying to run my SOATests from the CLI. Let me state my setup. SOATest is sitting on a VM (windows server 2012) with the test suite. I have admin access to the vm. I remote login to the VM and run the following cmd (soatestcli.exe -localsettings "C:\users\myname\Desktop\Localsettings -data "C:\jsf\SOAWorkspace"…
XML Assertor - Need help to find right assertor
What would good Assertor for response I am running a test with Table full of Data inject value to attributes. In Response, I am expecting a Confirmation number for each test. I want to add an Assertor to validate the response. Confirmation format would be "80230ABCD". 80230 is common to all confirmation number. If I want…
Adding Double quotes inside Reg-EX xpath evaluation
Hi Team, I am trying to concat a json string with my json databank result It supossed to be result as {"hashvalue":"hascontentFromXPath"}. As i am not able to pass "(double quote) inside the reg-ex, i just passed single quote get the below result. concat("{'hashvalue':" ,"'","hascontentFromXPath","'","}") ===>…
How to make Data Sheet Path for as environment specific
Data Sheet Path for as environment specific. I have added the the data sheet path as environment variable and trying to access that as data sheet path. It didn't worked for me, is there any way to achieve it?? Scenario: Each excel doc represents each environment.
Connect mongo db using DB Tool
Hi Team, How to connnect to Mongo DB and specially i wanted to use jsql on it. Please help me getting the necessary jar information
Clean Parasoft Registry for dotTEST Visual Studio Plugin
When installing a new version of Parasoft on Visual Studio, it is recommended to remove the old version with the uninstaller since we can only have one version of Parasoft on Visual Studio. However, if the uninstallation is completed but when installing a new version of Parasoft, a error message displays that "Cannot…
Using LoadTest Continuum in DevOps delivery pipeline
Running performance tests as a part of the continuous delivery pipeline is becoming a best practice in DevOps environments. You can start integrating performance tests into the continuous delivery pipeline by adding selected performance tests to Jenkins or a continuous integration tool of your choice and having them run…
groovy autocomplete and calling other groovy scripts
hi is there any way to use the autocomplete (ctrl+space) functionality for the language groovy in external tools? i would like to be able to e.g. see the available methods and attributes of used java classes or my own groovy classes while i code. and is there a guide on how to setup SOAtest (9.10) so i can import groovy…
Custom rule Python scripting interface
Hello, Could anyone tell me if there is there any documentation related to the python scripting interface, what are the node and context variables etc... ? Regards.
While loop using a datasource value
I am creating tests for a rest API. I need to figure out how to have a Test Scenario loop x number of times where x is a value from a previous GET and stored in a writable datasource using a databank. Basically, what I would like to do is the following: * GET number of widgets, store this number (in a writeable DataSource…
Moved: BDD tests in SOATest
This discussion has been moved.
How do I parameterize XML
I'm brand new to SOATest, so this is probably a very basic question. The Rest service that I'm testing requires a unique name in the <name> field, so I'd like to use a date time stamp. At the moment, I have the following XML <service> <name>/registerService/update1</name> <description>service to let implementers to…
LoadTest How to create master /slave with linux
how do i start the loadtest server on a linux machine?
SOAtest 9.10.2 unable to run with JDK 1.8.0_131 or later
Parasoft SOAtest 9.10.2 is not able to run with JDK 1.8.0_131 or later, due to changes made in the JDK beginning in version 1.8.0_131. This has most recently affected Mac users when the new Java version was automatically pushed to their machines. The workaround is to run SOAtest with JDK 1.8.0_121 or earlier. The problem…
Virtualize 9.10.2 unable to run with JDK 1.8.0_131 or later
Parasoft Virtualize 9.10.2 is not able to run with JDK 1.8.0_131 or later, due to changes made in the JDK beginning in version 1.8.0_131. This has most recently affected Mac users when the new Java version was automatically pushed to their machines. The workaround is to run Virtualize with JDK 1.8.0_121 or earlier. The…
Getting SOATest Report thru Email
Hi Team There is situation i need to send the HTML Report of the Test result. Planning to add a last test as Messaging Client and use SMTP option to send email. But would like to know where the HTML test result would be saved in the system. Note: If possible would like to send as that HTML as richtext mail. Regards Udaya
Write file tool - to get the specific values written to the file
Hi there, I have a scenario where I need to write the outgoing response (xml ) of a responder to a file. I tried the write file option but it writes the whole xml response to the file. I am just wondering if there is a way where I could get only specific values from the xml to the file? or how could I read only specific…
Modify Classpath feature in CTP??
Do we have modify classpath feature available in CTP as it's available in SOAtest desktop version.
Is there a way to use a variable in the "Custom column name:" of a databank?
I am iterating over a set of data using a REST GET command. I have an XML databank saving values from the response. I don't know how many responses I will get prior to the test. I run a command that counts the number of responses prior to the test so that during the test, it knows how many responses there will be. I would…
is it possible to run Load Test with Environment Manager or any mode of Continuous Integration?
Hi Team, There is a situation where i have to run the loadtest as soon as the development build is pushed. is there any ctp option to run the loadtest by schedule. I don't see CLI version for loadtest. Regards Udaya
Received fatal alert: handshake_failure
Hi Team, We are getting "Received fatal alert: handshake_failure" error, and we got a solution like updating the eclipse config file -vm argument to latest jvm "C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_144\jre\bin\server\jvm.dll". and opening the test file with the argument "C:\Program Files\Parasoft\SOAtest\9.9\soatest.exe"…
How to use "Parasoft Search" on SOAPClient request?
My goal: identify all tests for which a value is specified in the CardNumber parameter. My first guess was to use Parasoft Search with a regular expression: * Containing text = CardNumber\>\d+\< (a regular expression created and tested with my prefered regex editor) * Check Regular Expression checkbox * Tool type = SOAP…
How to save a response payload to a file
I have a get command that retrieves a series of log files. These get returned in the response data as Compress tar file (byte stream). How can I re-direct this to a file o be saved?
Received HTTP Response Code 400: 400
I am passing inputs from writable datasource but its showing me the below error Received HTTP Response Code 400: 400 in row 1. but all the inputs is correct and request as well I am not missing anything in inputsheet. if i run the samehthing manually its getting passed. can any one tell me the solution?
cppTest 10.x with VS2015 plugin
Hi, Is there any plugin for Visual Studio 2015 for the newer Parasoft cppTest 10.x to run static testing? If not, is there any plan to support the plugin and when can it be released? Thank you.
is there any option to update the System properties at run time?
Actually we are using CTP in a server, where we don't have access to perform the mapping operation in Parasoft--> preferences --> System properties --> add java project or map class file. Wanted to know that any dynamic or script option to use it.
Virtual REST API's
We have an application that has both SOAP API's and REST API's. The SOAP Api's are all accessible and I have used them to create test cases. The REST API's are virtual and so we don't see them in the file system. According to software documentation: "When a request is sent to the REST API, the URL is inspected and compared…
Is there a way to have a specific test run if the test being executed fails?
I have a rest API that I am testing. I would like to run a test that grabs the log files from my server when a test being executed fails, i.e., Test 1 - POST command . Test 1 Fails, GET Logs ELSE . Continue
Is there a way to use the value in 1 databank as a variable in a subsequent databank's XPATH?
I have a GET REST call that gets data and I store that data in an XML databank, for example, a part name (partName). In the next GET REST request, I want to search the data returned and store only that data that is associated with the partName. If I knew what the part name would be, I could code the XPATH to be something…
Is there Limitation on Writable Data Source
what is the limitation on a writable DS? I have a scenario where I call a service and it will return about 60K records. Will a Writable DS be able to handle it? I want to use that data as a comparison to another process downstream. Here is the flow. Service calls a cloud app and the resultset inserts into a DB. another…
Visual Studio 2017 Support
Hi, We are planning to port all projects from VS2013 to VS2017. Is there any roadmap for supporting visual Studio 2017?
how to preview HTML response using parasoft SOA test 9.9
When I try to Execute GET Call using PostMan, I am getting successful response and I can see HTML page content in response. where as when I use the same GET Call url in parasoft via REST Client , I am getting http:307 and header has a redirect url. * can someone help me understand why the behavior is different in Parasoft…
How to use system properties feature in CTP??
As we have system properties feature in SOAtest how to use same feature in CTP. i am not sure whether this feature exist or not in CTP but can anyone let me know.
How to generate Report in CTP for any Job headlessly??
Requirement: Generate Report for any job in CTP without interacting CTP portal. Is there any REST API or URL to generate the report & to send out to different emails. I am looking this in CTP using headless concept.
Assertions In PVN or converting .pvn to .tst files
Hi All , Is there a way I can leverage the assertions in the .pvn response messages. I would like to automatically test and validate the virtual services. If not is there a way to convert .pvn files to .tst files Thanks, Vinoth
Dynamic Think Time
Hi Everyone, Im trying to simulate a service that would be sending out empty "attachments" simulating the live system (where it sends actual attachments with varying sizes) and would like to simulate dynamic ThinkTimes For example, 1. 2 documents, it should send out the response after 2 secs 2. 6 documents, it should send…
How to use SOATest in Eclipse Java/Selenium Project
Hi Team, I have seen an option to add as SOA-Test Jar in Java/Selenium project. I dont see any documentation for it in the help file. Any help would be appreaciatable Regards Udaya
What is the use of Requirement feature in CTP??
I found requirement feature in CTP with type @asset,@task etc... with ID and URL need to be input.Can anyone let me know the use of this feature as such feature is not available in SOAtest.
Assert JSON Response with multiple Rows from the DB
I'm really struggling with getting this to work, I thought this would be an easy use case for the software. However comparing the multiple rows from the JSON response to an equivalent query in the database isn't working. Here's what I've tried: 1. Create a writable data source that will be populated from a JSON databank.…
C/C++ test into VS2010 ?
does anyone know where I can download C/C++ test plugin for VS 2010? Thanks, Jack
Virtualize Community Running standalone
I think I may know the answer but would like to verify. I have the community edition. I would like to execute the command CLI to launch SOATest which would call the "Virtualize" community edition remotely for instance a VM (Virtual Machine). is there a command line script to run the underlining apache server to run the…
Configuring Class Path in CTP. or How to use java in CTP.
Hi Guys, I want to configure classpath in ctp to use java but unable to that. kindly help me.
How to pass array of inputs where array limit is Dynamic and unknown while setting up
Hi Team, Here i encountered a situation where i need to send the data in an array of elements, where i don't know the size of the element. { "cars":{ "Nissan":[ { "model":"Sentra", "doors":4 }, { "model":"Maxima", "doors":4 } ], "Ford":[ { "model":"Taurus", "doors":4 }, { "model":"Escort", "doors":4 } ] } } Also would like…
How to ignore XML Special/Reserved characters in XML Response
Lets take an example where xml response is retrieved from a table. When data is retrieved from table, it used to be adding xml reserved characters. usually it will have < as "<" and > as ">". You cant perform assertion or extracting the value is difficult. We have to use "Transform XML" to the node where we get the data…
How to dynamically create a SOATest workspace and add a project/tst (Through command line)
Hello Everyone I have a query for SOATest 9.7, we are trying to achieve following to test things without any manual intervention when a build/merge happens. Struggling to achieve step 2 & 3. Could someone please help. * On some test machine, checkout latest copy of a SOATest suite from SVN/Git * Create a SOATest workspace…
Browser recording with redirect
I am trying to create a browser recording. I'm having issues because the html page I'm opening redirects to a different url. I’m using Chrome as a default browser. When I try recording from SOAtest I can see that it tries to do the redirect but I’m getting a blank page as a result with the following error: “the…
soatestcli unable to execute .tst that has selenium and dependent modules.
I have created one tst in soatest which invokes selenium and some other dependent jars. If executing through SOAtest everything is working fine but if trying to execute through soatestcli getting errors saying "selenium apis and parasoft apis are missing or not found." Note:I am invoking soatestcli thorugh remote pc via…