How can you use a specific row from a writable datasource in a subsequent test?

I created a writable datasource that is populated with anywhere from 5 to 20 rows of data in a REST GET command. In the next test, I would like to always use row number 5 of the datasource as a parameterized value in a POST command. Is there a way to do this. I have searched the help and have not been successful in finding a way to do this. Thanks
Hi Brian,
If you want to use a specific row from the datasource, the best way to do this that I can think of is to use a scripted value instead of parameterized.
When you click the Edit script button when script is selected, paste this in with Groovy as the selected language:
import com.parasoft.api.*; public String getFifth(ScriptingContext context) { return context.getValues("New Datasource", "test").get(4); }
In your case, "New Datasource" should be the name of your writable and "test" should be the column name.
Hope this helps!
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Yes, this helps immensely, thank you
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context.getValues("New Datasource", "test").get(4);
in "New Datasource" we have to provide the absolute path of the excel workbook
Please correct me if i am wrong.
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Hi Kamit,
For "New Datasource," you do not have to provide the absolute path. Instead, provide the name of the Excel Datasource that you are using for that specific test. In a similar script for the example screenshot below, the line would be
context.getValues("Books", "title").get(4);
Hope this helps!
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in "New Datasource" we have to provide the absolute path of the excel workbook
In data sources, you do not have to provide an absolute file path to an Excel/CSV file. You can use variables. Here are the examples I found in the SOAtest User's Guide:
${project_loc:MyProject}/DataSource/${soa_env:CVS_DIR}/my_csv_file.csv ${test_suite_loc}/../${soa_env:XLS_DIR}/my_excel_file.xls
However, this is something you configure in the data source itself. As Thomas mentioned, in your script you only refer to the data source by name.